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Created July 11, 2014 18:03
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Test Case for errors
\ProvidesClass{rpisudiss}[2014/07/06 Ryan Pavlik's ISU Thesis]
% option doublespacing: Double-space where we would have 1.5 spaced.
% option capstoc: Capitalize chapters in the table of contents
% Technically required if you go by the text of the grad college site,
% but rule inconsistently applied and results painful to read.
\newif\if@isu@capstoc \@isu@capstocfalse
% option capschap: Capitalize chapters everywhere else
% Technically required if you go by the text of the grad college site,
% but rule inconsistently applied and results painful to read.
\newif\if@isu@capschap \@isu@capschapfalse
% option print: Optimize for print rather than on-screen (hide links, etc.)
% Apparently doesn't work right now. Sad.
\newif\if@isu@print \@isu@printfalse
% option tocnumbersections: Number sections in the ToC.
\newif\if@isu@tocnumbersections@ \@isu@tocnumbersections@false
% option tocnumbersubsections: Number subsections in the ToC. Implies tocnumbersections.
\newif\if@isu@tocnumbersubsections@ \@isu@tocnumbersubsections@false
\DeclareOption{tocnumbersubsections}{ \@isu@tocnumbersubsections@true\@isu@tocnumbersections@true}
% option ignoremissingmainmatter: Don't error if we've seen a titlepage but no \mainmatter by the end of the document.
\newif\if@isu@errormissingmainmatter@ \@isu@errormissingmainmatter@true
% option draftcls: adds "DRAFT" and a date/time stamp on the footer.
\newif\if@isu@draftcls@ \@isu@draftcls@false
% option draft: draftcls plus whatever anyone else thinks about draft.
% Forward everything not recognized
% Process options
% Based on report
% had to choose to put this here for tocloft
% Put lot, lof, and bibliography (but not the contents itself) in the ToC
% Basic hyperref - note that backreferences are incompatible with bibtopic (for per-chapter bibliographies)
% Hide links for print
% Apparently doesn't work right now. Sad.
% Nice blue links.
% Indent first paragraph after sectioning things.
% Setup page layout
\geometry{left=1in, top=1in, headheight=0.25in, headsep=0.5in, right=1in, bottom=1in, includehead=false}
% Handle draftcls option placing timestamp in footer and watermarking first page.
\newcommand{\isu@draftfooter}{DRAFT --- rendered \today\ at \currenttime}
% Setup headers/footers - override the plain page style.
\fancyhf{} % clear all header and footer fields
\fancyhead[C]{\thepage} % Always put the page in the center header
\fancyfoot[C]{\isu@draftfooter} % In draft mode, put stuff in the center footer.
% Set up a bool for mainmatter or not.
\newif\if@mainmatter \@mainmatterfalse
% Title page:
% - empty style (no numbering shown)
% - starts the preface/roman numerals
% - gets a PDF bookmark, just because we can.
% backup and set secnumdepth
% Set up sectioning
% \titleformat{command}[shape]{format}{label}{sep}{before}[after]
% Chapter titles:
% - Caps (optional)
% - large
% - bold
% - center
% Section:
% - bold
% - center
% Subsection:
% - bold
% - left-justified
% Subsubsection:
% - bold
% - left-justified with indent
% Apply default spacing
% Needed for toc/lof/lot spacing and headfoot tweaking
% ToC:
% Rename the ToC
\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Table of Contents}
% - Remove parskips from toc (and lof/lot)
% - Single space
% - Page break after
% - TODO: couldn't get pdfbookmark to point to this page instead of the
% first page so it was removed.
% - Add dot leader for chapter levels
% - Prefix "Chapter " to chapter number
% - Adjust indentation of levels
% - Capitalize title entries, if requested
\renewcommand\cftchappresnum{\MakeUppercase{\chaptertitlename} }
\renewcommand\cftchappresnum{\chaptertitlename\ }
% - Remove section/subsection numbers from ToC by capturing
% see idea at
% List of Figures:
% - Single space
% - Page break after
% - Prepend the word "Figure" to the number
\renewcommand\cftfigpresnum{Figure }
% List of Tables:
% - Single space
% - Page break after
% - Prepend the word "Table" to the number
\renewcommand\cfttabpresnum{Table }
% Document division commands
% Command to indicate when we're done
% with preface content - must be called!
% (If we're actually typesetting a full thesis...)
% restore secnumdepth
% Command to indicate we're done with main content
% Verify that we actually got some main matter
\ClassInfo{\@isu@classname}{Full dissertation mode}
\ClassError{\@isu@classname}{Missing \protect\mainmatter\space before your first real chapter!}{Missing mainmatter}
% \ClassError{\@isu@classname}{%
% \protect\mainmatter\space not called in your document expected before your first real chapter}{%
% You need to put \protect\mainmatter\space before your first real numbered chapter, typically your introduction.}
% Title Page
% Temporary: hardcode these values in.
\newcommand\isu@degree{Doctor of Philosophy}
\newcommand\isu@majorline{Co-majors: Human-Computer Interaction; Computer Science}
Judy M. Vance, Co-major Professor\\%
Leslie Miller, Co-major Professor\\%
Debra Satterfield \\ Jonathan Kelly \\ David Weiss \\ Horea Ilies}
\newcommand\isu@copyrightnotice{\\ % Unclear what the spacing between notice and the text above should be.
Copyright \copyright\ \@author, \isu@gradyear.
All rights reserved.}
% Spacing tools
% - used for what the thesis office calls "two blank lines"
% The actual title page layout.
% Note that portions that appear double-spaced in the sample/annotated PDF
% are given the same spacing as the body of the document (1.5 or 2)
\newcommand{\@isu@gottitle}{} % Assume that \maketitle implies typesetting a full thesis, not just a chapter.
\ClassInfo{\@isu@classname}{Generating title page -- assuming we are typesetting a full dissertation.}
\setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % Don't you dare try to indent!
\vbox to \textheight{ % Full-page box to contain everything and stretch everything.
\begin{center} % Center this whole page
\vspace*{12pt} % Designated blank line at the top of the page.
\begin{singlespace} % Single-space this section, we manually add spacing.
\textbf{\@title}\\ % Title in bold
\@isu@maketwoblanklines % "two blank lines"
by\\ % the word 'by', not in bold
\@isu@maketwoblanklines % "two blank lines"
\textbf{\@author} % Author in bold
\vfill{} % let LaTeX decide what "4-6 blank lines" should be.
\begin{\isu@space} % Normal document spacing here.
A \isu@submissiontype\ submitted to the graduate faculty\\
in partial fulfillment of the requirements of the degree of\\
\MakeUppercase{\isu@degree} % Doctor of Philosophy, etc. We enforce caps so they don't have to.
\@isu@maketwoblanklines % "two blank lines"
\begin{singlespace} % Committee is single-spaced, looks like really long majors would be too.
\isu@majorline\\ % "Major: MAJ (CONC)" or "Co-majors: MAJ; MAJ;
\medskip % Unspecified space here, looks like just "one blank line" on sample
Program of Study Committee:\\
\isu@committee % Committee, user-delimited with \\ and user-annoted with ", Major Professor" or "Co-major Professor"
\vfill{} % let LaTeX decide what "7-8 blank lines" should be.
\@isu@maketwoblanklines % Suggest it's a little longer than the other vfill.
\begin{\isu@space} % Normal document spacing here
Iowa State University\\
Ames, Iowa\\
\isu@gradyear % Newline after here, if needed, is in the copyright notice macro.
\isu@copyrightnotice % Copyright line optional if copyright not formally filed.
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