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Created July 12, 2019 20:24
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Make Strings Translatable



Use this style of placeholder for most use-cases. Special characters in the text will be converted to HTML entities.

t('Hello @name, welcome back!', array('@name' => $user->getDisplayName()));

Output example:

Hello Dries, welcome back!


Use this style of placeholder to pass text through drupal_placeholder() which will result in the text being HTML escaped, and then wrapped with <em> tags.

t('The file was saved to %path.', array('%path' => $path_to_file));

Output example:

The file was saved to <em class="placeholder">sites/default/files/myfile.txt</em>.


Use this style of placeholder when substituting the value of an href attribute. Values will be HTML escaped and filtered for dangerous protocols.

t('Hello <a href=":url">@name</a>', array(':url' => '', '@name' => $name));

Output example:

Hello <a href="">Dries</a>
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