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Forked from jasonm23/
Created September 18, 2017 07:38
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  • Save rpbaltazar/cee4e3df1f59986f70dbdc0f8d784e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save rpbaltazar/cee4e3df1f59986f70dbdc0f8d784e38 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Install latest XCode

Generally the commands below will be executed in the Terminal, so let's install iTerm2 -

  • Install Homebrew

    • brew doctor
  • Node brew install node

  • Coffee npm install -g coffee-script

  • Phoenix

    • xcodebuild in Phoenix and install to \Applications
  • Phoenix config fork -

    • view key guide Ctrl + Alt + Cmd + ` (mash backtick)
  • Hammerspoon : see hammerspoon entry in the OpsManager/Book

  • ssh-add / ssh-agent opsmanager keys - get from a senior dev

  • install .zsh.d - cd ~ then git clone

    • brew install zsh
    • which zsh (use the output of this when doing chsh)
    • chsh - set to zsh as located above (almost certainly in /usr/local/bin/zsh)
    • cd into ~/.zsh.d../init
  • scutil --set HostName $computer_name (to fix hostname reporting)

  • RVM (ruby version manager, this will also install Ruby 2.1.1)

    • gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys D39DC0E3 (optional)
    • \curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby=2.1.1
  • install utilities

    • gem install lunchy
    • gem install kramdown
    • gem install story_branch
    • brew install htop
    • brew install chromedriver
    • brew install figlet
    • brew install gist
    • brew install graphviz
    • brew install heroku-toolbelt
    • brew install imagemagick
    • brew install imagesnap
    • brew install pango (this will prompt you to install XQuartz, with instructions.)
    • brew install readline
    • brew install sqlite
    • brew install the_silver_searcher
    • brew install tmate
    • brew install tmux
    • brew install wget
  • install Emacs or Vim or another editor of high quality... (Atom?)

  • install qt - brew install qt

  • Install redis - brew install redis

    • ensure launchd is running redis at startup
    • Grab latest from another dev (NOTE: gzip-ing the dump file will save a few moments)
      • ssh neo@other-dev.local
      • redis-cli then SAVE
      • scp /usr/local/var/db/redis/dump.rdb neo@my_machine.local:~/
    • Stop my Redis lunchy stop redis
    • Import latest dump.rdb to my Redis
    • cp ~/dump.rdb /usr/local/var/db/redis/dump.rdb
  • install postgres - brew install postgres

    • ensure launchd is running postgres at startup

    • Grab latest db from another dev (NOTE: gzip-ing the dump file will save a few moments)

      • ssh neo@other-dev.local

      • backup postgres airdrilling_development db

          pg_dump --dbname=airdrilling_development \
                  --username=postgres \
                  --create \
                  --clean \
                  --column-inserts \
                  --format=t \
    • Import latest airdrilling_development dump from a running Postgres developer instance

    • restore locally

        pg_restore --clean \
                   --no-acl \
                   --no-owner \
                   -d airdrilling_development ${dump_file_name}`
  • Github authenticate

    • add to Developers group
  • Clone opsmanager into ~/workspace

    • cd ~/workspace && git clone
    • bundle and resolve any issues
    • Check login (requires email address)
  • Check new user has email address

  • pivotal tracker - user id and authenticate

  • Run example Jasmine spec - http://localhost:3000/jasmine?spec=dataStore.DailyDrillingReports

  • Overview of Application structure - See the book...

  • Overview of git practices

    • git story
    • git rebase / merge
    • git conflict resolution ... (can be done as-and-when live)
  • Overview of deployment practices -script/deploy

    • git remotes for production and staging (once senior)
      • production
      • staging
  • Overview of backpack command - script/backpack

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