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Created July 21, 2015 20:34
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Annotate hook procedure names in Hopper by parsing Objective C runtime calls
print "--"
print "Renaming Hooks for Current Procedure..."
print "Message from rpetrich: Please use this for good and not evil"
print "--"
doc = Document.getCurrentDocument()
def procedure_end(seg, proc):
addr = proc.getEntryPoint()
currentIndex = seg.getProcedureIndexAtAddress(addr)
nextIndex = currentIndex
while nextIndex == currentIndex:
addr = addr + 2
if seg.getTypeAtAddress(addr) == Segment.TYPE_PROCEDURE:
currentIndex = seg.getProcedureIndexAtAddress(addr)
#print Segment.stringForType(seg.getTypeAtAddress(addr))
#print hex(addr)
return addr
def read_string(seg, addr):
result = ""
byte = seg.readByte(addr)
while (byte != 0):
result = result + chr(byte & 0xff)
addr = addr + 1
byte = seg.readByte(addr)
return result
pending_string = None
pending_class = None
pending_int = None
pending_selector = None
pending_proc = None
pending_getinstance_method = False
seg = doc.getCurrentSegment()
proc = seg.getProcedureAtAddress(doc.getCurrentAddress())
start = proc.getEntryPoint()
end = procedure_end(seg, proc)
for addr in range(start, end):
for ref in seg.getReferencesFromAddress(addr):
ref_seg = doc.getSegmentAtAddress(ref)
ref_name = ref_seg.getNameAtAddress(ref)
if (ref_name is None):
ref_type = ref_seg.getTypeAtAddress(ref)
if ref_type == Segment.TYPE_ASCII:
pending_string = read_string(ref_seg, ref)
#print hex(addr) + "->" + hex(ref)
#print "\"" + pending_string + "\""
elif ref_type == Segment.TYPE_INT:
pending_int = ref_seg.readUInt32LE(ref)
#print hex(addr) + "->" + hex(ref) + " = " + hex(pending_int)
sel_seg = doc.getSegmentAtAddress(pending_int)
if not sel_seg is None:
pending_selector = read_string(sel_seg, pending_int)
#print "@selector(" + pending_selector + ")"
print pending_int
elif ref_type == Segment.TYPE_NEXT:
if ref_seg.getTypeAtAddress(ref - 1) == Segment.TYPE_PROCEDURE:
pending_proc = ref - 1
#print "sub_" + hex(pending_proc)
#print hex(addr) + "->" + hex(ref) + " is " + Segment.stringForType(ref_type)
#print hex(addr) + "->" + hex(ref) + " as " + str(ref_name)
ref_name = str(ref_name)
if (ref_name == "imp___symbolstub1__objc_getClass") or (ref_name == "imp___picsymbolstub4__objc_getClass"):
if not pending_string is None:
pending_class = pending_string
print "objc_getClass(\"" + str(pending_string) + "\")"
pending_getinstancemethod = False
elif (ref_name == "imp___symbolstub1__MSHookMessageEx") or (ref_name == "imp___picsymbolstub4__MSHookMessageEx"):
if (not pending_class is None) and (not pending_proc is None) and (not pending_selector is None):
doc.getSegmentAtAddress(pending_proc).setNameAtAddress(pending_proc, "hook: -[" + pending_class + " " + pending_selector + "]")
print "MSHookMessageEx(" + pending_class + ", " + pending_selector + ", " + hex(pending_proc) + ")"
pending_getinstancemethod = False
elif (ref_name == "imp___symbolstub1__class_addMethod") or (ref_name == "imp___picsymbolstub4__class_addMethod"):
if (not pending_class is None) and (not pending_proc is None) and (not pending_selector is None):
if pending_getinstancemethod:
prefix = "hook"
prefix = "new"
doc.getSegmentAtAddress(pending_proc).setNameAtAddress(pending_proc, prefix + ": -[" + pending_class + " " + pending_selector + "]")
print "class_addMethod(" + pending_class + ", " + pending_selector + ", " + hex(pending_proc) + ")"
pending_getinstancemethod = False
elif (ref_name == "imp___picsymbolstub4__method_setImplementation"):
if (not pending_class is None) and (not pending_proc is None) and (not pending_selector is None):
prefix = "hook"
doc.getSegmentAtAddress(pending_proc).setNameAtAddress(pending_proc, prefix + ": -[" + pending_class + " " + pending_selector + "]")
print "method_setImplementation(class_getInstanceMethod(" + pending_class + ", " + pending_selector + "), " + hex(pending_proc) + ")"
pending_getinstancemethod = False
elif (ref_name == "imp___symbolstub1__class_getInstanceMethod") or (ref_name == "imp___picsymbolstub4__class_getInstanceMethod"):
pending_getinstancemethod = True
pending_proc = ref
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