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Last active April 4, 2024 04:34
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React hook to persist MUI DataGrid column settings
* If argument is a string, try to parse as JSON.
* Otherwise return null.
export function parseOrNull(raw: unknown) {
if (!raw) return null
if (typeof raw === 'string') {
try {
return JSON.parse(raw)
} catch(e) {
console.warn(`Failed to parse: ${raw.substring(0, 50)}`)
return null
return null
import { GridApiPro } from '@mui/x-data-grid-pro/models/gridApiPro'
import { GridEventsStr } from '@mui/x-data-grid/models/events'
import { MutableRefObject, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import { parseOrNull } from './parseOrNull'
* Listens to column-related changes on grid, and saves column settings to local storage.
* Restores settings upon reload.
* Docs:
* SO:
* Usage:
* `
* function MyGrid() {
* const apiRef = useGridApiRef()
* usePersistColumnSettings(apiRef, 'customers-grid')
* return <DataGrid apiRef={apiRef} />
* }
* `
* Note: to persist column visibility, you may need to add the following to grid props:
* `initialState={{ columns: { columnVisibilityModel: {} } }}`
export function usePersistColumnSettings (
apiRef: MutableRefObject<GridApiPro>,
key: string
) {
const initialized = useRef(false)
const storageKey = `${key}_grid-state`
useEffect(() => {
const ref = apiRef.current
if (!ref?.subscribeEvent) return
// Restore state on first ref load
if (!initialized.current) {
initialized.current = true
const raw = localStorage.getItem(storageKey)
if (raw) {
const parsed = parseOrNull(raw)
if (parsed) {
try {
// console.debug(`Restoring grid state for ${key}`, parsed)
catch (e) {
console.warn(`Failed to restore grid state`, e)
const subs: VoidFunction[] = []
const save = () => {
const state = ref.exportState()
if (state) {
// console.debug(`Storing grid state for ${key}`)
localStorage.setItem(storageKey, JSON.stringify(state))
const subscribe = <E extends GridEventsStr> (event: E) => {
subs.push(ref.subscribeEvent(event, save))
return () => {
subs.forEach(unsub => {
}, [apiRef])
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