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Last active April 21, 2019 23:31
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Composing multiple forces and constraints with Random Vertex Sampling
license: bsd-3-clause
height: 250

This example shows how to compose d3.forceManyBodySampled() with other forces and position constraints using the Les Miserables character interaction graph. Vertices repel each other using the Random Vertex Sampling algorithm; edges attract vertices, but the force is stronger for vertices within the same group; constraints confine vertices to rectangular regions based on the book volume that introduced each character; and each rectangular region has a gravitational force that draws the vertices of that region toward its center.

// Copyright 2019 Two Six Labs, LLC. v1.0.0 d3-force-sampled
(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? factory(exports) :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(['exports'], factory) :
(factory((global.d3 = global.d3 || {})));
}(this, (function (exports) { 'use strict';
function constant(x) {
return function() {
return x;
function manyBodySampled() {
var nodes,
strength = constant(-30),
prevIndex = 0,
distanceMin2 = 1,
distanceMax2 = Infinity,
neighborSize = function () {
return 15;
updateSize = function (nodes) { return Math.pow(nodes.length, 0.75); },
sampleSize = function (nodes) { return Math.pow(nodes.length, 0.25); },
chargeMultiplier = function (nodes) {
return nodes.length < 100 ? 1 : nodes.length < 200 ? 3 : Math.sqrt(nodes.length);
rand = Math.random;
function addRandomNode(node) {
var randIdx = Math.floor(rand() * nodes.length),
randNode = nodes[randIdx],
randDist = (node.x - randNode.x) * (node.x - randNode.x) + (node.y - randNode.y) * (node.y - randNode.y),
maxDist = -Infinity,
i = -1;
// Is this already in the list?
if (node.nearest.indexOf(randIdx) >= 0) return;
// If there is room for another, add it.
if (node.nearest.length < numNeighbors) {
// Replace the farthest away "neighbor" with the new node.
while (++i < node.nearest.length) {
currIdx = node.nearest[i];
currNode = nodes[currIdx];
currDist = Math.hypot(node.x - currNode.x, node.y - currNode.y);
if (currDist > maxDist) {
maxI = i;
maxDist = currDist;
if (randDist < maxDist) {
node.nearest[maxI] = randIdx;
function getRandIndices(indices, num) {
num = Math.floor(num);
var i,
n = nodes.length,
cnt = n - num,
// Choose random indices.
for (i = n-1; i >= cnt; --i) {
randIdx = Math.floor(rand() * i);
temp = indices[randIdx];
indices[randIdx] = indices[i];
indices[i] = temp;
return indices.slice(cnt);
function approxRepulse(node) {
var i,
// Choose random nodes to update.
randIndices = getRandIndices(indicesRepulse, numSamples);
for (i = randIndices.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
currNode = nodes[randIndices[i]];
if (currNode === node) continue;
x = currNode.x - node.x;
y = currNode.y - node.y;
l = x * x + y * y;
if (l >= distanceMax2) continue;
// Limit forces for very close nodes; randomize direction if coincident.
if (x === 0) x = (rand() - 0.5) * 1e-6, l += x * x;
if (y === 0) y = (rand() - 0.5) * 1e-6, l += y * y;
if (l < distanceMin2) l = Math.sqrt(distanceMin2 * l);
w = strengths[node.index] * alpha * cMult / l;
node.vx += x * w;
node.vy += y * w;
function constantRepulse(node) {
var i,
// Update the list of nearest nodes.
if (numNeighbors) addRandomNode(node);
nearest = node.nearest;
if (numNeighbors) for (i = nearest.length - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
currNode = nodes[nearest[i]];
if (currNode === node) continue;
x = currNode.x - node.x;
y = currNode.y - node.y;
l = x * x + y * y;
if (l >= distanceMax2) continue;
// Limit forces for very close nodes; randomize direction if coincident.
if (x === 0) x = (rand() - 0.5) * 1e-6, l += x * x;
if (y === 0) y = (rand() - 0.5) * 1e-6, l += y * y;
if (l < distanceMin2) l = Math.sqrt(distanceMin2 * l);
w = strengths[node.index] * alpha * cMult / l;
node.vx += x * w;
node.vy += y * w;
function force(_) {
var i = 0, j = prevIndex, n = nodes.length, upperIndex = prevIndex + numUpdate;
for (alpha = _; i < n || j < upperIndex; ++i, ++j) {
if (j < upperIndex) approxRepulse(nodes[j%n]);
if (numNeighbors && i < n) constantRepulse(nodes[i]);
prevIndex = upperIndex % n;
function initialize() {
if (!nodes) return;
var i, n = nodes.length, node;
indicesRepulse = new Array(n);
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) indicesRepulse[i] = i;
strengths = new Array(n);
// Cannot be negative.
numNeighbors = Math.min(Math.ceil(neighborSize(nodes)), n);
numNeighbors = numNeighbors < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(numNeighbors, nodes.length);
numUpdate = Math.ceil(updateSize(nodes));
numUpdate = numUpdate < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(numUpdate, n);
numSamples = Math.ceil(sampleSize(nodes));
numSamples = numSamples < 0 ? 0 : Math.min(numSamples, n);
cMult = chargeMultiplier(nodes);
alpha = 1;
for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
node = nodes[i];
strengths[node.index] = +strength(node, i, nodes);
node.nearest = [];
while (node.nearest.length < numNeighbors) addRandomNode(node);
force.initialize = function(_) {
nodes = _;
force.strength = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (strength = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), initialize(), force) : strength;
force.distanceMin = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (distanceMin2 = _ * _, force) : Math.sqrt(distanceMin2);
force.distanceMax = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (distanceMax2 = _ * _, force) : Math.sqrt(distanceMax2);
force.neighborSize = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (neighborSize = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), initialize(), force) : neighborSize;
force.updateSize = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (updateSize = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), initialize(), force) : updateSize;
force.sampleSize = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (sampleSize = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), initialize(), force) : sampleSize;
force.chargeMultiplier = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (chargeMultiplier = typeof _ === "function" ? _ : constant(+_), initialize(), force) : chargeMultiplier;
force.source = function(_) {
return arguments.length ? (rand = _, force) : rand;
return force;
exports.forceManyBodySampled = manyBodySampled;
Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true });
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
body {
background: white;
.bars line {
stroke: #333;
stroke-width: 1.5px;
stroke-dasharray: 4px 10px;
.labels text {
font: 12px sans-serif;
text-anchor: middle;
.links line {
stroke: #999;
stroke-opacity: 0.6;
.nodes circle {
fill: #d62333;
stroke: #fff;
stroke-width: 2px;
<script src=""></script>
<script src="d3-force-sampled.js"></script>
var width = 960;
var height = 250;
var nodeRadius = d3.scaleSqrt().range([4, 10]);
var linkWidth = d3.scaleLinear().range([1, 2 * nodeRadius.range()[0]])
var padding = nodeRadius.range()[1] + 2;
var radius = Math.min(width - padding, height - padding)/2;
var xGravity = d3.scaleOrdinal();
var xMin = d3.scaleOrdinal();
var xMax = d3.scaleOrdinal();
var drag = d3.drag()
.on('start', dragStart)
.on('drag', dragging)
.on('end', dragEnd);
var svg ='svg')
.attr('width', width)
.attr('height', height);
var linkForce = d3.forceLink()
.id(function(d) { return; })
.strength(function (d) {
if (d.source.firstVolume ===
return 0.2;
else return Math.pow(0.05, Math.abs(+d.source.firstVolume -;
var forceSim = d3.forceSimulation()
.force('link', linkForce)
.force('charge', d3.forceManyBodySampled())
.force('forceX', d3.forceX().strength(0.01).x(function (d) { return xGravity(d.firstVolume); }))
.force('forceY', d3.forceY().strength(0.01).y(function (d) { return height / 2; }));
d3.json('jean.json').then(function (graph) {
var volumes = d3.set( (d) {
d.firstVolume = (c) { return c[0]; }).sort()[0];
return d.firstVolume;
// Make sure small nodes are drawn on top of larger nodes
graph.nodes.sort(function (a, b) { return b.chapters.length - a.chapters.length; });
nodeRadius.domain([graph.nodes[graph.nodes.length-1].chapters.length, graph.nodes[0].chapters.length]);
linkWidth.domain(d3.extent(graph.links, function (d) { return d.chapters.length; }));
xGravity.domain(volumes).range(d3.range(0,volumes.length).map(function (d) { return width / (2 * volumes.length) + d * width / volumes.length; }));
xMin.domain(volumes).range(d3.range(0,volumes.length).map(function (d) { return d * width / volumes.length; }));
xMax.domain(volumes).range(d3.range(0,volumes.length).map(function (d) { return (d + 1) * width / volumes.length; }));
graph.nodes.forEach(function (d) { d.x = xGravity(d.firstVolume) + width * (Math.random() - 0.5); d.y = height * (Math.random() - 0.5); });
var bars = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'bars')
.data(volumes.slice(0, volumes.length - 1))
.attr('x1', function (d) { return xMax(d); })
.attr('y1', 0)
.attr('x2', function (d) { return xMax(d); })
.attr('y2', height);
var labels = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'labels')
.attr('x', function (d) { return xGravity(d); })
.attr('y', height - 10)
.attr('dy', '0.35em')
.text(function (d) { return 'Vol. ' + d; });
var link = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'links')
.attr('stroke-width', function (d) { return linkWidth(d.chapters.length); });
var node = svg.append('g')
.attr('class', 'nodes')
.attr('r', function (d) { return nodeRadius(d.chapters.length); })
node.append('title').text(function (d) { return; });
.on('tick', tick);
function tick () {
graph.nodes.forEach(function (d) {
// Viewport constraint.
if (d.y < 0 + nodeRadius(d.chapters.length)) d.y = nodeRadius(d.chapters.length);
else if (d.y > height - nodeRadius(d.chapters.length)) d.y = height - nodeRadius(d.chapters.length);
// Chapter boundary constraints.
if (d.x < xMin(d.firstVolume) + nodeRadius(d.chapters.length) + 2) d.x = xMin(d.firstVolume) + nodeRadius(d.chapters.length) + 2;
else if (d.x > xMax(d.firstVolume) - nodeRadius(d.chapters.length) - 2) d.x = xMax(d.firstVolume) - nodeRadius(d.chapters.length) - 2;
.attr('x1', function (d) { return d.source.x; })
.attr('x2', function (d) { return; })
.attr('y1', function (d) { return d.source.y; })
.attr('y2', function (d) { return; });
.attr('cx', function (d) { return d.x; })
.attr('cy', function (d) { return d.y; });
function dragStart (d) {
if (! forceSim.alphaTarget(0.3).restart();
d.fx = d.x;
d.fy = d.y;
function dragging (d) {
d.fx = d3.event.x;
d.fy = d3.event.y;
function dragEnd (d) {
if (! forceSim.alphaTarget(0);
d.fx = null;
d.fy = null;
function distance (d) {
if (d.source.firstVolume ===
return 30;
else return 0.95 * Math.abs(xGravity(d.source.firstVolume) - xGravity(;
{"nodes": [{"id": "TH", "chapters": ["1.4.1", "3.8.9", "5.9.4", "2.2.2", "5.3.3", "3.8.18", "3.8.19", "2.5.10", "3.8.12", "3.8.16", "3.8.17", "2.3.8", "2.3.9", "1.4.3", "2.3.2", "2.3.10", "3.8.8", "5.3.8", "3.8.6", "3.8.7", "3.8.4", "4.6.3", "4.8.4", "2.1.19", "5.6.1", "3.8.21", "3.8.20"], "name": "Th\\'enardier"}, {"id": "MN", "chapters": ["3.2.6", "4.6.1"], "name": "Magnon"}, {"id": "FT", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.2", "1.3.7", "3.6.6", "1.3.4", "1.3.8"], "name": "F\\'elix Tholomy\\`es"}, {"id": "BA", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.4", "4.12.3", "3.4.4", "4.14.1", "4.14.3", "3.4.1", "4.11.4", "4.11.5"], "name": "Bahorel"}, {"id": "BB", "chapters": ["3.8.21", "4.6.3", "3.8.20", "3.7.3", "4.8.4"], "name": "Babet"}, {"id": "BL", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.2", "1.3.8", "1.3.6", "1.3.4"], "name": "Blacheville"}, {"id": "BM", "chapters": ["1.7.10", "1.7.9", "1.5.12"], "name": "Monsieur Bamatabois"}, {"id": "JV", "chapters": ["5.1.24", "5.5.5", "5.5.4", "5.5.7", "5.5.8", "1.5.13", "3.8.18", "3.8.19", "1.6.1", "2.5.10", "3.8.14", "1.8.4", "2.3.10", "5.8.1", "2.8.8", "5.8.2", "4.5.2", "5.8.3", "5.3.11", "2.8.9", "5.3.10", "2.8.7", "2.8.6", "2.8.4", "2.8.1", "1.8.1", "4.3.7", "4.3.4", "4.3.5", "5.6.2", "1.8.2", "4.3.1", "4.3.8", "2.3.8", "1.2.11", "5.6.3", "1.7.11", "5.9.2", "4.3.2", "4.15.1", "4.15.2", "4.15.3", "5.8.4", "3.6.1", "3.6.2", "2.5.8", "3.8.9", "2.5.6", "2.2.1", "2.5.7", "2.5.4", "1.6.2", "5.3.4", "2.5.9", "5.3.2", "1.2.9", "5.3.9", "1.5.6", "1.5.1", "1.5.3", "1.5.2", "2.4.3", "2.4.2", "2.4.1", "4.9.1", "2.4.5", "2.4.4", "1.7.9", "1.7.8", "1.7.7", "1.8.5", "1.7.5", "1.7.4", "1.7.3", "1.7.2", "1.7.1", "1.8.3", "1.2.10", "2.3.9", "1.2.12", "1.2.13", "5.1.19", "5.1.18", "5.9.3", "1.7.10", "5.1.11", "2.3.6", "2.3.7", "1.2.6", "1.2.7", "1.2.4", "1.2.5", "1.2.3", "3.8.8", "5.3.8", "5.3.7", "5.3.6", "5.3.5", "2.5.5", "2.5.2", "2.5.3", "5.3.1", "2.5.1", "1.2.1", "5.1.9", "5.1.4", "5.1.6", "4.4.1", "4.4.2", "5.7.1", "5.9.5", "3.8.21", "3.8.20"], "name": "Jean Valjean"}, {"id": "BO", "chapters": ["3.4.2", "4.12.6", "3.4.1", "4.12.3", "4.12.2", "3.4.4", "5.1.14", "5.1.7", "5.1.11", "5.1.2", "4.14.1", "4.14.3", "4.14.5", "5.1.21", "3.8.15", "5.1.18"], "name": "Bossuet (Lesgle)"}, {"id": "JP", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.14.3", "3.4.1", "4.12.3", "4.12.8"], "name": "Jean Prouvaire"}, {"id": "BJ", "chapters": ["4.6.3", "4.8.4"], "name": "Brujon"}, {"id": "DA", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.6", "1.3.4"], "name": "Dahlia"}, {"id": "BT", "chapters": ["3.3.1", "3.3.3"], "name": "Baroness of T--"}, {"id": "BU", "chapters": ["3.1.8", "3.8.22"], "name": "Madame Burgon"}, {"id": "EN", "chapters": ["4.12.7", "4.12.6", "4.12.5", "4.12.4", "4.12.3", "5.1.21", "5.1.22", "5.1.23", "4.12.8", "4.1.6", "4.14.1", "4.14.3", "4.14.5", "5.1.19", "5.1.18", "5.1.14", "5.1.17", "5.1.11", "5.1.13", "5.1.12", "3.4.3", "3.4.1", "5.1.9", "5.1.8", "3.4.5", "5.1.5", "5.1.4", "5.1.7", "5.1.6", "5.1.3", "5.1.2"], "name": "Enjolras"}, {"id": "SP", "chapters": ["1.8.5", "1.7.1"], "name": "Sister Perp\\'etue"}, {"id": "FE", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "3.4.1", "4.12.3", "5.1.18", "5.1.21", "5.1.2", "4.14.1"], "name": "Feuilly"}, {"id": "BR", "chapters": ["1.7.11", "1.7.10"], "name": "Brevet"}, {"id": "BS", "chapters": ["5.2.3", "5.2.4"], "name": "Bruneseau"}, {"id": "JD", "chapters": ["3.1.8"], "name": "Jondrette"}, {"id": "ZE", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"], "name": "Zephine"}, {"id": "LI", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.2", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"], "name": "Listolier"}, {"id": "JA", "chapters": ["4.12.7", "5.4.1", "1.5.13", "1.5.12", "1.6.2", "4.14.3", "4.14.5", "2.5.10", "1.8.5", "4.15.1", "1.8.3", "5.1.19", "5.1.18", "1.5.5", "1.5.6", "1.8.4", "5.3.9", "5.3.3", "2.4.5", "5.3.11", "5.3.10", "5.1.6", "3.8.21", "3.8.20"], "name": "Javert"}, {"id": "BZ", "chapters": ["5.5.1", "2.2.2"], "name": "Boulatruelle"}, {"id": "GR", "chapters": ["2.8.7", "2.8.5"], "name": "Gribier"}, {"id": "FV", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.6", "1.3.4"], "name": "Favourite"}, {"id": "TM", "chapters": ["2.3.8", "1.4.1", "1.4.3", "2.3.9", "2.3.2", "2.3.3", "2.3.4", "3.8.18", "3.8.19", "4.6.1", "3.8.7", "3.8.12", "3.8.21", "3.8.20", "3.8.16", "3.8.17"], "name": "Madame Th\\'enardier"}, {"id": "LL", "chapters": ["2.4.3", "2.5.10", "2.4.5", "2.4.4"], "name": "Old woman 2"}, {"id": "GP", "chapters": ["3.3.2", "2.1.19", "3.3.4"], "name": "George Pontmercy"}, {"id": "TS", "chapters": ["4.5.3", "4.15.1"], "name": "Toussaint"}, {"id": "EP", "chapters": ["2.3.8", "4.14.6", "4.2.3", "3.8.7", "4.9.2", "4.11.6", "4.2.4", "3.8.11", "4.8.3", "4.8.4", "3.8.16"], "name": "Eponine"}, {"id": "XB", "chapters": ["5.1.16", "4.6.2"], "name": "Child 2"}, {"id": "MV", "chapters": ["3.2.8"], "name": "Madamoiselle Vaubois"}, {"id": "FN", "chapters": ["1.4.1", "1.5.9", "1.5.8", "1.5.10", "1.5.13", "1.5.12", "1.3.3", "1.8.5", "1.6.1", "1.7.1", "1.3.4", "1.8.4", "1.7.6", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.8.1", "1.8.2", "1.8.3"], "name": "Fantine"}, {"id": "LP", "chapters": ["4.1.4", "4.1.3"], "name": "Louis Philippe"}, {"id": "JU", "chapters": ["1.7.11", "1.7.9", "1.7.10"], "name": "Judge of Douai"}, {"id": "NP", "chapters": ["1.1.1", "2.1.10", "2.1.8", "2.1.9", "2.1.7", "2.1.4"], "name": "Napoleon"}, {"id": "TG", "chapters": ["3.5.6", "3.2.8", "3.3.7", "4.5.1"], "name": "Lieutenant Theodule Gillenormand"}, {"id": "PO", "chapters": ["1.8.5", "1.7.4"], "name": "Old woman 1"}, {"id": "PL", "chapters": ["4.9.3", "3.5.4", "4.4.2"], "name": "Mother Plutarch"}, {"id": "PG", "chapters": ["1.2.13"], "name": "Petit Gervais"}, {"id": "SS", "chapters": ["1.7.6", "1.8.1", "1.7.1", "1.8.5"], "name": "Sister Simplice"}, {"id": "GU", "chapters": ["3.8.21", "4.6.3", "3.8.20", "3.7.3", "4.8.4"], "name": "Gueulemer"}, {"id": "CH", "chapters": ["1.7.11", "1.7.9", "1.7.10"], "name": "Champmathieu"}, {"id": "CO", "chapters": ["5.9.5", "2.5.6", "2.4.2", "4.8.3", "2.5.5", "5.5.4", "5.5.6", "4.3.4", "5.7.1", "4.3.5", "5.6.2", "5.8.1", "5.8.2", "5.8.3", "4.15.1", "2.3.8", 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"TH", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "EN", "target": "FE", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.3", "5.1.18", "5.1.21", "5.1.2", "4.14.1"]}, {"source": "JO", "target": "JP", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.3"]}, {"source": "JV", "target": "PO", "chapters": ["1.8.5", "1.7.4"]}, {"source": "MG", "target": "MP", "chapters": ["3.2.8"]}, {"source": "MG", "target": "MV", "chapters": ["3.2.8"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "MO", "chapters": ["4.6.2"]}, {"source": "JV", "target": "PG", "chapters": ["1.2.13"]}, {"source": "MY", "target": "NP", "chapters": ["1.1.1"]}, {"source": "BU", "target": "GA", "chapters": ["3.1.8", "3.8.22"]}, {"source": "BO", "target": "HL", "chapters": ["4.12.2"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "MM", "chapters": ["4.14.1"]}, {"source": "EP", "target": "TH", "chapters": ["3.8.7", "4.8.4", "3.8.16"]}, {"source": "FE", "target": "JP", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.3"]}, {"source": "EP", "target": "TM", "chapters": ["2.3.8", "3.8.16"]}, {"source": "EP", "target": "GU", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "CO", "target": "JA", "chapters": ["4.15.1"]}, {"source": "CR", "target": "GA", "chapters": ["4.12.4", "4.12.3", "5.1.15", "5.1.7", "4.14.1", "4.11.4", "4.14.5"]}, {"source": "CV", "target": "MY", "chapters": ["1.1.7"]}, {"source": "BT", "target": "GI", "chapters": ["3.3.1"]}, {"source": "MA", "target": "MM", "chapters": ["3.3.5"]}, {"source": "FN", "target": "ZE", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"]}, {"source": "QU", "target": "TH", "chapters": ["3.8.20", "4.8.4"]}, {"source": "ME", "target": "MY", "chapters": ["1.2.12", "1.1.2", "1.1.5", "1.1.4", "1.1.7", "1.1.6", "1.2.4", "1.2.5", "1.2.2", "1.2.3"]}, {"source": "FE", "target": "JO", "chapters": ["4.14.1", "4.12.6", "4.12.3", "5.1.21", "5.1.2"]}, {"source": "CO", "target": "FT", "chapters": ["3.6.6"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "JO", "chapters": ["4.14.1", "4.14.3", "4.12.3"]}, {"source": "GU", "target": "JA", "chapters": ["3.8.21"]}, {"source": "BA", "target": "MM", "chapters": ["4.14.1", "4.11.5"]}, {"source": "BB", "target": "EP", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "CO", "target": "MG", "chapters": ["5.6.2", "5.5.4"]}, {"source": "CM", "target": "JP", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.8"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "JA", "chapters": ["4.12.7"]}, {"source": "AZ", "target": "EP", "chapters": ["2.3.8", "3.8.16"]}, {"source": "CM", "target": "JO", "chapters": ["4.14.1", "4.12.6", "4.14.3", "5.1.21", "5.1.2"]}, {"source": "EN", "target": "JV", "chapters": ["5.1.4", "5.1.6", "5.1.9", "5.1.18"]}, {"source": "BO", "target": "CR", "chapters": ["3.4.2", "4.12.6", "4.12.3", "5.1.18", "5.1.14", "5.1.7", "5.1.2", "4.14.1", "4.14.5", "5.1.21", "3.8.15"]}, {"source": "FF", "target": "MI", "chapters": ["2.8.3", "2.8.2", "2.8.8"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "JV", "chapters": ["4.15.2"]}, {"source": "GU", "target": "MO", "chapters": ["3.8.21", "4.8.4"]}, {"source": "JV", "target": "QU", "chapters": ["3.8.20"]}, {"source": "BU", "target": "JD", "chapters": ["3.1.8"]}, {"source": "CR", "target": "HL", "chapters": ["4.12.4"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "JP", "chapters": ["4.12.3"]}, {"source": "DA", "target": "FN", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"]}, {"source": "GP", "target": "MA", "chapters": ["3.3.4"]}, {"source": "GG", "target": "MY", "chapters": ["1.1.10"]}, {"source": "BA", "target": "GA", "chapters": ["4.14.1", "4.11.4", "4.14.3", "4.12.4", "4.12.3"]}, {"source": "DA", "target": "FA", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "GT", "chapters": ["4.12.3"]}, {"source": "BJ", "target": "EP", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "CH", "target": "JU", "chapters": ["1.7.11", "1.7.9", "1.7.10"]}, {"source": "CH", "target": "JV", "chapters": ["1.7.11", "1.7.9", "1.7.10"]}, {"source": "GP", "target": "MP", "chapters": ["3.3.2"]}, {"source": "FE", "target": "MM", "chapters": ["4.14.1"]}, {"source": "DA", "target": "FT", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.8", "1.3.4"]}, {"source": "DA", "target": "FV", "chapters": ["1.3.3", "1.3.9", "1.3.8", "1.3.6", "1.3.4"]}, {"source": "BA", "target": "GT", "chapters": ["4.12.3"]}, {"source": "GA", "target": "XA", "chapters": ["4.6.2"]}, {"source": "BJ", "target": "TH", "chapters": ["4.6.3", "4.8.4"]}, {"source": "GI", "target": "TG", "chapters": ["3.5.6"]}, {"source": "EP", "target": "MO", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "BM", "target": "BR", "chapters": ["1.7.10"]}, {"source": "BJ", "target": "QU", "chapters": ["4.8.4"]}, {"source": "BA", "target": "HL", "chapters": ["4.12.4"]}, {"source": "BO", "target": "FE", "chapters": ["4.12.6", "4.12.3", "5.1.18", "5.1.21", "5.1.2", "4.14.1"]}, {"source": "JV", "target": "MA", "chapters": ["5.9.5", "5.5.4", "5.5.7", "5.1.4", "5.1.24", "3.6.2", "3.6.1", "5.7.1", "5.6.2", "5.5.8", "5.3.7", "5.3.6", "5.3.5", "5.3.4", "3.8.14", "5.3.2", "5.3.1"]}, {"source": "FF", "target": "JA", "chapters": ["1.5.6"]}, {"source": "MA", "target": "MG", "chapters": ["5.5.4", "3.3.1", "3.3.2", "3.3.5", "5.6.2", "3.2.8"]}, {"source": "BL", "target": "LI", 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