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Created November 17, 2009 17:33
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// global to store a reference
// to the timed autoplay slideshow
var autoplay = null
// Slideshow object
var Slideshow = {
inited: false,
// default settings when
// calling
settings: {
transition_speed: 300,
delay: 5000,
list: '#slideshow ul',
handlers: '#handlers span.handler',
active_css: 'active',
play_button: '#slideshow_play'
// initialization
init: function(options) {
// update settings with user-defined
// preferences
$.extend(this.settings, options || {})
var $ul = $(this.settings.list),
$content_width = $ul.width(),
total_width = $content_width * $ul.children('li').length
// set the width of the list to be as wide
// as a combination of all child <li>'s
$ul.width(total_width.toString() + 'px')
// allow the user to interact with the
// slideshow by clicking on a particular slide
var clickHandler = function() {
// wipe out the reference to the autoplay
// adjust the margin based on the desired slide
var margin = $content_width * ($(this).html() - 1)
$ul.stop().animate({ marginLeft: -margin }, Slideshow.settings.transition_speed)
// show the play button to allow
// slideshow autoplay to continue
return false
// bind click handlers
$(this.settings.play_button).find('a').click(function() {
return false
// we now have lift off
this.inited = true
// handles the play button click
playButton: function(button) {
// immediately start autoplay
// hide the play button
// ensure that knows
// we've already inited
this.inited = true
// play the slideshow
// responsible for rotating
// to the next slide
rotate: function() {
var next = $('#handlers span.' + Slideshow.settings.active_css).next(Slideshow.settings.handlers).find('a'),
first = $(Slideshow.settings.handlers + ':first').find('a')
// go to the next slide, unless
// we're on the last slide, then
// go to the first slide
if (next.length != 0) {
} else {
play: function(options) {
if (!this.inited) this.init(options)
// shifts the slides in the order they're listed
var shift = function() {
// next slide, please
// no play button while slides are autoplaying
// recursive call to ensure autoplay continues
autoplay = setTimeout(shift, Slideshow.settings.delay)
autoplay = setTimeout(shift, this.settings.delay)
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