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Created August 22, 2012 01:34
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// Usage:
// $(function() { $(document).autosave(); });
(function($) {
// initialize the namespace with an empty timer
$.autosave = { timer: null };
// NOTE: all actionable methods below provide hooks that you can
// bind to as needed (both before/after hooks are triggered)
// Example:
// => $(document).bind('autosave:beforeSubmit', function() { ... });
// extend the autosave namespace
$.extend($.autosave, {
// defaults
settings: {
// URL the autosaving gets submitted to
url: '/projects/autosave',
// how often we save
delay: 60000,
// the $.data() attr for submitted form fields
dataAttr: 'autosave',
// the DOM ID of the element to show the response
notifyDomID: '#autosave-response',
// fade the autosave response after this long
notifyUIDelay: 10000
// starts the timer to periodically autosave
// based on the specified delay in the settings
watch: function() {
var watch = function() {
$.autosave.timer = setTimeout(watch, $.autosave.settings.delay);
// triggers the initial recursion to start autosave
$.autosave.timer = setTimeout(watch, $.autosave.settings.delay);
// allows the autosave to be turned off (or "paused")
pause: function() {
if ($.autosave.timer) {
$.autosave.timer = null;
// resumes autosave if it was off/paused
resume: function() {
notifyUI: function(msg) {
var notifyElement = $($.autosave.settings.notifyDomID);
if (notifyElement.length > 0) {$.autosave.notifyUIDelay).fadeOut();
// does the actual autosaving
submit: function() {
// collect fields of the following example format:
// => <input data-autosave="true" type="hidden" name="value_one" value="someValue" />
var fields = $.autosave.settings.jqElement.find('input[data-' + $.autosave.settings.dataAttr + ']').clone();
// we only want to submit if we have data to send off
var shouldSubmit = fields.length > 0;
if (shouldSubmit) {
var form = $('<form />');
// add the fields to our form
// submit the data to the server
url: $.autosave.settings.url,
data: form.serialize(),
dataType: 'POST',
success: function() {
$.autosave.notifyUI("Saved successfully just now");
error: function() {
$.autosave.notifyUI("Something went wrong with autosaving");
// the plugin itself
$.fn.autosave = function(config) {
config = config || {};
// grab the jQuery element the plugin was called on
// (used to scope/gather form fields that need autosaving)
config['jqElement'] = this;
// override any defaults with custom config
$.extend($.autosave.settings, config);
// keep the jQuery chaining alive
return this.each(function() {
// trigger the first autosave and set the initial timer
$.autosave.timer = setTimeout($, $.autosave.settings.delay);
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