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Created January 27, 2013 03:22
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Plain Text to BibTeX references converter. Taken from: Original post:
#!/usr/bin/perl -T
# $Id: makebib.perl,v 1.18 2006/02/06 05:34:04 t Exp $
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
use strict;
use CGI;
my $version = "1.01";
my $debug = 0;
my $cgi = 0;
$cgi = 1 if( $ENV{"REMOTE_ADDR"} );
foreach (@ARGV)
if( /test/i )
print STDERR "Test mode!\n";
} elsif( /debug/i ) {
$debug = 1;
} elsif( /cgi/i ) {
$cgi = 1;
} elsif( /version/i ) {
print "makebib.perl $version (c) 2005 Makino, Takaki.\n"
if( $cgi )
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n";
my $cgi = new CGI;
my $query = $cgi->param('query');
print "<html><head><title>makebib.perl Gateway</title></head>\n";
print "<body>\n";
print "<h1>makebib.perl Gateway</h1>\n";
print "<p>Enter citation references below (separate multiple references with two newlines):</p>\n";
print "<form method='post' action='makebib.perl.cgi'>";
my $weborigin = $query;
$weborigin =~ s/&/&amp;/g;
$weborigin =~ s/</&lt;/g;
$weborigin =~ s/>/&gt;/g;
print "<textarea name='query' cols=80 rows=7 wrap=soft>" . $weborigin . "</textarea>\n";
print "<br><input type=submit value='Make BibTeX source!'><input type=reset value='Reset form'></form>\n";
if( $query )
print "<hr><p>Result:</p>\n";
my $origin;
foreach $origin (split(/(?:\n\s*)+\n/,$query))
$origin =~ s/\s+/ /sg;
$origin =~ s/&#8211;/-/g;
my $result = &process($origin);
$origin =~ s/(.{1,67}(?:\s|$))/$1\n /g;
$origin =~ s/\n\s+$//s;
print "<pre> \@comment{ $origin }\n$result</pre>";
print "<hr><p>Generated by <a href=''>makebib.perl</a> $version.</p>\n";
print "\n</body></html>\n";
else {
my $origin = "";
if( $_ )
$origin .= $_ . " ";
else {
my $result = &process($origin);
$origin =~ s/(.{1,67}(?:\s|$))/$1\n /g;
$origin =~ s/\n\s+$//s;
print " \@comment{ $origin }\n$result\n";
$origin = "";
sub process ($)
my ($str) = @_;
# strip excess spaces. Add spaces after commas and periods.
$str = " " . $str;
$str =~ s/(\s(?:[^\:\/\s]|:[^\/\s])*[,.])([^,.\)\s])/\1 \2/g;
$str =~ s/(\s(?:[^\:\/\s]|:[^\/\s])*[,.])([^,.\)\s])/\1 \2/g;
$str =~ s/^\s+//;
$str =~ s/\s+$//;
$str =~ s/\s+/ /g;
$str =~ s/\)([^:\s])/\) \1/g;
$str =~ s/\s([,.])/\1/g;
$str =~ s/([0-9]) ?(-{1,3}|:) ([1-9])/\1\2\3/g;
print "STR: [$str]\n" if $debug;
my @words = split(/ /, $str);
my $i = 0;
my $btype = "book"; # bibtex type
my $bname = "publisher"; # bibtex book title
my $as; my $ae; # author start, author end
my $ts; my $te; # title start, title end
my $js; my $je; # journal start, journal end
my $y; # year
my $p = ""; # pages
my $addline = ""; # additional line
my $addline2 = ""; # additional line
my $comma = -1; # Last comma position
my $peri = -1; # Last period position
my $and = -1;
# Skip the first word if it is a citation tag
$as = 0;
if( $words[$i] =~ /^(?:\[.*\]|\([^0-9].*\)|\([0-9]{1,3}\)|[0-9]{1,3}\.)$/ )
{ $i++; $as++; }
for( ; $i<=$#words; $i++ )
print "OK-1 $i <$words[$i]>\n" if $debug;
if( $words[$i] =~ /^(["'`]+)/ )
print "Quoting found. author finished\n" if $debug;
$ae = $i-1;
if( ($words[$i] =~ /^[a-z]/) || ($words[$i] =~ /[0-9]/) )
{ # words starting from small letters / words containing numbers
if( $words[$i] =~ /^(?:and|&)$/ && $and == -1)
{ # First 'and' encounter
$and = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^al\.,?$/ )
$ae = $i;
elsif( ! ($words[$i] =~ /^(?:von|van|der|de|di|et|al\.,?)$/) ) {
if( $peri == -1 && $comma == -1 && $words[$i] !~ /18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-1][0-9]/ ) {
die "No author found";
print "ordinary word! author has been finished $peri $comma\n" if $debug;
# non-capitalized words suggest that the author is finished
$ae = $peri;
# print "($words[$ae-1]) $ae $comma\n";
if( $words[$i] =~ /(18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-1][0-9])/ )
$y = $1;
$ae = $i - 1;
$i = $i + 1;
else {
$ae = $comma if( ($ae == -1 || ($words[$ae-1] =~ /^(?:and|&)$/) || $words[$ae] =~ /^[A-Z]\.$/) && $comma > $ae );
$i = $ae+1;
if( $words[$i] =~ /\.$/ )
{ # If period found
$peri = $i;
if( $words[$i] =~ /.{2,}\.$/ )
print "more than two letters preceding the period. author finished\n" if $debug;
$ae = $peri;
print "Period!\n" if $debug;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /,$/ )
if( $and != -1 && $i > $and+1 && !($words[$i-1] =~ /^[a-z]+$/) )
print "comma detection more than two words after 'and'. author finished\n" if $debug;
$ae = $i;
print "Comma!\n" if $debug;
$comma = $i;
if( $words[$i] =~ /a(18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-1][0-9])/ )
print "OK-year $i <$words[$i]>\n" if $debug;
$y = $1;
elsif( $words[$i-1] =~ /(18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-1][0-9])/ )
print "OK-year $i-1 <$words[$i-1]>\n" if $debug;
$y = $1;
my $comma_authorend = (($comma == $ae) ? 1 : 0);
my ($title_quote) = $words[$i] =~ /^((?:["'`]|¡Æ|¡Ç)+)/;
$title_quote =~ tr/`/'/;
$title_quote =~ s/¡Æ/¡Ç/g;
print "Begin title search. and = $and, comma = $comma, ae = $ae, comma_authorend = $comma_authorend, title_quote = $title_quote\n" if $debug;
$comma = -1; $ts = $i; $te = -1; my $and = -1;
for( ; $i<=$#words; $i++ )
print "OK-2 $i <$words[$i]> $comma $comma_authorend\n" if $debug;
if( $words[$i] =~ /^and$/ )
$and = $i;
if( $title_quote && $words[$i] =~ /$title_quote[,.]?$/ )
print "Closing quote shows the end of title\n" if $debug;
$te = $i; $i++; last;
if( $words[$i] =~ /,$/ && $words[$i] !~ /^(?:vol|pp?|[0-9]+),$/i)
if ( $comma >= 0 && $comma_authorend )
print "Multiple comma in title search. Assume first comma as the end of title\n" if $debug;
$te = $comma;
$i = $te+1; last;
$comma = $i;
if( $words[$i] =~ /\.$/ )
if( $and < $comma )
$te = $comma;
} else {
$te = $i;
print "Period found. and=$and te=$te\n" if $debug;
$i = $te+1; last;
if( $te == -1 )
if( $comma != -1 ) { $te = $comma; $i = $te+1; }
else { die "Cannot find title!" };
if( $words[$i] =~ /(18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-1][0-9])/ )
$y = $1;
$js = $i; $je = -1;
$comma = -1;
my $colon = -1;
my $lastprocess = $i;
for( ; $i<=$#words; $i++ )
print "OK-3 $i <$words[$i]> $comma\n" if $debug;
if( $words[$js] =~ /^[Ii]n$/ && $i == $js )
print "In collection!\n" if $debug;
$btype = "incollection";
$bname = "booktitle";
$js++ if $words[$js] =~ /^[Ii]n/;
$lastprocess = $i;
if( $words[$i] =~ /^(?:http|ftp):\/\// )
print "URL\n" if $debug;
my $url = $words[$i];
$url =~ s/[,\.]$//;
$url =~ s/([\\~^_%{}\$])/\\$1/g;
$addline2 .= ", \n url = \"$url\"";
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /(?:[Ee]ds?\.|[Ee]ditors?)/ )
print "editor\n" if $debug;
if( $words[$i] =~ /,$/ )
{ # In ***, eds., +++.
$addline .= " editor = \"" . &nameprocess(join(' ',@words[$js..$i-1])) . "\",\n";
$js = $i+1; $je = -1;
else { # In +++, ***, eds.
my $j = $js;
my $fc = -1; # first comma
for( $j = $js; $j < $i; $j++ )
$fc = -1 if ( $words[$j] =~ /^[a-z]/ && $words[$j] !~ /van|der|von|de|et|al\.|and/);
$fc = $j if ( $fc == -1 && $words[$j] =~ /,$/ );
if( $fc != -1 ) {
$addline .= " editor = \"" . &nameprocess(join(' ',@words[$fc+1..$i-1])) . "\",\n";
$je = $fc;
} else { # In ***, eds. +++.
$addline .= " editor = \"" . &nameprocess(join(' ',@words[$js..$i-1])) . "\",\n";
$js = $i+1; $je = -1;
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /\b(18[0-9][0-9]|19[0-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])\b/ && ($comma == $i-1 || $words[$i] =~ /^\([0-9]*\)$/ || $words[$i-1] =~ /^(?:Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|June?|July|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)$/))
print "yearmonth\n" if $debug;
($y) = ($words[$i] =~ /\b(1[89][0-9][0-9]|20[0-9][0-9])\b/);
$je = $i-1 if( $je == -1 );
if( $words[$i-1] =~ /^(Jan(?:uary)?|Feb(?:ruary)?|Mar(?:ch)?|Apr(?:il)?|May|June?|July|Aug(?:ust)?|Sep(?:tember)?|Oct(?:ober)?|Nov(?:ember)?|Dec(?:ember)?)\.?$/ )
my $x = substr($1, 0, 3);
$x =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$addline .= " month = $x,\n";
$je-- if ( $je == $i-1 );
$comma = $i if $words[$i] =~ /[,.)]$/;
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*(?:-{1,3}|\?)[1-9][0-9]*)[,\.]?$/ && $comma == $i-1 )
print "rawpage\n" if $debug;
if( ! $p )
$p = $1;
$p =~ s/[,\.]$//; # chop trailing punct
$je = $i-1 if( $je == -1 || ($comma == $i-1 && $words[$je] =~ /\.$/));
$lastprocess = $i;
$comma = $i if( $words[$i] =~ /[,.]$/ );
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^\(?(?:pp?\.|pages?)$/ )
print "PP!\n" if $debug;
$p = $words[$i+1];
$p =~ s/[\),\.]*$//; # chop trailing punct
$p =~ s/(?:-+|\?)/--/; # convert hyphen
$je = $i-1 if( $je == -1 );
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^(vol\.|volume)$/i )
print "volume! -> " . $words[$i+1] . "\n" if $debug;
if( $btype eq "book" ) { $btype = "article"; $bname = "journal"; }
my $v = $words[$i+1];
$v =~ s/[,\.]$//; # chop trailing punct
if( $v =~ /(.*)\((.*)\)/ )
$addline .= " volume = \"$1\",\n" .
" number = \"$2\",\n" ;
else {
$addline .= " volume = \"$v\",\n";
$je = $i-1 if( $je == -1 );
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( ! $y && ($words[$i] =~ /^\(((?:18|19|20)[0-9]*)\)[,.]?$/ ) || ($str !~ /\((?:18|19|20)[0-9]*\)/ && ($words[$i] =~ /^((?:18|19|20)[0-9]*)[,.]?$/ )))
print "Year\n" if $debug;
$y = $1;
$comma = $i if $words[$i] =~ /[,.)]$/;
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^[0-9\(][-0-9\/\(\)\:\?]*[,\.]?$/ && ($words[$i] =~ /:/ || $comma == $i-1 || ($btype eq "book" && $je != -1)))
print "jnl! $btype $js $je\n" if $debug;
if( $btype eq "book" ) { $btype = "article"; $bname = "journal"; }
if( $words[$i] =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*)?(?:\(([1-9][0-9\/]*)\))?:([1-9][0-9-]*)[,.]?$/ ) {
$addline .= " volume = \"$1\",\n" if $1;
$addline .= " volume = \"$2\",\n" if !$1;
$addline .= " number = \"$2\",\n" if $1 && $2;
$p = $3;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^([1-9][0-9]*)\(([1-9][0-9\/]*)\)[,.]?$/ ) {
$addline .= " volume = \"$1\",\n number = \"$2\",\n";
else {
my ($digits) = $words[$i] =~ /^([^,\(\)\:]*)[,.]?$/;
if( $digits =~ /[0-9]{5,}/ )
{ # PRL cheat;
$p = $digits;
} elsif( $addline =~ /volume = "/ ) {
$addline .= " number = \"$digits\",\n";
} else {
$addline .= " volume = \"$digits\",\n";
$je = $i-1 if( $je == -1 || ($words[$je] =~ /\.$/) );
$comma = $i if( $words[$i] =~ /[,.]$/ );
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( ! $y && ($words[$i] =~ /^\(([1-9][0-9]*)\)[,.]?$/ ) )
print "Number\n" if $debug;
$addline .= " number = \"$1\",\n";
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /^[1-9][-0-9\(\)\:]*[,]?$/ ) { print "NO JNL! $i $comma\n" if $debug; $comma = $i if $words[$i] =~ /,$/; }
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /[,\.]$/ && $colon > $lastprocess && $je > 0 )
print "address&publisher\n" if $debug;
my $addresspub = join(' ',@words[$lastprocess+1..$i]);
my ($address, $publisher) = $addresspub =~
$address =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$publisher =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
$addline .= " address = \"$address\",\n";
$addline .= " publisher = \"$publisher\",\n";
$colon = 0;
$lastprocess = $i;
elsif( $words[$i] =~ /\.$/ )
if( $je == -1 || $je == $i-1 && $words[$i-1] =~ /\.$/) {
print "period - journal end\n" if $debug;
$je = $i;
$lastprocess = $i;
else {
print "period - unknown\n" if $debug;
$comma = $i;
else {
print "no match\n" if $debug;
if( $words[$i] =~ /:/ )
{ # Colon may indicate publisher and address.
$colon = $i;
if( $words[$i] =~ /,$/ )
$comma = $i;
my $processauthor = &nameprocess(join(' ',@words[$as..$ae]));
my ($bibkey) = $processauthor =~ /([A-Z][-A-Za-z]+)(?:,| and|$)/;
$bibkey .= $y;
if( $words[$ts] =~ /^(a|an|the)$/i && $ts < $te ) { $bibkey .= $words[$ts+1]; }
else {
$bibkey .= $words[$ts];
my $tss = $ts;
while( $tss < $te && $words[$tss] =~ /^(a|an|the|in|on|at|from|with|to|of|as|by)$/i )
$bibkey .= $words[++$tss];
$bibkey =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
$bibkey =~ tr/a-z0-9//cd;
my $title = join(' ',@words[$ts..$te]);
$title =~ s/[,.]$//;
$title =~ s/^\"(.*?)(,.)?\"$/$1/;
$title =~ s/^\'(.*?)(,.)?\'$/$1/;
$title =~ s/^``(.*?)(,.)?''$/$1/;
$title =~ s/^`(.*?)(,.)?'$/$1/;
$title =~ s/^(?:¡Æ){1,2}(.*?)(,.)?(?:¡Ç){1,2}$/$1/;
my $book = join(' ',@words[$js..$je]);
$book =~ s/[,.]$//;
$p =~ s/-+/--/g;
if( $btype eq "book" )
if( $book =~ /Tech[^ ]* Report/i )
$btype = "techreport";
$bname = "type";
if( $book =~ s/, (.*)$// ) {
$addline .= " institution = \"$1\",\n";
if( $book =~ s/ ([-\.A-Z0-9 ]+)$// ) {
$addline .= " number = \"$1\",\n";
my $result =
"\@$btype\{$bibkey,\n" .
" author = \"" . $processauthor . "\",\n".
" title = \"" . &keepcap($title) . "\",\n";
$result .= " $bname = \"" . &keepcap($book) . "\",\n" if $js <= $je;
$result .= $addline;
$result .= " pages = \"$p\",\n" if $p;
$result .= " year = $y$addline2\n";
$result .= "}\n";
return $result;
sub nameprocess ($)
my ($str) = @_;
$str =~ s/[:,]$//;
$str =~ s/et al\./and others/g;
$str =~ s/([a-z])\.$/$1/;
$str =~ s/, ([Jj]r)/##$1/g;
$str =~ s/,? (?:&|and) /&/g;
$str =~ s/^([^ &]+ [^,&]+), /$1&/;
while($str =~ s/(&(?:[a-z\.]+ )*[A-Z][^ &]+ [^,&]+), /$1&/) { }
$str =~ s/\s*&\s*/ and /g;
$str =~ s/##/, /g;
return $str;
sub keepcap ($)
my ($str) = @_;
if( $str =~ /\s(?!(?:in|on|at|by|with|to|of|for|from|as|and|or|the|a|an)\b)[a-z]/ )
{ # STR contains small words; head-capital words should be kept
$str =~ s/(\s[^A-Za-z]*|-)([a-z]*[A-Z][A-Za-z]*)/$1\{$2\}/g;
else { # only oddly capitalized words should be kept
$str =~ s/(\s[^A-Za-z]*)([A-Za-z]+[A-Z][A-Za-z]*)/$1\{$2\}/g;
return $str;
sub test
my @tests = &testdata;
my $error = 0;
my $count = 0;
while( @tests )
my $testdata = shift @tests;
my $teacher = shift @tests;
my $result = process( $testdata );
chomp $teacher; chomp $result;
$teacher =~ s/ +$//mg;
$result =~ s/ +$//mg;
my $steacher = join('\n',sort {$a cmp $b} (split('\n',$teacher)));
my $sresult = join('\n',sort {$a cmp $b} (split('\n',$result)));
if( $steacher ne $sresult )
print "Test fail!\n";
print "Test data:\n$testdata\n\n";
print "Correct output:\n$teacher\n";
print "Actual output:\n$result\n";
$debug = 1; process( $testdata ); $debug = 0;
print "$error error(s) in $count tests.\n";
sub testdata
return (
"Tester, M. and Ikeda, T. Examples of testing models in game tests. Physica D, 136, 123--456. 1897.",
author = "Tester, M. and Ikeda, T.",
title = "Examples of testing models in game tests",
journal = "Physica D",
volume = "136",
pages = "123--456",
year = 1897
"Takaki Mackino, Yosuke Testo, Ichiro Hanasawa, and Jun-ya Tuji. Example-code test of feature structures. In Moge Poepen, Dan Rass, Jun-ya Tuji, and Hans Azimov, editors, Collaborative Example Testing: A Test Study in Testing Example-based Testing. CSLI Publications, Stanford, CA, March 2099.",
author = "Takaki Mackino and Yosuke Testo and Ichiro Hanasawa and Jun-ya Tuji",
title = "Example-code test of feature structures",
booktitle = "Collaborative Example Testing: A Test Study in Testing Example-based Testing",
editor = "Moge Poepen and Dan Rass and Jun-ya Tuji and Hans Azimov",
month = mar,
year = 2099
"Newton, Isaac, van der Waars, Macky, Strauss, Jr., John et al., The Test Test Test. Temporal, 245, 222-223, 2000.",
author = "Newton, Isaac and van der Waars, Macky and Strauss, Jr., John and others",
title = "The Test Test Test",
journal = "Temporal",
volume = "245",
pages = "222--223",
year = 2000
"Johnson, J. J., Pringles, A. V. M. (1915). Rapid local testization of test examples: Toward investigation with paired test-and-test tests. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 93:3655- 3662.",
author = "Johnson, J. J. and Pringles, A. V. M.",
title = "Rapid local testization of test examples: {Toward} investigation with paired test-and-test tests",
journal = "Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA",
volume = "93",
pages = "3655--3662",
year = 1915
"S. R. Campfire, D. Wong & C. Abdacadabra, Stroyer and destroyer in test-and-test examples, Neural investigation, vol.13, pp.595-619, 2099.",
author = "S. R. Campfire and D. Wong and C. Abdacadabra",
title = "Stroyer and destroyer in test-and-test examples",
journal = "Neural investigation",
volume = "13",
pages = "595--619",
year = 2099
"H. Hanakai and T. Itoh, testization phenomena in test-paired structures driven by spice-train inputs, IEEE Trans. Neural Networks, 11, 2, pp. 33-35 (2001)",
author = "H. Hanakai and T. Itoh",
title = "testization phenomena in test-paired structures driven by spice-train inputs",
journal = "IEEE Trans. Neural Networks",
volume = "11",
number = "2",
pages = "33--35",
year = 2001
"M. Time, F. Tiger, and T. Guitar. Example of regular and irregular examples in complex structures of test-paired examples. Phys. Rev. Lett., 80(25):299999 (2000).",
author = "M. Time and F. Tiger and T. Guitar",
title = "Example of regular and irregular examples in complex structures of test-paired examples",
journal = "Phys. Rev. Lett.",
volume = "80",
number = "25",
pages = "299999",
year = 2000
"Hogella, R.E., and Scharaka, S.H. 1993. Testization of test-paired biological examples. SIAM J. Appl. Math. 44: 164-166",
author = "Hogella, R. E. and Scharaka, S. H.",
title = "Testization of test-paired biological examples",
journal = "SIAM J. Appl. Math",
volume = "44",
pages = "164--166",
year = 1993,
url = "\_World.pdf"
'Examples Z. Tests, "Fast demonstration of spice examples to periodic tests in testing structures", Physical Review Letters, 88, 258102 (2082).',
author = "Examples Z. Tests",
title = "Fast demonstration of spice examples to periodic tests in testing structures",
journal = "Physical Review Letters",
volume = "88",
pages = "258102",
year = 2082
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