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Last active July 22, 2024 12:56
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Drizzle snippets
// Credits to Louistiti from Drizzle Discord:
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
const clearDb = async (): Promise<void> => {
const query = sql<string>`SELECT table_name
FROM information_schema.tables
WHERE table_schema = 'public'
AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE';
const tables = await db.execute(query);
// @LauraKirby
for (let table of tables.rows) {
const query = sql.raw(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${table.table_name} CASCADE;`);
await db.execute(query);
// previous version
// for (let table of tables) {
// const query = sql.raw(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${table.table_name} CASCADE;`);
// await db.execute(query);
// }
import { sql } from "drizzle-orm";
import { type Logger } from "drizzle-orm/logger";
import { drizzle, type PostgresJsDatabase } from "drizzle-orm/postgres-js";
import postgres from "postgres";
class QueryLogger implements Logger {
logQuery(query: string, params: unknown[]): void {
const client = postgres(process.env.DATABASE_URL!);
export const db = drizzle(client, { logger: new QueryLogger() });
import {
type AnyColumn,
type SQL,
type InferSelectModel,
} from "drizzle-orm";
import {
type SelectedFields,
type PgTable,
type TableConfig,
} from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";
import { type SelectResultFields } from "node_modules/drizzle-orm/query-builders/select.types";
export function jsonBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields>(shape: T) {
const chunks: SQL[] = [];
Object.entries(shape).forEach(([key, value]) => {
if (chunks.length > 0) {
// json_build_object formats to ISO 8601 ...
if (is(value, PgTimestampString)) {
chunks.push(sql`timezone('UTC', ${value})`);
} else {
return sql<SelectResultFields<T>>`coalesce(json_build_object(${sql.join(
)}), '{}')`;
export function jsonAggBuildObject<
T extends SelectedFields,
Column extends AnyColumn
shape: T,
options?: { orderBy?: { colName: Column; direction: "ASC" | "DESC" } }
) {
return sql<SelectResultFields<T>[]>`coalesce(jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(
? sql`order by ${options.orderBy.colName} ${sql.raw(
: undefined
}), '${sql`[]`}')`;
// with filter non-null + distinct
export function jsonAgg<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return coalesce<GetColumnData<Column, "raw">[]>(
sql`json_agg(distinct ${sql`${column}`}) filter (where ${column} is not null)`,
// generalist
export function jsonAgg<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return coalesce<GetColumnData<Column, "raw">[]>(
// Sometimes you want an array and not a json
export function arrayAgg<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return sql<
GetColumnData<Column, "raw">[]
>`array_agg(distinct ${sql`${column}`}) filter (where ${column} is not null)`;
// To be completed
type PGCastTypes = "uuid" | "uuid[]" | "text" | "text[]";
type PGArrayCastTypes = {
[P in PGCastTypes]: P extends `${infer _T}[]` ? P : never;
// Transform an array of values (from a function params) into a postgres array
export function toArray<Values>(values: Values[], cast: PGArrayCastTypes) {
const chunks: SQL[] = [];
values.forEach((column) => {
if (chunks.length > 0) {
return sql`array[${sql.join(chunks)}]::${sql.raw(cast)}`;
// exemple:
await db
// from Drizzle
// you use it like that:
const result = await db
// keep only what you need from table theme
themes: jsonAggBuildObject({
label: theme.label,
.leftJoin(postsThemes, eq(postsThemes.theme_id, post.theme_id))
.leftJoin(theme, eq(, postsThemes.theme_id))
import {
type AnyColumn,
type SQL,
type InferSelectModel,
} from "drizzle-orm";
import {
type SelectedFields,
type PgTable,
type TableConfig,
} from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";
import { type SelectResultFields } from "node_modules/drizzle-orm/query-builders/select.types";
export function takeFirst<T>(items: T[]) {
export function takeFirstOrThrow<T>(items: T[]) {
const first = takeFirst(items);
if (!first) {
throw new Error("First item not found");
return first;
export function distinct<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return sql<Column["_"]["data"]>`distinct(${column})`;
export function distinctOn<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return sql<Column["_"]["data"]>`distinct on (${column}) ${column}`;
export function max<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return sql<Column["_"]["data"]>`max(${column})`;
export function count<Column extends AnyColumn>(column: Column) {
return sql<number>`cast(count(${column}) as integer)`;
* Coalesce a value to a default value if the value is null
* Ex default array: themes: coalesce(pubThemeListQuery.themes, sql`'[]'`)
* Ex default number: votesCount: coalesce(PubPollAnswersQuery.count, sql`0`)
export function coalesce<T>(value: SQL.Aliased<T> | SQL<T>, defaultValue: SQL) {
return sql<T>`coalesce(${value}, ${defaultValue})`;
type Unit = "minutes" | "minute";
type Operator = "+" | "-";
export function now(interval?: `${Operator} interval ${number} ${Unit}`) {
return sql<string>`now() ${interval || ""}`;
// example where type is { id: string; type: 'document' | 'image' }
// eq(eqJsonb(, {
// id: 'some value',
// type: "document",
// }))
export function eqJsonb<T extends PgColumn>(
column: T,
value: Partial<GetColumnData<T, "raw">>
) {
return sql`${column} @> ${value}`;
// Select a JSONB field
// example:
// const results = await db
// .select({
// myField: pickJsonbField<
// MyDataType, // the one you use for jsonb("data").$type<MyDataType>().notNull(),
// "fieldKey" // one of MyDataType
// >(, "fieldKey"),
// })
export function pickJsonbField<
K extends keyof U,
T extends PgColumn = PgColumn
>(column: T, field: K, cast?: "uuid") {
return sql<U[K]>`((${column}->${field})${
cast ? sql.raw(`::${cast}`) : undefined
// .where(inJsonArray(subQueryWithJsonAggregate.anArray, "keyName", [valueFromParams]))
export function inJsonArray<T extends SQL.Aliased<unknown[]>>(
jsonArray: T,
key: keyof T["_"]["type"][number],
values: string[]
) {
const element = sql.raw(`${String(key)}_array_element`);
return sql`EXISTS (
FROM jsonb_array_elements(${jsonArray}) AS ${element}
WHERE ${inArray(sql`${element}->>${key}`, values)}
// Like getTableColumns but for sub queries
function getSubQueryColumns<S extends ColumnsSelection, A extends string>(
subQuery: SubqueryWithSelection<S, A> | WithSubqueryWithSelection<S, A>
) {
const { selection } = (subQuery as any)[SubqueryConfig] as {
selection: (typeof subQuery)["_"]["selectedFields"];
return selection;
export type InferSubQueryModel<T extends SQL.Aliased> = T["_"]["type"];
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rphlmr commented Aug 20, 2023

Hello, thanks.

I should delete this transaction snippet since transactions are now part of Drizzle.

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fnimick commented Sep 4, 2023

Hm, I ran into a couple gotchas with these:

  • the jsonAgg variant with filter (where ${table} is not null) doesn't seem to work in my postgres testing - the table filter always filters out all results. I ended up modifying it to take a separate filter param which allows me to specify e.g. an id column, which works fine.
  • jsonAgg doesn't work when you have table property names which differ from the underlying postgres name - the returned type has the property name definition, but the object at runtime has the column name from postgres. This is an issue for e.g. a case where you have camelCase properties and snake_case columns.

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rphlmr commented Oct 16, 2023


  • Add coalesce helper (return a non null value or a default one)
  • Enhance jsonAggBuildObject. The shape is now of the same type as select args (can take sql, a column, etc)

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LauraKirby commented Oct 17, 2023

For the "clearDb" function, I ran into an issue where tables was not iterable. After looking at the query result, I noticed that I needed to access the tables.rows to get the table names. See actual error message and fix below.

Error Message: Type 'QueryResult<Record<string, unknown>>' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.


          for (let table of tables.rows) {
            const query = sql.raw(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${table.table_name} CASCADE;`);
            await db.execute(query);

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rphlmr commented Oct 19, 2023


  • now helper. Can takes an interval to add minutes to now

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rphlmr commented Oct 19, 2023

For the "clearDb" function, I ran into an issue where tables was not iterable. After looking at the query result, I noticed that I needed to access the tables.rows to get the table names. See actual error message and fix below.

Error Message: Type 'QueryResult<Record<string, unknown>>' must have a '[Symbol.iterator]()' method that returns an iterator.


          for (let table of tables.rows) {
            const query = sql.raw(`TRUNCATE TABLE ${table.table_name} CASCADE;`);
            await db.execute(query);

Thx @LauraKirby , I have updated the gist with both solutions.

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rphlmr commented Dec 6, 2023

Add new helpers for jsonb cols + little rework on jsonAggBuildObject (deep example

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rphlmr commented Dec 12, 2023

Update: a better inJsonArray using drizzle built-in helper + taking an array of values

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rphlmr commented Jan 29, 2024

Update: json_build_object format timestamp to ISO 8601. It removes the z from the string and JS is no longer able to know it is a timestamp.

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madebyfabian commented Feb 1, 2024

Thank you very much for providing these utils! @rphlmr
I tried to do something like this:

  slug: locations.slug,
  type: locations.type,
  geoPoint: locations.geoPoint,
  distance: sql<number>`${locations.geoPoint} <-> ST_MakePoint(${49.1}, ${11.1})::geography`.as('distance'),

which does not work (errors column \"distance\" does not exist) because it does not use the sql to generate the object, it just returns the column name.

The returning sql:

# ...
  'id', "locations"."id", 
  'name', "locations"."name", 
  'slug', "locations"."slug", 
  'type', "locations"."type", 
  'geoPoint', "locations"."geo_point", 
  'distance', "distance" # <- the custom sql is missing here
# ...

I am trying to figure out how I could make this work, do you have an idea? I'm not a drizzle expert unfortunately.

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rphlmr commented Feb 1, 2024

@madebyfabian I would try to wrap it with parentheses.

distance: sql<number>`(${locations.geoPoint} <-> ST_MakePoint(${49.1},${11.1})::geography)`.as('distance')

The idea is to try if a sub request could work here.

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@rphlmr Thanks! This returns the same error with the missing sql code unfortunately. I just solved it by removing the .as('distance') part though.

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rphlmr commented Feb 1, 2024

Thanks for reporting back!

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mjakl commented Mar 24, 2024

I had to do a few modifications to the clearDb script:

  • introduced a type (TableNameRow)
  • had to quote the table name in TRUNCATE

Here's the full script (working with Drizzle 0.30.4 using the postgres driver (3.4.4):

type TableNameRow = {
  table_name: string;

export const clearDatabase = async () => {
  const query = sql<TableNameRow>`SELECT table_name
      FROM information_schema.tables
      WHERE table_schema = 'public'
        AND table_type = 'BASE TABLE';

  const tables = await db.execute<TableNameRow>(query);

  for (const table of tables) {
    const query = sql.raw(`TRUNCATE TABLE "${table.table_name}" CASCADE;`);
    await db.execute(query);

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timalander commented Apr 2, 2024

Hey @rphlmr - thank you for sharing these scripts!

Is there a way to have jsonAddBuildObject return an empty array if it is selecting from null values on a leftJoin?


const projectsQuery = db
      client: {
      docs: jsonAggBuildObject({
      actuals: jsonAggBuildObject({
      estimates: jsonAggBuildObject({
    .innerJoin(ClientsTable, eq(ProjectTable.clientId,
    .leftJoin(ProjectRelationTable, eq(, ProjectRelationTable.projectId))
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'doc')),
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'actual')),
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'estimate')),

If the leftJoin on EstimatesTable has zero results, the resulting projects.estimates is an array with a single value with null for every column key

Thanks in advance!

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rphlmr commented Apr 2, 2024

Hey @rphlmr - thank you for sharing these scripts!

Is there a way to have jsonAddBuildObject return an empty array if it is selecting from null values on a leftJoin?


const projectsQuery = db
      client: {
      docs: jsonAggBuildObject({
      actuals: jsonAggBuildObject({
      estimates: jsonAggBuildObject({
    .innerJoin(ClientsTable, eq(ProjectTable.clientId,
    .leftJoin(ProjectRelationTable, eq(, ProjectRelationTable.projectId))
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'doc')),
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'actual')),
      and(eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextId,, eq(ProjectRelationTable.contextType, 'estimate')),

If the leftJoin on EstimatesTable has zero results, the resulting projects.estimates is an array with a single value with null for every column key

Thanks in advance!

@timalander I will look at it but maybe it is because it is a cardinal join (you have the same number of items in every array for every join matches, with null props).
I have an other example splitting aggregates in multiple sub queries:
I will try to reproduce, maybe a filter somewhere in json_agg could be the solution too.

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@rphlmr thanks for the response! I have made this helper for now, which does the trick, though I am not sure how portable it is

export function jsonAggBuildObjectOrEmptyArray<T extends SelectedFields, Table>(table: Table, shape: T) {
  return sql<SelectResultFields<T>[]>`
      WHEN COUNT(${table}) = 0 THEN '[]'
      ELSE jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape)})

used like this:

docs: jsonAggBuildObjectOrEmptyArray(DocTable, {

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MAST1999 commented Apr 15, 2024

Thank you for sharing this, I was too lazy to do this myself :)

I just have an update that adds distinct and non-null options to jsonBuildObject:

export function jsonBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields>(
  shape: T,
  options: { distinct?: boolean },
) {
  const chunks: SQL[] = [];

  Object.entries(shape).forEach(([key, value]) => {
    if (chunks.length > 0) {


    // json_build_object formats to ISO 8601 ...
    if (is(value, PgTimestampString)) {
      chunks.push(sql`timezone('UTC', ${value})`);
    } else {

  return sql<
  >`${options.distinct ? sql.raw('distinct ') : sql.raw('')}coalesce(jsonb_build_object(${sql.join(chunks)}), '{}')`;

export function jsonAggBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields, Column extends AnyColumn>(
  shape: T,
  options?: {
    orderBy?: { colName: Column; direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC' };
    distinct?: boolean;
    notNullColumn?: keyof T;
) {
  return sql<
  >`coalesce(jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape, { distinct: options?.distinct })}${
      ? sql`order by ${options.orderBy.colName} ${sql.raw(options.orderBy.direction)}`
      : undefined
  })${options?.notNullColumn ? sql` filter (where ${shape[options.notNullColumn]} is not null)` : sql.raw('')}, '${sql`[]`}')`;

I just switched to jsonb functions since that's what we are using in our setup.

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al3rez commented Apr 20, 2024

export function jsonBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields>(shape: T): SQL<SelectResultFields<T>> {
	const chunks: SQL[] = Object.entries(shape).flatMap(([key, value], index) => {
		const keyValueChunk = [
			is(value, PgTimestampString) ? sql`timezone('UTC', ${value})` : sql`${value}`
		return index > 0 ? [sql.raw(','), ...keyValueChunk] : keyValueChunk;

	return sql`coalesce(json_build_object(${sql.join(chunks)}), '{}')`;

export function jsonAggBuildObject<T extends SelectedFields, Column extends AnyColumn>(
	shape: T,
	options?: { orderBy?: { colName: Column; direction: 'ASC' | 'DESC' } }
): SQL<SelectResultFields<T>[]> {
	const orderByClause = options?.orderBy
		? sql`order by ${options.orderBy.colName} ${sql.raw(options.orderBy.direction)}`
		: sql``;
	return sql`coalesce(jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape)} ${orderByClause}), '[]'::jsonb)`;

export function jsonAggBuildObjectOrEmptyArray<T extends SelectedFields, Table>(
	table: Table,
	shape: T
): SQL<SelectResultFields<T>[]> {
	return sql`
      WHEN COUNT(${table}) = 0 THEN '[]'::jsonb
      ELSE jsonb_agg(${jsonBuildObject(shape)})

I'm using these, enjoy!

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What are the imports for these functions/values: is() and PgTimestampString?

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rphlmr commented May 24, 2024

What are the imports for these functions/values: is() and PgTimestampString?

@luisfontes oups

import { PgTimestampString } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core";
import { is } from "drizzle-orm";

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