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Created July 2, 2017 22:18
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Searching for "autoload/tcomment.vim" in "/home/rpietro/.vim,/home/rpietro/.vim/bundle/vim-commentary,/home/rpietro/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown,/home/rpietro/.vim/bundle/vimwiki,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles,/usr/share/vim/vim80,/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/after,/home/rpietro/.vim/bundle/vim-markdown/after,/home/rpietro/.vim/after"
Searching for "/home/rpietro/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim"
fchdir() to previous dir
sourcing "/home/rpietro/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim"
line 1: " @Author: Tom Link (mailto:micathom AT gmail com?subject=[vim])
line 2: " @Website:
line 3: " @License: GPL (see
line 4: " @Created: 2007-09-17.
line 5: " @Last Change: 2015-09-30.
line 6: " @Revision: 1781
line 7:
line 8: " call tlog#Log('Load: '. expand('<sfile>')) " vimtlib-sfile
line 9:
line 10: if !exists("g:tcomment#blank_lines")
line 11: " If 1, comment blank lines too.
line 12: " If 2, also comment blank lines within indented code blocks
line 13: " (requires mixedindent -- see |tcomment#Comment()|).
line 14: let g:tcomment#blank_lines = 2 "{{{2
line 15: endif
line 16:
line 17: if !exists('g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment')
line 18: " If 1, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from empty lines.
line 19: " If 2, remove right-hand whitespace on uncomment from all lines.
line 20: let g:tcomment#rstrip_on_uncomment = 1 "{{{2
line 21: endif
line 22:
line 23: if !exists("g:tcommentModeExtra")
line 24: " Modifies how commenting works.
line 25: " > ... Move the cursor to the end of the comment
line 26: " >> ... Like above but move the cursor to the next line
line 27: " # ... Move the cursor to the position of the commented text
line 28: " (NOTE: this only works when creating empty comments using
line 29: " |:TCommentInline| from normal or insert mode and should
line 30: " not be set here as a global option.)
line 31: let g:tcommentModeExtra = '' "{{{2
line 32: endif
line 33:
line 34: if !exists("g:tcommentOpModeExtra")
line 35: " Modifies how the operator works.
line 36: " See |g:tcommentModeExtra| for a list of possible values.
line 37: let g:tcommentOpModeExtra = '' "{{{2
line 38: endif
line 39:
line 40: if !exists('g:tcommentOptions')
line 41: " Other key-value options used by |tcomment#Comment()|.
line 42: "
line 43: " Examples:
line 44: " Put the opening comment marker always in the first column
line 45: " regardless of the block's indentation, put this into your |vimrc|
line 46: " file: >
line 47: " let g:tcommentOptions = {'col': 1}
line 48: "
line 49: " Indent uncommented lines: >
line 50: " let g:tcommentOptions = {'postprocess_uncomment': 'norm! %sgg=%sgg'}
line 51: let g:tcommentOptions = {} "{{{2
line 52: endif
line 53:
line 54: if !exists('g:tcomment#options_comments')
line 55: " Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the 'comments'
line 56: " option.
line 57: let g:tcomment#options_comments = {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')} "{{{2
line 58: endif
line 59:
line 60: if !exists('g:tcomment#options_commentstring')
line 61: " Additional args for |tcomment#Comment()| when using the
line 62: " 'commentstring' option.
line 63: let g:tcomment#options_commentstring = {'whitespace': get(g:tcommentOptions, 'whitespace', 'both')} "{{{2
line 64: endif
line 65:
line 66: if !exists('g:tcomment#ignore_char_type')
line 67: " |text-objects| for use with |tcomment#Operator| can have different
line 68: " types: line, block, char etc. Text objects like aB, it, at etc.
line 69: " have type char but this may not work reliably. By default,
line 70: " tcomment handles those text objects most often as if they were of
line 71: " type line. Set this variable to 0 in order to change this
line 72: " behaviour. Be prepared that the result may not always match your
line 73: " intentions.
line 74: let g:tcomment#ignore_char_type = 1 "{{{2
line 75: endif
line 76:
line 77: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType")
line 78: " Guess the file type based on syntax names always or for some fileformat only
line 79: " If non-zero, try to guess filetypes.
line 80: " tcomment also checks g:tcommentGuessFileType_{&filetype} for
line 81: " filetype specific values.
line 82: "
line 83: " Values:
line 84: " 0 ... don't guess
line 85: " 1 ... guess
line 86: " FILETYPE ... assume this filetype
line 87: let g:tcommentGuessFileType = 0 "{{{2
line 88: endif
line 89: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl")
line 90: " For dsl documents, assume filetype = xml.
line 91: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_dsl = 'xml' "{{{2
line 92: endif
line 93: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_php")
line 94: " In php documents, the php part is usually marked as phpRegion. We
line 95: " thus assume that the buffers default comment style isn't php but
line 96: " html.
line 97: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_php = 'html' "{{{2
line 98: endif
line 99: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade")
line 100: " See |g:tcommentGuessFileType_php|.
line 101: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_blade = 'html' "{{{2
line 102: endif
line 103: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_html")
line 104: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_html = 1 "{{{2
line 105: endif
line 106: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton")
line 107: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_tskeleton = 1 "{{{2
line 108: endif
line 109: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim")
line 110: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_vim = 1 "{{{2
line 111: endif
line 112: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_django")
line 113: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_django = 1 "{{{2
line 114: endif
line 115: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby")
line 116: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_eruby = 1 "{{{2
line 117: endif
line 118: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_jinja")
line 119: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_jinja = 'html' "{{{2
line 120: endif
line 121: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty")
line 122: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_smarty = 1 "{{{2
line 123: endif
line 124: if !exists("g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb")
line 125: let g:tcommentGuessFileType_rnoweb = 'r' "{{{2
line 126: endif
line 127:
line 128: if !exists("g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php")
line 129: " In php files, some syntax regions are wrongly highlighted as sql
line 130: " markup. We thus ignore sql syntax when guessing the filetype in
line 131: " php files.
line 132: let g:tcommentIgnoreTypes_php = 'sql' "{{{2
line 133: endif
line 134:
line 135: if !exists('g:tcomment#syntax_substitute')
line 136: " :read: let g:tcomment#syntax_substitute = {...} "{{{2
line 137: " Perform replacements on the syntax name.
line 141: let g:tcomment#syntax_substitute = { '\C^javaScript\ze\(\u\|$\)': {'sub': 'javascript'}, '\C^js\ze\(\u\|$\)': {'sub': 'javascript'} }
line 142: endif
line 143:
line 144: if !exists('g:tcomment#filetype_map')
line 145: " Keys must match the full |filetype|. Regexps must be |magic|. No
line 146: " regexp modifiers (like |\V|) are allowed.
line 147: " let g:tcomment#filetype_map = {...} "{{{2
line 151: let g:tcomment#filetype_map = { 'rails-views': 'html', 'mkd': 'html', }
line 152: endif
line 153:
line 154: if !exists('g:tcommentSyntaxMap')
line 155: " tcomment guesses filetypes based on the name of the current syntax
line 156: " region. This works well if the syntax names match
line 157: " /filetypeSomeName/. Other syntax names have to be explicitly
line 158: " mapped onto the corresponding filetype.
line 159: " :read: let g:tcommentSyntaxMap = {...} "{{{2
line 182: let g:tcommentSyntaxMap = { 'erubyExpression': 'ruby', 'vimMzSchemeRegion': 'scheme', 'vimPerlRegion': 'perl', 'vimPythonRegion': 'python', 'vimRubyRegion': 'ruby', 'vimTclRegion': 'tcl', 'Delimiter': { 'filetype': { 'php': 'php', }, }, 'phpRegionDelimiter': { 'prevnonblank': [ {'match': '<?php', 'filetype': 'php'}, {'match': '?>', 'filetype': 'html'}, ], 'nextnonblank': [ {'match': '?>', 'filetype': 'php'}, {'match': '<?php', 'filetype': 'html'}, ], }, }
line 183: endif
line 184:
line 185: if !exists('g:tcomment#replacements_c')
line 186: " Replacements for c filetype.
line 187: " :read: let g:tcomment#replacements_c = {...} "{{{2
line 191: let g:tcomment#replacements_c = { '/*': '#<{(|', '*/': '|)}>#', }
line 192: endif
line 193:
line 194: if !exists("g:tcommentLineC_fmt")
line 195: " Generic c-like block comments.
line 203: let g:tcommentLineC_fmt = { 'commentstring_rx': '\%%(// %s\|/* %s */\)', 'commentstring': '/* %s */', 'rxbeg': '\*\+', 'rxend': '', 'rxmid': '', 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c }
line 204: endif
line 205:
line 206:
line 207: function! tcomment#GetLineC(...)
line 214:
line 215:
line 216: if !exists("g:tcommentInlineC")
line 217: " Generic c-like comments.
line 218: " :read: let g:tcommentInlineC = {...} "{{{2
line 219: let g:tcommentInlineC = tcomment#GetLineC()
calling function tcomment#GetLineC()
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 220: endif
line 221:
line 222:
line 223: if !exists("g:tcommentBlockC")
line 231: let g:tcommentBlockC = { 'commentstring': '/*%s */', 'middle': ' * ', 'rxbeg': '\*\+', 'rxend': '', 'rxmid': '', 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c }
line 232: endif
line 233: if !exists("g:tcommentBlockC2")
line 234: " Generic c-like block comments (alternative markup).
line 235: " :read: let g:tcommentBlockC2 = {...} "{{{2
line 243: let g:tcommentBlockC2 = { 'commentstring': '/**%s */', 'middle': ' * ', 'rxbeg': '\*\+', 'rxend': '\*\+', 'rxmid': '\*\+', 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_c }
line 244: endif
line 245:
line 246: if !exists('g:tcomment#replacements_xml')
line 247: " Replacements for xml filetype.
line 248: " :read: let g:tcomment#replacements_xml = {...} "{{{2
line 252: let g:tcomment#replacements_xml = { '-': '&#45;', '&': '&#38;', }
line 253: endif
line 254:
line 255: if !exists("g:tcommentBlockXML")
line 256: " Generic xml-like block comments.
line 257: " :read: let g:tcommentBlockXML = {...} "{{{2
line 261: let g:tcommentBlockXML = { 'commentstring': "<!--%s-->\n ", 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_xml }
line 262: endif
line 263: if !exists("g:tcommentInlineXML")
line 264: " Generic xml-like comments.
line 265: " :read: let g:tcommentInlineXML = {...} "{{{2
line 269: let g:tcommentInlineXML = { 'commentstring': "<!-- %s -->", 'replacements': g:tcomment#replacements_xml }
line 270: endif
line 271:
line 272: if !exists('g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def')
line 273: " A list of names or filetypes, which should be ignored by
line 274: " |tcomment#DefineType()| -- no custom comment definition will be
line 275: " stored for these names.
line 276: "
line 277: " This variable should be set before loading autoload/tcomment.vim.
line 278: let g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def = [] "{{{2
line 279: endif
line 280:
line 281: if !exists('g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash')
line 282: " Users of vim earlier than 7.3 might have to set this variable to
line 283: " true. Set this variable to 0, if you see unexpected "\r" char
line 284: " sequences in comments.
line 285: "
line 286: " The reommended value was `!(v:version > 702 || (v:version == 702 && has('patch407')))`.
line 287: " It is now assumed though, that no unpatched versions of vim are in
line 288: " use.
line 289: "
line 290: " References:
line 291: " Patch 7.2.407 when using :s with an expression backslashes are dropped
line 292: "
line 293: let g:tcomment#must_escape_expression_backslash = 0 "{{{2
line 294: endif
line 295:
line 296:
line 297: let s:types_dirty = 1
line 298:
line 299: let s:definitions = {}
line 300:
line 301: " If you don't explicitly define a comment style, |:TComment| will use
line 302: " 'commentstring' instead. We override the default values here in order
line 303: " to have a blank after the comment marker. Block comments work only if
line 304: " we explicitly define the markup.
line 305: "
line 306: " NAME usually is a 'filetype'. You can use special suffixes to define
line 307: " special comment types. E.g. the name "FILETYPE_block" is used for
line 308: " block comments for 'filetype'. The name "FILETYPE_inline" is used for
line 309: " inline comments. If no specialized comment definition exists, the
line 310: " normal one with name "FILETYPE" is used.
line 311: "
line 312: " The comment definition can be either a string or a dictionary.
line 313: "
line 314: " If it is a string:
line 315: " The format for block comments is similar to 'commentstrings' with the
line 316: " exception that the format strings for blocks can contain a second line
line 317: " that defines how "middle lines" (see :h format-comments) should be
line 318: " displayed.
line 319: "
line 320: " Example: If the string is "--%s--\n-- ", lines will be commented as
line 321: " "--%s--" but the middle lines in block comments will be commented as
line 322: " "--%s".
line 323: "
line 324: " If it is a dictionary:
line 325: " See the help on the args argument of |tcomment#Comment| (see item 1,
line 326: " args is a list of key=value pairs) to find out which fields can be
line 327: " used.
line 328: " :display: tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef, ?cdef={}, ?anyway=0)
line 329: function! tcomment#DefineType(name, commentdef, ...)
line 344:
line 345: " Return the comment definition for NAME.
line 346: " *b:tcomment_def_{NAME}*
line 347: " Return b:tcomment_def_{NAME} if the variable exists. Otherwise return
line 348: " the comment definition as set with |tcomment#DefineType|.
line 349: function! tcomment#GetCommentDef(name, ...)
line 356:
line 357: " :nodoc:
line 358: " Return 1 if a comment type is defined.
line 359: function! tcomment#TypeExists(name, ...)
line 369:
line 370: call tcomment#DefineType('aap', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('aap', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 371: call tcomment#DefineType('ada', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ada', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 372: call tcomment#DefineType('autohotkey', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('autohotkey', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 373: call tcomment#DefineType('apache', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('apache', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 374: call tcomment#DefineType('applescript', '(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('applescript', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 375: call tcomment#DefineType('applescript_block',"(*%s*)\n" )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('applescript_block', '(*%s*)
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 376: call tcomment#DefineType('applescript_inline','(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('applescript_inline', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 377: call tcomment#DefineType('asciidoc', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('asciidoc', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 378: call tcomment#DefineType('asm', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('asm', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 379: call tcomment#DefineType('asterisk', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('asterisk', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 380: call tcomment#DefineType('blade', '{{-- %s --}}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('blade', '{{-- %s --}}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 381: call tcomment#DefineType('blade_block', '{{-- %s --}}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('blade_block', '{{-- %s --}}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 382: call tcomment#DefineType('blade_inline', '{{-- %s --}}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('blade_inline', '{{-- %s --}}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 383: call tcomment#DefineType('c', tcomment#GetLineC())
calling function tcomment#GetLineC()
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('c', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 384: call tcomment#DefineType('c_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('c_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 385: call tcomment#DefineType('c_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('c_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 386: call tcomment#DefineType('catalog', '-- %s --' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('catalog', '-- %s --')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 387: call tcomment#DefineType('catalog_block', "--%s--\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('catalog_block', '--%s--
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 388: call tcomment#DefineType('cfg', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cfg', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 389: call tcomment#DefineType('chromemanifest', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('chromemanifest', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 390: call tcomment#DefineType('clojure', {'commentstring': '; %s', 'count': 2})
calling function tcomment#DefineType('clojure', {'commentstring': '; %s', 'count': 2})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 391: call tcomment#DefineType('clojure_inline', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('clojure_inline', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 392: call tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript', ';; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript', ';; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 393: call tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript_inline', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('clojurescript_inline', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 394: call tcomment#DefineType('cmake', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cmake', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 395: call tcomment#DefineType('coffee', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('coffee', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 396: call tcomment#DefineType('conf', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('conf', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 397: call tcomment#DefineType('context', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('context', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 398: call tcomment#DefineType('conkyrc', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('conkyrc', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 399: call tcomment#DefineType('cpp', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s'))
calling function tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cpp', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 400: call tcomment#DefineType('cpp_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cpp_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 401: call tcomment#DefineType('cpp_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cpp_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 402: call tcomment#DefineType('cram', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '# %s' })
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cram', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '# %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 403: call tcomment#DefineType('crontab', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('crontab', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 404: call tcomment#DefineType('cs', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cs', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 405: call tcomment#DefineType('cs_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cs_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 406: call tcomment#DefineType('cs_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('cs_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 407: call tcomment#DefineType('css', '/* %s */' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('css', '/* %s */')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 408: call tcomment#DefineType('css_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('css_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 409: call tcomment#DefineType('css_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('css_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 410: call tcomment#DefineType('debcontrol', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('debcontrol', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 411: call tcomment#DefineType('debsources', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('debsources', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 412: call tcomment#DefineType('desktop', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('desktop', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 413: call tcomment#DefineType('dnsmasq', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dnsmasq', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 414: call tcomment#DefineType('docbk', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('docbk', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 415: call tcomment#DefineType('docbk_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('docbk_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 416: call tcomment#DefineType('docbk_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('docbk_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 417: call tcomment#DefineType('dosbatch', 'rem %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dosbatch', 'rem %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 418: call tcomment#DefineType('dosini', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dosini', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 419: call tcomment#DefineType('dsl', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dsl', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 420: call tcomment#DefineType('dustjs', '{! %s !}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dustjs', '{! %s !}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 421: call tcomment#DefineType('dylan', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('dylan', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 422: call tcomment#DefineType('eiffel', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('eiffel', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 423: call tcomment#DefineType('elixir', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('elixir', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 424: call tcomment#DefineType('erlang', '%%%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('erlang', '%%%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 425: call tcomment#DefineType('eruby', '<%%# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('eruby', '<%%# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 426: call tcomment#DefineType('esmtprc', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('esmtprc', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 427: call tcomment#DefineType('expect', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('expect', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 428: call tcomment#DefineType('fish', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('fish', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 429: call tcomment#DefineType('form', {'commentstring': '* %s', 'col': 1})
calling function tcomment#DefineType('form', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '* %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 430: call tcomment#DefineType('fstab', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('fstab', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 431: call tcomment#DefineType('gitconfig', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('gitconfig', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 432: call tcomment#DefineType('gitcommit', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('gitcommit', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 433: call tcomment#DefineType('gitignore', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('gitignore', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 434: call tcomment#DefineType('gnuplot', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('gnuplot', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 435: call tcomment#DefineType('go', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('go', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 436: call tcomment#DefineType('go_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('go_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 437: call tcomment#DefineType('go_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('go_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 438: call tcomment#DefineType('groovy', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s'))
calling function tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('groovy', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 439: call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('groovy_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 440: call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_doc_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('groovy_doc_block', {'rxmid': '\*\+', 'rxend': '\*\+', 'mi...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 441: call tcomment#DefineType('groovy_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('groovy_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 442: call tcomment#DefineType('gtkrc', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('gtkrc', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 443: call tcomment#DefineType('haml', '-# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('haml', '-# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 444: call tcomment#DefineType('haskell', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('haskell', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 445: call tcomment#DefineType('haskell_block', "{-%s-}\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('haskell_block', '{-%s-}
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 446: call tcomment#DefineType('haskell_inline', '{- %s -}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('haskell_inline', '{- %s -}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 447: call tcomment#DefineType('html', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('html', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 448: call tcomment#DefineType('html_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('html_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 449: call tcomment#DefineType('html_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('html_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 450: call tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango', '{# %s #}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango', '{# %s #}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 451: call tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango_block', "{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}\n ")
calling function tcomment#DefineType('htmldjango_block', '{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 452: call tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja', '{# %s #}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja', '{# %s #}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 453: call tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja_block', "{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}\n ")
calling function tcomment#DefineType('htmljinja_block', '{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 454: call tcomment#DefineType('hy', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('hy', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 455: call tcomment#DefineType('ini', '; %s' ) " php ini (/etc/php5/...)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ini', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 456: call tcomment#DefineType('io', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('io', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 457: call tcomment#DefineType('jade', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jade', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 458: call tcomment#DefineType('jasmine', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jasmine', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 459: call tcomment#DefineType('java', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s'))
calling function tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('java', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 460: call tcomment#DefineType('java_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('java_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 461: call tcomment#DefineType('java_doc_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('java_doc_block', {'rxmid': '\*\+', 'rxend': '\*\+', 'mi...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 462: call tcomment#DefineType('java_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('java_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 463: call tcomment#DefineType('javascript', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s'))
calling function tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('javascript', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 464: call tcomment#DefineType('javascript_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('javascript_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 465: call tcomment#DefineType('javascript_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('javascript_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 466: call tcomment#DefineType('jsx', '{/* %s */}')
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jsx', '{/* %s */}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 467: call tcomment#DefineType('jsx_block', '{/* %s */}')
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jsx_block', '{/* %s */}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 468: call tcomment#DefineType('jsx_inline', '{/* %s */}')
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jsx_inline', '{/* %s */}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 469: call tcomment#DefineType('jinja', '{# %s #}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jinja', '{# %s #}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 470: call tcomment#DefineType('jinja_block', "{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}\n ")
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jinja_block', '{%% comment %%}%s{%% endcomment %%}
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 471: call tcomment#DefineType('jproperties', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('jproperties', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 472: call tcomment#DefineType('lilypond', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lilypond', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 473: call tcomment#DefineType('lisp', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lisp', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 474: call tcomment#DefineType('liquid', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('liquid', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 475: call tcomment#DefineType('liquid_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('liquid_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 476: call tcomment#DefineType('liquid_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('liquid_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 477: call tcomment#DefineType('lua', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lua', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 478: call tcomment#DefineType('lua_block', "--[[%s--]]\n" )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lua_block', '--[[%s--]]
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 479: call tcomment#DefineType('lua_inline', '--[[%s --]]' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lua_inline', '--[[%s --]]')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 480: call tcomment#DefineType('lynx', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('lynx', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 481: call tcomment#DefineType('m4', 'dnl %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('m4', 'dnl %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 482: call tcomment#DefineType('mail', '> %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('mail', '> %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 483: call tcomment#DefineType('make', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('make', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 484: call tcomment#DefineType('markdown_block', "<!---%s--->\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('markdown_block', '<!---%s--->
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 485: call tcomment#DefineType('markdown.pandoc', '<!--- %s --->' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('markdown.pandoc', '<!--- %s --->')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 486: call tcomment#DefineType('markdown.pandoc_block', "<!---%s--->\n ")
calling function tcomment#DefineType('markdown.pandoc_block', '<!---%s--->
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 487: call tcomment#DefineType('matlab', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('matlab', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 488: call tcomment#DefineType('monkey', ''' %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('monkey', ''' %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 489: call tcomment#DefineType('msidl', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('msidl', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 490: call tcomment#DefineType('msidl_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('msidl_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 491: call tcomment#DefineType('nginx', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('nginx', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 492: call tcomment#DefineType('nroff', '.\\" %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('nroff', '.\\" %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 493: call tcomment#DefineType('noweb', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('noweb', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 494: call tcomment#DefineType('nsis', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('nsis', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 495: call tcomment#DefineType('objc', '/* %s */' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('objc', '/* %s */')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 496: call tcomment#DefineType('objc_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('objc_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 497: call tcomment#DefineType('objc_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('objc_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 498: call tcomment#DefineType('objcpp', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('objcpp', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 499: call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml', '(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ocaml', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 500: call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_block', "(*%s*)\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_block', '(*%s*)
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 501: call tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_inline', '(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ocaml_inline', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 502: call tcomment#DefineType('pac', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('pac', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 503: call tcomment#DefineType('pascal', '(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('pascal', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 504: call tcomment#DefineType('pascal_block', "(*%s*)\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('pascal_block', '(*%s*)
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 505: call tcomment#DefineType('pascal_inline', '(* %s *)' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('pascal_inline', '(* %s *)')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 506: call tcomment#DefineType('perl', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('perl', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 507: call tcomment#DefineType('perl_block', "=cut%s=cut" )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('perl_block', '=cut%s=cut')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 508: call tcomment#DefineType('pfmain', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('pfmain', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 509: call tcomment#DefineType('php', {'commentstring_rx': '\%%(//\|#\) %s', 'commentstring': '// %s'})
calling function tcomment#DefineType('php', {'commentstring': '// %s', 'commentstring_rx': '\%%(//\|#\) %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 510: call tcomment#DefineType('php_2_block', g:tcommentBlockC2 )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('php_2_block', {'rxmid': '\*\+', 'rxend': '\*\+', 'mi...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 511: call tcomment#DefineType('php_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('php_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 512: call tcomment#DefineType('php_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('php_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 513: call tcomment#DefineType('po', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('po', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 514: call tcomment#DefineType('prolog', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('prolog', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 515: call tcomment#DefineType('puppet', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('puppet', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 516: call tcomment#DefineType('purescript', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('purescript', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 517: call tcomment#DefineType('purescript_block', "{-%s-}\n " )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('purescript_block', '{-%s-}
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 518: call tcomment#DefineType('purescript_inline','{- %s -}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('purescript_inline', '{- %s -}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 519: call tcomment#DefineType('python', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('python', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 520: call tcomment#DefineType('qml', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('qml', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 521: call tcomment#DefineType('r', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('r', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 522: call tcomment#DefineType('racket', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('racket', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 523: call tcomment#DefineType('racket_block', '#|%s|#' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('racket_block', '#|%s|#')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 524: call tcomment#DefineType('rc', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('rc', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 525: call tcomment#DefineType('readline', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('readline', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 526: call tcomment#DefineType('remind', {'commentstring_rx': '\[;#] %s', 'commentstring': '# %s'})
calling function tcomment#DefineType('remind', {'commentstring': '# %s', 'commentstring_rx': '\[;#] %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 527: call tcomment#DefineType('resolv', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('resolv', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 528: call tcomment#DefineType('robot', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '# %s'})
calling function tcomment#DefineType('robot', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '# %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 529: call tcomment#DefineType('robots', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('robots', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 530: call tcomment#DefineType('rust', tcomment#GetLineC('// %s'))
calling function tcomment#GetLineC('// %s')
line 1: let cmt = deepcopy(g:tcommentLineC_fmt)
line 2: if a:0 >= 1
line 3: let cmt.commentstring = a:1
line 4: endif
line 5: return cmt
function tcomment#GetLineC returning {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'}
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#DefineType('rust', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 531: call tcomment#DefineType('rust_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('rust_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 532: call tcomment#DefineType('ruby', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ruby', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 533: call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_3', '### %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ruby_3', '### %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 534: call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_block', "=begin rdoc%s=end")
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ruby_block', '=begin rdoc%s=end')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 535: call tcomment#DefineType('ruby_nodoc_block', "=begin%s=end" )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('ruby_nodoc_block', '=begin%s=end')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 536: call tcomment#DefineType('samba', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('samba', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 537: call tcomment#DefineType('sbs', "' %s" )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sbs', ''' %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 538: call tcomment#DefineType('scala', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scala', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 539: call tcomment#DefineType('scala_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scala_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 540: call tcomment#DefineType('scala_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scala_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 541: call tcomment#DefineType('scheme', '; %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scheme', '; %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 542: call tcomment#DefineType('scheme_block', '#|%s|#' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scheme_block', '#|%s|#')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 543: call tcomment#DefineType('scss', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scss', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 544: call tcomment#DefineType('scss_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scss_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 545: call tcomment#DefineType('scss_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('scss_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 546: call tcomment#DefineType('sed', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sed', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 547: call tcomment#DefineType('sgml', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sgml', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 548: call tcomment#DefineType('sgml_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sgml_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 549: call tcomment#DefineType('sgml_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sgml_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 550: call tcomment#DefineType('sh', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sh', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 551: call tcomment#DefineType('slim', '/%s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('slim', '/%s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 552: call tcomment#DefineType('sls', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sls', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 553: call tcomment#DefineType('smarty', '{* %s *}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('smarty', '{* %s *}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 554: call tcomment#DefineType('spec', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('spec', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 555: call tcomment#DefineType('sps', '* %s.' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sps', '* %s.')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 556: call tcomment#DefineType('sps_block', "* %s." )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sps_block', '* %s.')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 557: call tcomment#DefineType('spss', '* %s.' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('spss', '* %s.')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 558: call tcomment#DefineType('spss_block', "* %s." )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('spss_block', '* %s.')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 559: call tcomment#DefineType('sql', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sql', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 560: call tcomment#DefineType('squid', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('squid', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 561: call tcomment#DefineType('sshconfig', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sshconfig', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 562: call tcomment#DefineType('sshdconfig', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('sshdconfig', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 563: call tcomment#DefineType('st', '" %s "' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('st', '" %s "')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 564: call tcomment#DefineType('tcl', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('tcl', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 565: call tcomment#DefineType('tex', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('tex', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 566: call tcomment#DefineType('toml', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('toml', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 567: call tcomment#DefineType('tpl', '<!-- %s -->' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('tpl', '<!-- %s -->')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 568: call tcomment#DefineType('tup', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('tup', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 569: call tcomment#DefineType('typoscript', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('typoscript', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 570: call tcomment#DefineType('upstart', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('upstart', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 571: call tcomment#DefineType('vader', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '" %s' })
calling function tcomment#DefineType('vader', {'col': 1, 'commentstring': '" %s'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 572: call tcomment#DefineType('vhdl', '-- %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('vhdl', '-- %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 573: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 574: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_inline', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 575: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 576: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog', '// %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog', '// %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 577: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_block', g:tcommentBlockC)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 578: call tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_inline', g:tcommentInlineC)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('verilog_systemverilog_inline', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 579: call tcomment#DefineType('viki', '%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('viki', '%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 580: call tcomment#DefineType('viki_3', '%%%%%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('viki_3', '%%%%%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 581: call tcomment#DefineType('viki_inline', '{cmt: %s}' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('viki_inline', '{cmt: %s}')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 582: call tcomment#DefineType('vim', '" %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('vim', '" %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 583: call tcomment#DefineType('vim_3', '""" %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('vim_3', '""" %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 584: call tcomment#DefineType('vimwiki', '%%%% %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('vimwiki', '%%%% %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 585: call tcomment#DefineType('websec', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('websec', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 586: call tcomment#DefineType('x86conf', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('x86conf', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 587: call tcomment#DefineType('xml', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xml', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 588: call tcomment#DefineType('xml_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xml_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 589: call tcomment#DefineType('xml_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xml_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 590: call tcomment#DefineType('xs', g:tcommentInlineC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xs', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'commentstr...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 591: call tcomment#DefineType('xs_block', g:tcommentBlockC )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xs_block', {'rxmid': '', 'rxend': '', 'middle': '...)}>#', '/*': '#<{(|'}, 'rxbeg': '\*\+'})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 592: call tcomment#DefineType('xslt', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xslt', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 593: call tcomment#DefineType('xslt_block', g:tcommentBlockXML )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xslt_block', {'commentstring': '<!--%s-->
', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 594: call tcomment#DefineType('xslt_inline', g:tcommentInlineXML)
calling function tcomment#DefineType('xslt_inline', {'commentstring': '<!-- %s -->', 'replacements': {'&': '&#38;', '-': '&#45;'}})
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 595: call tcomment#DefineType('yaml', '# %s' )
calling function tcomment#DefineType('yaml', '# %s')
line 1: let basename = matchstr(a:name, '^[^_]\+')
line 2: let use = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : len(filter(copy(g:tcomment#ignore_comment_def), 'v:val == basename')) == 0
line 3: " TLogVAR a:name, use
line 4: if use
line 5: if type(a:commentdef) == 4
line 6: let cdef = copy(a:commentdef)
line 7: else
line 8: let cdef = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : {}
line 9: let cdef.commentstring = a:commentdef
line 10: endif
line 11: let s:definitions[a:name] = cdef
line 12: endif
line 13: let s:types_dirty = 1
function tcomment#DefineType returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 596:
line 597: " :doc:
line 598: " A dictionary of NAME => COMMENT DEFINITION (see |tcomment#DefineType|)
line 599: " that can be set in vimrc to override tcomment's default comment
line 600: " styles.
line 601: " :read: let g:tcomment_types = {} "{{{2
line 602: if exists('g:tcomment_types')
line 603: for [s:name, s:def] in items(g:tcomment_types)
line 604: call tcomment#DefineType(s:name, s:def)
line 605: endfor
line 606: unlet! s:name s:def
line 607: endif
line 608:
line 609:
line 610: function! s:DefaultValue(option)
line 617:
line 618:
line 619: function! s:Count(string, rx)
line 622:
line 623:
line 624: function! s:Printf1(fmt, expr)
line 632:
line 633:
line 634: let s:default_comments = s:DefaultValue('comments')
calling function <SNR>42_DefaultValue('comments')
line 1: exec 'let '. a:option .' = &'. a:option
line 1: let comments = &comments
line 2: exec 'set '. a:option .'&'
line 2: set comments&
line 3: exec 'let default = &'. a:option
line 3: let default = &comments
line 4: exec 'let &'. a:option .' = '. a:option
line 4: let &comments = comments
line 5: return default
function <SNR>42_DefaultValue returning 's1:/*,mb:*,ex:*/,://,b:#,:%,:XCOMM,n:>,fb:-'
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 635: let s:default_comment_string = s:DefaultValue('commentstring')
calling function <SNR>42_DefaultValue('commentstring')
line 1: exec 'let '. a:option .' = &'. a:option
line 1: let commentstring = &commentstring
line 2: exec 'set '. a:option .'&'
line 2: set commentstring&
line 3: exec 'let default = &'. a:option
line 3: let default = &commentstring
line 4: exec 'let &'. a:option .' = '. a:option
line 4: let &commentstring = commentstring
line 5: return default
function <SNR>42_DefaultValue returning '/*%s*/'
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 636: let s:null_comment_string = '%s'
line 637:
line 638: " tcomment#Comment(line1, line2, ?comment_mode, ?comment_anyway, ?args...)
line 639: " args... are either:
line 640: " 1. a list of key=value pairs where known keys are (see also
line 641: " |g:tcommentOptions|):
line 642: " as=STRING ... Use a specific comment definition
line 643: " count=N ... Repeat the comment string N times
line 644: " col=N ... Start the comment at column N (in block
line 645: " mode; must be smaller than |indent()|)
line 646: " mode=STRING ... See the notes below on the "comment_mode" argument
line 647: " mode_extra=STRING ... Add to comment_mode
line 648: " begin=STRING ... Comment prefix
line 649: " end=STRING ... Comment postfix
line 650: " middle=STRING ... Middle line comments in block mode
line 651: " rxbeg=N ... Regexp to find the substring of "begin"
line 652: " that should be multiplied by "count"
line 653: " rxend=N ... The above for "end"
line 654: " rxmid=N ... The above for "middle"
line 655: " mixedindent=BOOL ... If true, allow use of mixed
line 656: " characters for indentation
line 657: " commentstring_rx ... A regexp format string that matches
line 658: " commented lines (no new groups may be
line 659: " introduced, the |regexp| is |\V|; % have
line 660: " to be doubled); "commentstring", "begin"
line 661: " and optionally "end" must be defined or
line 662: " deducible.
line 663: " whitespace ... Define whether commented text is
line 664: " surrounded with whitespace; if
line 665: " both ... surround with whitespace (default)
line 666: " left ... keep whitespace on the left
line 667: " right... keep whitespace on the right
line 668: " no ... don't use whitespace
line 669: " strip_whitespace ... Strip trailing whitespace: if 1
line 670: " (default), strip from empty lines only,
line 671: " if 2, always strip whitespace; if 0,
line 672: " don't strip any whitespace
line 673: " postprocess_uncomment .. Run a |printf()| expression with 2
line 674: " placeholders on uncommented lines, e.g.
line 675: " 'norm! %sgg=%sgg'.
line 676: " 2. 1-2 values for: ?commentPrefix, ?commentPostfix
line 677: " 3. a dictionary (internal use only)
line 678: "
line 679: " comment_mode (see also ¦g:tcommentModeExtra¦):
line 680: " G ... guess the value of comment_mode
line 681: " B ... block (use extra lines for the comment markers)
line 682: " L ... lines
line 683: " i ... maybe inline, guess
line 684: " I ... inline
line 685: " R ... right (comment the line right of the cursor)
line 686: " v ... visual
line 687: " o ... operator
line 688: " C ... force comment
line 689: " K ... comment only uncommented lines
line 690: " U ... force uncomment (if U and C are present, U wins)
line 691: " By default, each line in range will be commented by adding the comment
line 692: " prefix and postfix.
line 693: function! tcomment#Comment(beg, end, ...)
line 914:
line 915:
line 916: if v:version >= 703
line 917: function! s:Strdisplaywidth(...) "{{{3
line 920: else
line 921: function! s:Strdisplaywidth(string, ...) "{{{3
line 925: endif
line 926:
line 927:
line 928: function! tcomment#MaybeReuseOptions(name) "{{{3
line 940:
line 941:
line 942: function! s:GetTempOption(name, default) "{{{3
line 949:
line 950:
line 951: function! tcomment#ResetOption() "{{{3
line 954:
line 955:
line 956: function! tcomment#SetOption(name, arg) "{{{3
line 971:
line 972:
line 973: function! s:GetStartEnd(beg, end, comment_mode) "{{{3
line 1023:
line 1024:
line 1025: function! s:SetWhitespaceMode(cdef) "{{{3
line 1069:
line 1070:
line 1071: function! s:RepeatCommentstring(cdef) "{{{3
line 1103:
line 1104:
line 1105: function! s:ParseArgs(beg, end, comment_mode, arglist) "{{{3
line 1116:
line 1117:
line 1118: function! s:ExtendCDef(beg, end, comment_mode, cdef, args)
line 1144:
line 1145:
line 1146: function! tcomment#Operator(type, ...) "{{{3
line 1222:
line 1223:
line 1224: function! tcomment#OperatorLine(type) "{{{3
line 1228:
line 1229:
line 1230: function! tcomment#OperatorAnyway(type) "{{{3
line 1234:
line 1235:
line 1236: function! tcomment#OperatorLineAnyway(type) "{{{3
line 1240:
line 1241:
line 1242: " :display: tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, comment_anyway, filetype, ?args...)
line 1243: " Where args is either:
line 1244: " 1. A count NUMBER
line 1245: " 2. An args list (see the notes on the "args" argument of
line 1246: " |tcomment#Comment()|)
line 1247: " comment text as if it were of a specific filetype
line 1248: function! tcomment#CommentAs(beg, end, comment_anyway, filetype, ...)
line 1272:
line 1273:
line 1274: " collect all known comment types
line 1275: " :nodoc:
line 1276: function! tcomment#CollectFileTypes()
line 1283:
line 1284: call tcomment#CollectFileTypes()
calling function tcomment#CollectFileTypes()
line 1: if s:types_dirty
line 2: let s:types = keys(s:definitions)
line 3: let s:types_rx = '\V\^\('. join(s:types, '\|') .'\)\(\u\.\*\)\?\$'
line 4: let s:types_dirty = 0
line 5: endif
function tcomment#CollectFileTypes returning #0
continuing in /home/rpietro/dotfiles/vim/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
line 1285:
line 1286:
line 1287: " return a list of filetypes for which a tcomment_{&ft} is defined
line 1288: " :nodoc:
line 1289: function! tcomment#Complete(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{3
line 1303:
line 1304:
line 1305: let s:first_completion = 0
line 1306:
line 1307: " :nodoc:
line 1308: function! tcomment#CompleteArgs(ArgLead, CmdLine, CursorPos) "{{{3
line 1323:
line 1324:
line 1325: function! s:EncodeCommentPart(string)
line 1328:
line 1329:
line 1330: function! s:GetCommentDefinitionForType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype) "{{{3
line 1343:
line 1344:
line 1345: " s:GetCommentDefinition(beg, end, comment_mode, ?filetype="")
line 1346: function! s:GetCommentDefinition(beg, end, comment_mode, ...)
line 1384:
line 1385:
line 1386: function! s:StartPosRx(comment_mode, line, col)
line 1396:
line 1397:
line 1398: function! s:EndPosRx(comment_mode, lnum, col)
line 1406:
line 1407:
line 1408: function! s:StartLineRx(pos)
line 1411:
line 1412:
line 1413: function! s:EndLineRx(pos)
line 1416:
line 1417:
line 1418: function! s:StartColRx(comment_mode, col, ...)
line 1437:
line 1438:
line 1439: function! s:EndColRx(comment_mode, lnum, pos)
line 1456:
line 1457:
line 1458: function! s:CommentDef(beg, end, checkRx, comment_mode, cbeg, cend)
line 1522:
line 1523:
line 1524: function! s:ProcessLine(comment_do, match, checkRx, replace)
line 1597:
line 1598:
line 1599: function! s:ReplaceInLine(text) "{{{3
line 1607:
line 1608:
line 1609: function! s:UnreplaceInLine(text) "{{{3
line 1617:
line 1618:
line 1619: function! s:DoReplacements(text, tokens, replacements) "{{{3
line 1630:
line 1631:
line 1632: function! s:InlineReplacement(text, rx, tokens, replacements) "{{{3
line 1650:
line 1651:
line 1652: function! s:CommentBlock(beg, end, cbeg, cend, comment_mode, comment_do, checkRx, cdef)
line 1749:
line 1750:
line 1751: function! s:Filetype(...) "{{{3
line 1776:
line 1777:
line 1778: function! s:AltFiletype(filetype) "{{{3
line 1803:
line 1804:
line 1805: " A function that makes the s:GuessFileType() function usable for other
line 1806: " library developers.
line 1807: "
line 1808: " The argument is a dictionary with the following keys:
line 1809: "
line 1810: " beg ................ (default = line("."))
line 1811: " end ................ (default = line("."))
line 1812: " comment_mode ........ (default = "G")
line 1813: " filetype ........... (default = &filetype)
line 1814: " fallbackFiletype ... (default = "")
line 1815: "
line 1816: " This function return a dictionary that contains information about how
line 1817: " to make comments. The information about the filetype of the text
line 1818: " between lines "beg" and "end" is in the "filetype" key of the return
line 1819: " value. It returns the first discernible filetype it encounters.
line 1820: " :display: tcomment#GuessFileType(?options={})
line 1821: function! tcomment#GuessCommentType(...) "{{{3
line 1830:
line 1831:
line 1832: " inspired by Meikel Brandmeyer's EnhancedCommentify.vim
line 1833: " this requires that a syntax names are prefixed by the filetype name
line 1834: " s:GuessFileType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype, ?fallbackFiletype)
line 1835: function! s:GuessFileType(beg, end, comment_mode, filetype, ...)
line 1931:
line 1932:
line 1933: function! s:GetSyntaxName(lnum, col) "{{{3
line 1945:
line 1946:
line 1947: function! s:AddModeExtra(comment_mode, extra, beg, end) "{{{3
line 1968:
line 1969:
line 1970: function! s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, supported_comment_modes) "{{{3
line 1987:
line 1988:
line 1989: function! s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(comment_mode)
line 2030:
line 2031:
line 2032: function! s:ConstructFromCommentsOption(comment_mode)
line 2062:
line 2063:
line 2064: function! s:ExtractCommentsPart()
line 2088:
line 2089:
line 2090: " s:GuessCustomCommentString(ft, comment_mode, ?default="", ?default_cdef={})
line 2091: function! s:GuessCustomCommentString(ft, comment_mode, ...)
line 2130:
line 2131:
line 2132: function! s:GetCommentReplace(cdef, cms0)
line 2141:
line 2142:
line 2143: function! s:BlockGetCommentRx(cdef)
line 2152:
line 2153:
line 2154: function! s:BlockGetCommentString(cdef)
line 2161:
line 2162:
line 2163: function! s:BlockGetMiddleString(cdef)
line 2170:
line 2171:
line 2172: function! tcomment#TextObjectInlineComment() "{{{3
line 2191:
line 2192:
line 2193: " vi: ft=vim:tw=72:ts=4:fo=w2croql
finished sourcing /home/rpietro/.vim/autoload/tcomment.vim
calling function tcomment#Comment(1, 1, 'i', '')
line 1: let comment_mode0 = s:AddModeExtra((a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : 'G'), g:tcommentModeExtra, a:beg, a:end)
calling function tcomment#Comment[1]..<SNR>42_AddModeExtra('i', '', 1, 1)
line 1: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:extra
line 2: if a:beg == a:end
line 3: let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[B]', '', 'g')
line 4: else
line 5: let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[IR]', '', 'g')
line 6: endif
line 7: let comment_mode = a:comment_mode
line 8: if extra =~# 'B'
line 9: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gir]', '', 'g')
line 10: endif
line 11: if extra =~# '[IR]'
line 12: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gb]', '', 'g')
line 13: endif
line 14: if extra =~# '[BLIRK]' && comment_mode =~# 'G'
line 15: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[G]', '', 'g')
line 16: endif
line 17: let rv = comment_mode . extra
line 18: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:extra, comment_mode, extra, rv
line 19: return rv
function tcomment#Comment[1]..<SNR>42_AddModeExtra returning 'i'
continuing in function tcomment#Comment
line 2: let comment_mode = comment_mode0
line 3: let comment_anyway = a:0 >= 2 ? (a:2 == '!') : 0
line 4: " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, comment_mode, comment_anyway, a:000
line 5: " save the cursor position
line 6: if exists('w:tcomment_pos')
line 7: let s:current_pos = copy(w:tcomment_pos)
line 8: else
line 9: let s:current_pos = getpos('.')
line 10: endif
line 11: " echom "DBG current_pos=" string(s:current_pos)
line 12: let cursor_pos = getpos("'>")
line 13: " TLogVAR cursor_pos
line 14: let s:cursor_pos = []
line 15: if comment_mode =~# 'i'
line 16: let blnum = line("'<")
line 17: if blnum == line("'>")
line 18: if virtcol('.') <= indent(blnum)
line 19: let i_mode = 'G'
line 20: else
line 21: let i_mode = 'I'
line 22: endif
line 23: else
line 24: let i_mode = 'G'
line 25: endif
line 26: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\Ci', i_mode, 'g')
line 27: " TLogVAR 1, comment_mode
line 28: endif
line 29: let [lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend] = s:GetStartEnd(a:beg, a:end, comment_mode)
calling function tcomment#Comment[29]..<SNR>42_GetStartEnd(1, 1, 'I')
line 1: " TLogVAR a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode
line 2: if type(a:beg) == 3
line 3: let [lbeg, cbeg] = a:beg
line 4: let [lend, cend] = a:end
line 5: else
line 6: let lbeg = a:beg
line 7: let lend = a:end
line 8: let comment_mode = a:comment_mode
line 9: " TLogVAR comment_mode
line 10: if comment_mode =~# 'R'
line 11: let cbeg = virtcol('.')
line 12: let cend = virtcol('$')
line 13: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\CR', 'G', 'g')
line 14: " TLogVAR 'R', cbeg, cend, comment_mode
line 15: elseif comment_mode =~# 'I'
line 16: let cbeg = virtcol("'<")
line 17: if cbeg == 0
line 18: let cbeg = virtcol('.')
line 19: endif
line 20: let cend = virtcol("'>")
line 21: if cend < virtcol('$') && (comment_mode =~# 'o' || &selection == 'inclusive')
line 22: let cend += 1
line 23: " TLogVAR cend, virtcol('$')
line 24: endif
line 25: " TLogVAR 'I', cbeg, cend, comment_mode
line 26: else
line 27: let cbeg = -1
line 28: let cend = 0
line 29: for lnum in range(a:beg, a:end)
line 30: if getline(lnum) =~ '\S'
line 31: let indentwidth = indent(lnum)
line 32: " TLogVAR cbeg, lnum, indentwidth, getline(lnum)
line 33: if cbeg == -1 || indentwidth < cbeg
line 34: let cbeg = indentwidth
line 35: endif
line 36: endif
line 37: endfor
line 38: if cbeg == -1
line 39: let cbeg = 0
line 40: endif
line 41: endif
line 42: endif
line 43: " TLogVAR lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend
line 44: if lend < lbeg || (lend == lbeg && cend > 0 && cend < cbeg)
line 45: return [lend, cend, lbeg, cbeg]
line 46: else
line 47: return [lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend]
function tcomment#Comment[29]..<SNR>42_GetStartEnd returning [1, 1, 1, 1]
continuing in function tcomment#Comment
line 30: " TLogVAR lbeg, cbeg, lend, cend, virtcol('$')
line 31: if comment_mode ==? 'I' && comment_mode0 =~# 'i' && lbeg == lend && cend >= virtcol('$') - 1
line 32: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\CI', cbeg <= 1 ? 'G' : 'R', 'g')
line 33: " TLogVAR comment_mode
line 34: endif
line 35: let mode_extra = s:GetTempOption('mode_extra', '')
calling function tcomment#Comment[35]..<SNR>42_GetTempOption('mode_extra', '')
line 1: if exists('s:temp_options') && has_key(s:temp_options, a:name)
line 2: return s:temp_options[a:name]
line 3: else
line 4: return a:default
function tcomment#Comment[35]..<SNR>42_GetTempOption returning ''
continuing in function tcomment#Comment
line 36: " TLogVAR mode_extra
line 37: if !empty(mode_extra)
line 38: let comment_mode = s:AddModeExtra(comment_mode, mode_extra, lbeg, lend)
line 39: " TLogVAR "mode_extra", comment_mode
line 40: unlet s:temp_options.mode_extra
line 41: endif
line 42: " get the correct commentstring
line 43: let cdef = copy(g:tcommentOptions)
line 44: " TLogVAR 1, cdef
line 45: if exists('b:tcommentOptions')
line 46: let cdef = extend(cdef, copy(b:tcommentOptions))
line 47: " TLogVAR 2, cdef
line 48: endif
line 49: if a:0 >= 3 && type(a:3) == 4
line 50: call extend(cdef, a:3)
line 51: " TLogVAR 3, cdef
line 52: else
line 53: let cdef0 = s:GetCommentDefinition(lbeg, lend, comment_mode)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition(1, 1, 'I')
line 1: let ft = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
line 2: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, ft
line 3: if ft != ''
line 4: let cdef = s:GuessCustomCommentString(ft, a:comment_mode)
line 5: else
line 6: let cdef = {'mode': a:comment_mode}
line 7: endif
line 8: " TLogVAR cdef
line 9: let cms = get(cdef, 'commentstring', '')
line 10: if empty(cms)
line 11: let filetype = s:Filetype(ft)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[11]..<SNR>42_Filetype('')
line 1: let ft = a:0 >= 1 && !empty(a:1) ? a:1 : &filetype
line 2: let pos = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : 0
line 3: " TLogVAR ft, pos
line 4: let fts = split(ft, '^\@!\.')
line 5: " TLogVAR fts
line 6: " let ft = substitute(ft, '\..*$', '', '')
line 7: let rv = get(fts, pos, ft)
line 8: " TLogVAR fts, rv
line 9: if !exists('s:filetype_map_rx')
line 10: let fts_rx = '^'. join(map(keys(g:tcomment#filetype_map), 'escape(v:val, ''\'')'), '\|') .'$'
line 11: endif
line 12: " TLogVAR fts_rx
line 13: if rv =~ fts_rx
line 14: for [ft_rx, ftrv] in items(g:tcomment#filetype_map)
line 15: " TLogVAR ft_rx, ftrv
line 16: if rv =~ ft_rx
line 17: let rv = substitute(rv, ft_rx, ftrv, '')
line 18: " TLogVAR rv
line 19: break
line 20: endif
line 21: endfor
line 22: endif
line 23: return rv
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[11]..<SNR>42_Filetype returning 'markdown'
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition
line 12: if exists('b:commentstring')
line 13: let cms = b:commentstring
line 14: " TLogVAR 1, cms
line 15: return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, cms)
line 16: elseif exists('b:commentStart') && b:commentStart != ''
line 17: let cms = s:EncodeCommentPart(b:commentStart) .' %s'
line 18: " TLogVAR 2, cms
line 19: if exists('b:commentEnd') && b:commentEnd != ''
line 20: let cms = cms .' '. s:EncodeCommentPart(b:commentEnd)
line 21: endif
line 22: return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, cms)
line 23: else
line 24: let [use_guess_ft, altFiletype] = s:AltFiletype(ft)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[24]..<SNR>42_AltFiletype('')
line 1: let filetype = empty(a:filetype) ? &filetype : a:filetype
line 2: " TLogVAR a:filetype, filetype
line 3: if g:tcommentGuessFileType || (exists('g:tcommentGuessFileType_'. filetype) && g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype} =~ '[^0]')
line 5: if g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype} == 1
line 6: if filetype =~ '^.\{-}\..\+$'
line 7: let altFiletype = s:Filetype(filetype, 1)
line 8: else
line 9: let altFiletype = ''
line 10: endif
line 11: else
line 12: let altFiletype = g:tcommentGuessFileType_{filetype}
line 13: endif
line 14: " TLogVAR 1, altFiletype
line 15: return [1, altFiletype]
line 16: elseif filetype =~ '^.\{-}\..\+$'
line 17: let altFiletype = s:Filetype(filetype, 1)
line 18: " TLogVAR 2, altFiletype
line 19: return [1, altFiletype]
line 20: else
line 21: " TLogVAR 3, ''
line 22: return [0, '']
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[24]..<SNR>42_AltFiletype returning [0, '']
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition
line 25: " TLogVAR use_guess_ft, altFiletype
line 26: if use_guess_ft
line 27: return s:GuessFileType(a:beg, a:end, a:comment_mode, filetype, altFiletype)
line 28: else
line 29: let guess_cdef = s:GuessVimOptionsCommentString(a:comment_mode)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString('I')
line 1: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode
line 2: let valid_cms = (match(&commentstring, '%\@<!\(%%\)*%s') != -1)
line 3: let ccmodes = 'r'
line 4: if &commentstring =~ '\S\s*%s\s*\S'
line 5: let ccmodes .= 'bi'
line 6: endif
line 7: let guess_comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(a:comment_mode, ccmodes)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString[7]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode('I', 'r')
line 1: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:supported_comment_modes
line 2: let special = substitute(a:comment_mode, '\c[^ukc]', '', 'g')
line 3: let cmode = tolower(a:comment_mode)
line 4: let ccmodes = split(tolower(a:supported_comment_modes), '\zs')
line 5: let ccmodes = filter(ccmodes, 'stridx(cmode, v:val) != -1')
line 6: let guess = substitute(a:comment_mode, '\w\+', 'G', 'g')
line 7: " TLogVAR ccmodes, guess
line 8: if a:comment_mode =~# '[BR]'
line 9: let rv = !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : guess
line 10: elseif a:comment_mode =~# '[I]'
line 11: let rv = !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : ''
line 12: else
line 13: let rv = guess
line 14: endif
line 15: return s:AddModeExtra(rv, special, 0, 1)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString[7]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode[15]..<SNR>42_AddModeExtra('', '', 0, 1)
line 1: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:extra
line 2: if a:beg == a:end
line 3: let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[B]', '', 'g')
line 4: else
line 5: let extra = substitute(a:extra, '\C[IR]', '', 'g')
line 6: endif
line 7: let comment_mode = a:comment_mode
line 8: if extra =~# 'B'
line 9: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gir]', '', 'g')
line 10: endif
line 11: if extra =~# '[IR]'
line 12: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[gb]', '', 'g')
line 13: endif
line 14: if extra =~# '[BLIRK]' && comment_mode =~# 'G'
line 15: let comment_mode = substitute(comment_mode, '\c[G]', '', 'g')
line 16: endif
line 17: let rv = comment_mode . extra
line 18: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:extra, comment_mode, extra, rv
line 19: return rv
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString[7]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode[15]..<SNR>42_AddModeExtra returning ''
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString[7]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString[7]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode returning ''
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString
line 8: " TLogVAR guess_comment_mode
line 9: if &commentstring != s:default_comment_string && valid_cms
line 10: " The &commentstring appears to have been set and to be valid
line 11: let cdef = copy(g:tcomment#options_commentstring)
line 12: let cdef.mode = guess_comment_mode
line 13: let cdef.commentstring = &commentstring
line 14: return cdef
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[29]..<SNR>42_GuessVimOptionsCommentString returning {'commentstring': '> %s', 'mode': '', 'whitespace': 'both'}
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition
line 30: " TLogVAR guess_cdef
line 31: return s:GuessCustomCommentString(filetype, a:comment_mode, guess_cdef.commentstring, guess_cdef)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString('markdown', 'I', '> %s', {'commentstring': '> %s', 'mode': '', 'whitespace': 'both'})
line 1: " TLogVAR a:ft, a:comment_mode, a:000
line 2: let comment_mode = a:comment_mode
line 3: let custom_comment = tcomment#TypeExists(a:ft)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString[3]..tcomment#TypeExists('markdown')
line 1: let comment_mode = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
line 2: let name = a:name
line 3: if comment_mode =~? 'b'
line 4: let name .= '_block'
line 5: elseif comment_mode =~? 'i'
line 6: let name .= '_inline'
line 7: endif
line 8: return has_key(s:definitions, name) ? name : ''
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString[3]..tcomment#TypeExists returning ''
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString
line 4: let custom_comment_mode = tcomment#TypeExists(a:ft, comment_mode)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString[4]..tcomment#TypeExists('markdown', 'I')
line 1: let comment_mode = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
line 2: let name = a:name
line 3: if comment_mode =~? 'b'
line 4: let name .= '_block'
line 5: elseif comment_mode =~? 'i'
line 6: let name .= '_inline'
line 7: endif
line 8: return has_key(s:definitions, name) ? name : ''
function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString[4]..tcomment#TypeExists returning ''
continuing in function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString
line 5: let supported_comment_mode = !empty(custom_comment_mode) ? comment_mode : ''
line 6: " TLogVAR custom_comment, custom_comment_mode
line 7: let default = a:0 >= 1 ? a:1 : ''
line 8: let default_cdef = a:0 >= 2 ? a:2 : {}
line 9: let default_supports_comment_mode = get(default_cdef, 'comment_mode', custom_comment_mode)
line 10: " TLogVAR default, default_supports_comment_mode
line 11: if comment_mode =~# '[ILB]' && !empty(custom_comment_mode)
line 12: let def = tcomment#GetCommentDef(custom_comment_mode)
line 13: " TLogVAR 1, def
line 14: elseif !empty(custom_comment)
line 15: let def = tcomment#GetCommentDef(custom_comment)
line 16: let comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, supported_comment_mode)
line 17: " TLogVAR 3, def, comment_mode
line 18: elseif !empty(default)
line 19: if empty(default_cdef)
line 20: let def = {'commentstring': default}
line 21: else
line 22: let def = default_cdef
line 23: endif
line 24: let comment_mode = s:GuessCommentMode(comment_mode, default_supports_comment_mode)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_GuessCustomCommentString[24]..<SNR>42_GuessCommentMode('I', '')
line 1: " TLogVAR a:comment_mode, a:supported_comment_modes
line 2: let special = substitute(a:comment_mode, '\c[^ukc]', '', 'g')
line 3: let cmode = tolower(a:comment_mode)
line 4: let ccmodes = split(tolower(a:supported_comment_modes), '\zs')
line 5: let ccmodes = filter(ccmodes, 'stridx(cmode, v:val) != -1')
line 6: let guess = substitute(a:comment_mode, '\w\+', 'G', 'g')
line 7: " TLogVAR ccmodes, guess
line 8: if a:comment_mode =~# '[BR]'
line 9: let rv = !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : guess
line 10: elseif a:comment_mode =~# '[I]'
line 11: let rv = !empty(ccmodes) ? a:comment_mode : ''
line 12: else
line 13: let rv = guess
line 14: endif
line 15: return s:AddModeExtra(rv, special, 0, 1)
calling function tcomment#Comment[53]..<SNR>42_GetCommentDefinition[31]..<SNR>42_Gu
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