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Last active September 15, 2021 14:48
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Working With Session Objects in the Python Requests Library

Working With Session Objects in the Python Requests Library

Taken from the Python Requests docs:

The Session object allows you to persist certain parameters across requests.

s = requests.Session()

This can be useful for working with cookies (maybe tokens, too).

More from the docs:

So if you're making several requests to the same host, the underlying TCP connection will be reused, which can result in a signficant performance increase...

Taken from the Wikipedia page on HTTP persistent connection:

HTTP persistent connection, also called HTTP keep-alive, or HTTP connection reuse, is the idea of using a single TCP connection to send and receive multiple HTTP requests/responses, as opposed to opening a new connection for every single request/response pair. The newer HTTP/2 protocol uses the same idea and takes it further to allow multiple concurrent requests/responses to be multiplexed over a single connection.

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