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Last active August 18, 2021 22:51
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JavaScript Logger

JavaScript Logger

 function log(lg) {
   const argName = Object.keys({ ...lg }).shift();`${argName}: %c${lg[argName]}`, 'color:#3EC5FF');

 function getFormattedDate() {
   const date = new Date();
   const str =
     date.getFullYear() +
     '-' +
     (date.getMonth() + 1) +
     '-' +
     date.getDate() +
     ' ' +
     date.getHours() +
     ':' +
     date.getMinutes() +
     ':' +
     date.getSeconds() +
     ':' +

   return str;
 }`%c-----> ${getFormattedDate()}`, 'color:green');
 log({ activeLookbackId });
 log({ highlightedLookbackIds });
 log({ selector });
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