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Last active March 25, 2019 09:49
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Example implementation of a state machine
// This example implements a very simple state machine
// with two states, Foo and Bar. The machine alternates
// between these two states until the machine's context
// (here just an integer) reaches the "goal" value,
// given by the user on the command line. The wrinkle
// is in the user function provided to the machine: if
// it returns true (a 50/50 random chance to do so),
// the state decrements the machine context, effectively
// lengthening the run of the machine randomly.
#include <cstddef>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <cstdio>
#include <map>
#include <mutex>
#include <string>
#include <lib/fsm/fsm.h>
enum class States {
Foo = 0,
Bar = 1
struct MachineContext {
int num = 0;
using MyUserFunc = std::function<int(void)>;
using ContextPtr = std::shared_ptr<MachineContext>;
using MyMachine = Machine<States, MyUserFunc, ContextPtr>;
using StateType = MyMachine::State;
class MySimpleState : public StateType {
MySimpleState(StateType::EnumType state, StateType::EnumType next, std::string name) :
state_(state), next_(next), name_(name)
{ }
const std::string &name() const { return static_cast<const std::string&>(name_); }
StateType::EnumType state() override { return state_; }
StateType::EnumType process(MyMachine &m) override
MachineContext *ctx = static_cast<MachineContext*>(m.context().get());
printf("%s process, context is %d.\n", name_.c_str(), ctx->num++);
if (m.userFunction()()) {
return next_;
StateType::EnumType state_;
StateType::EnumType next_;
std::string name_;
int main(int c, char **v)
if (c < 2) {
printf("Must supply goal number as sole argument.\n");
MyMachine machine {States::Foo};
ContextPtr ctxptr(new MachineContext);
MachineContext *mctx = reinterpret_cast<MachineContext*>(ctxptr.get());
mctx->num = 1;
MyMachine::StatePtr init {new MySimpleState(States::Foo, States::Bar, "Foo state")};
MyMachine::StatePtr idle {new MySimpleState(States::Bar, States::Foo, "Bar state")};
machine.setErrorHandler([](MyMachine &m, MyMachine::EnumType s) {
printf("Machine errored!\n");
machine.setUserFunction([]() -> bool { return static_cast<bool>(random() % 2); });
while (mctx->num <= atoi(v[1]) && machine) {
if (!machine.step()) {
if (!machine) {
printf("Machine errored!\n");
return 0;
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