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Last active January 18, 2020 01:28
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(ns ticket-sentiment.core
(:require [ :as csv]
[ :as io]
[clojure.pprint :refer [pprint]]
[damionjunk.nlp.cmu-ark :as ark]
[damionjunk.nlp.stanford :as nlp]))
(defn mean [coll]
(let [sum (apply + coll)
count (count coll)]
(if (pos? count)
(/ sum count)
(defn median [coll]
(let [sorted (sort coll)
cnt (count sorted)
halfway (quot cnt 2)]
(if (odd? cnt)
(nth sorted halfway)
(let [bottom (dec halfway)
bottom-val (nth sorted bottom)
top-val (nth sorted halfway)]
(mean [bottom-val top-val])))))
(defn -main [& _]
(with-open [writer (io/writer "scored-output.csv")
reader (io/reader
(csv/write-csv writer
(for [[id dt text email] (csv/read-csv reader)]
(let [sentence-sentiments (map :sentiment (nlp/sentiment-maps text))
total-sentiment (apply max
[(double (mean sentence-sentiments))
(double (median sentence-sentiments))])
from-member? (and email
(re-find #"$" email)))
row-out [id total-sentiment from-member?]]
(prn row-out)
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