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rplevy / midjefreenode-2012-02-26
Created February 27, 2012 00:06
instead of an #irc log.
18:35 *** rob`` JOIN
18:35 *** NAMES rob`` ckirkendall alexbaranosky cch1 SeanTAllen
duck1123 @devn
18:35 /part
18:35 *** rob`` PART #midje
18:36 *** rplevy JOIN
18:36 *** NAMES rplevy ckirkendall alexbaranosky cch1 SeanTAllen
duck1123 @devn
18:36 <ckirkendall> alexbaranosky: I haven't thought about
reporting at all yet. Still trying to get my
rplevy / partitions.clj
Created February 5, 2011 18:24
(defn split-from
"like split-at but with an offset.
(split-from 5 7 (range 10)) -->
[(5 6 7) (8 9)]
[offset to s]
(split-at (- to (dec offset))
(second (split-at offset s))))