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Created June 9, 2015 18:39
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I needed to build a Rock-Paper-Scissors program that could put 2 people against each other or 1 player and a computer.


The player class is simple, it stores 3 variables

  • Player Name
  • Player Move
  • Player Score


The game class holds all of the methods required to play the game.

When the game class initializes it does 3 things.

  • Sets the available choices in an array named @answers.
  • Sets the initial @best_of to 0
  • Creates a hash with the winning move key/value named @winning_moves
  def initialize
    @answers = ["rock", "paper", "scissors"]
    @best_of = 0
    @winning_moves = {"rock" => "scissors", "scissors" => "paper", "paper" => "rock"}

Section 1

This section checks to see:

  • If moves are valid (acceptable_answer?)
  • Returns True/False
  def acceptable_answer?(move)
    @answers.include? move
  • How many wins are necessary to end the game (need_to_win)
  • Returns integer
  def need_to_win
    (@best_of / 2) + 1
  • If the game is over based on the player scores.
  • Returns True/False
  def keep_playing?(player1_score, player2_score)
    player1_score < need_to_win && player2_score < need_to_win

Section 2

The who_wins method checks the player moves to find a winner based on the winning_moves hash.

  • Returnes true if player 1 wins.
  • Returnes false if player 2 wins.
  • Returns nil if there is a tie.
  def who_wins(player1_move, player2_move)
    if @winning_moves[player1_move] == player2_move
      return true
    elsif @winning_moves[player2_move] == player1_move
      return false
      return nil

The game_over method takes the player scores as arguements and returns:

  • True if Player 1's score is greater then Player 2's score.
  • False is Player 2's score is greater then Player 1's score.
  def game_over(player1_score, player2_score)
    player1_score > player2_score


The app houses all of the 'puts' and 'gets'. It's where the user will input information and the class methods will be run from here.

It starts by creating 3 seperate class objects. One for each player and one for the game that's about to be played.

player1 =
player2 =
this_game =

It then prompts the user for, and sets the attributes for;

  • Player 1 name
  • Player 2 name
  • The amount of wins needed for victory
puts "\n Hello Player 1, what is your name?" = gets.chomp    

puts "\n What is Player 2's name? Or type 'Computer' to play against a computer." = gets.chomp

puts "\nHow many games would you like to play?"
puts "Best Of: 1, 3, 5"
this_game.best_of = gets.chomp.to_i

Section 1

  • This section contains the loop that runs while the game is going.
  • While this_game.keep_playing? is True it will loop.
while this_game.keep_playing?(player1.score, player2.score) == true
  • Prompts Player 1 for their move, and sets their attribute to that move.
  • Checks to see if that move is valid by running this_game.acceptable_answer?
  • If move is invalid it aborts the script and tells the user move was invalid.
  puts "\n #{} what is your move? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?"
  player1.move = gets.chomp.downcase
  if this_game.acceptable_answer?(player1.move) == false
    abort("Sorry, that is not a valid move")
  • Checks to see if Player 2 is a computer. If true then sets player2.move to a random possible answer.
  • Otherwise prompts the user for Player 2 input and sets their move attribute to the input.
  • Checks to see if move is valid.
  if == "Computer"
    player2.move = this_game.answers.sample
    puts "\n Computer chose #{player2.move}"
    puts "\n #{} what is your move? Rock, Paper, or Scissors?"
    player2.move = gets.chomp.downcase
    if this_game.acceptable_answer?(player1.move) == false
      abort("Sorry, that is not a valid move")

Runs the who_wins script (game_class) and checks the return;

  • When return is true it displays 'Player 1 wins'

  • Adds 1 to Player 1 score

  • When return is false is displays 'Player 2 wins'

  • Adds 1 to Player 2 score

  • Else there was a tie (the return is nil) and it puts "Tie!"

  case this_game.who_wins(player1.move, player2.move)
  when true
    puts "\n #{} wins!"
    player1.score += 1
  when false
    puts "\n #{} wins!"
    player2.score += 1
    puts "Tie!"

Section 2

This section runs after the game loop is finished (Someone's .score is == this_game.need_to_win)

  • this_game.game_over returns true if player 1 wins
  • returns false if player 2 wins.
  • Displays winner's name and both scores.
case this_game.game_over(player1.score, player2.score)
when true
  puts "\n #{} wins! #{player1.score} - #{player2.score}"
when false
  puts "\n #{} wins! #{player2.score} - #{player1.score}"
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