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Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
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Illustration of how to use the R sp, raster, and ncdf packages to output GCAM data in netCDF format
##aez map
## extract data from shape file
GIS_DIR <- "./cropdata"
GIS_FILE <- "GCAM_region_AEZ"
## read the shape files for GCAM AEZs, etc. This is a "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" (SPDF)
gcam <- readOGR( dsn=".", layer=GIS_FILE )
## subset the geo data to china for this example
gc.chn <- gcam[gcam[["CNTRY_NAME"]]=="China","GRIDCODE"]
## "GRIDCODE" is the GCAM AEZ. This is *not* the combination of AEZ and region
## that we sometimes call "AEZ", so it runs from 1..18, not 1..~230
## create a grid. There won't be any data in it; it's just a template
## for later use
grid <- raster(extent(gc.chn), resolution=0.5)
## read in our example GCAM data: crop pct. area for china for 3 crops and
## 5 SSPs
d <- read.csv("./prodbyaezarea.csv", stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
scenarios <- levels(as.factor(d$Scenario))
crops <- levels(as.factor(d$Crop))
years <- seq(2005,2050,5)
for (s in scenarios){
for (crop in crops) {
cat('proc crop= ', crop, ' for scenario= ', s, '\n')
## create an empty list to collect the raster layers we will
## be creating
levels <- list()
## subset the GCAM data to the crop and scenario we're working
data <- subset(d, Crop==crop & Scenario==s)
for(year in years) {
## column names are X2005, X2010, etc.
token <- paste('X',year, sep="")
## rasterize converts to a grid of pixels. Use it like this:
## rasterize(SPDF, template.grid, data.vector)
## In this case the data vector will be constructed by finding the row with AEZ
## equal to the GRIDCODE and the column with the stringified year.
levels <- c(levels, # append next layer to list
rasterize(gc.chn, grid,
100*data[match(gc.chn[["GRIDCODE"]], data$AEZ), token]))
## Collect the individual layers into a 'brick' and set the z (i.e., time) values
## Note that setZ is misleadingly named. It doesn't actually set the z values on
## the brick it is given; it returns a new brick with those values set.
outdata <- setZ(brick(levels), years, name='year')
filename <- paste(s,crop,"",sep='-')
vname <- paste(crop,"crop_pct_area",sep='_')
## writeRaster recognizes the '.nc' on the end of the filename
## and knows it's supposed to write a netCDF file. We have to
## set the name and units of the data variable, and the name
## and units of the z-axis.
writeRaster(outdata, filename, varname=vname, varunit='pct', zname='year',
zunit='', overwrite=T)
cat('outfile is: ', filename, '\n')
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