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rpm0618 /
Created September 25, 2022 18:37
Minecraft 1.8 Shitposting

Minecraft 1.8 Shitposting


1.8 threadstone takes on a slightly different flavor than in 1.12. Although many of the same things still apply, there are enough differences to make things interesting (in my humble opinion!).

This document is split into three main sections. The first describes some of the differences in the theory between 1.8 and 1.12, and the second details some of the practical considerations in building actual setups (for obtaining an async repeater line and a falling nether portal). It ends with some notes on remaining problems and future work.

Code references come from here:

rpm0618 /
Last active September 8, 2022 02:16
1.8 Falling Block Notes

Initial Idea


  1. Load the population chunk (with it's isTerrainPopulated flag set to false) and the glass chunk.
  2. Turn ITT and IF on, if they aren't already

The next steps have to all happen within a single autosave:

  1. Load cluster
  2. Lag the main thread. Perform steps 5 and 6 within the lag spike

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