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Created May 13, 2023 12:43
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Realtime FSM implemented in modern C++
#include <csignal>
#include <chrono>
#include <iostream>
#include <optional>
#include <thread>
#include <variant>
template <class Context, class... States> class FSM {
virtual ~FSM() = default;
using StateVariant = std::variant<States...>;
using OptionalStateVariant = std::optional<StateVariant>;
FSM(StateVariant &&initialState, Context &&context)
: curState{std::move(initialState)}, context_{std::move(context)} {}
void update() {
std::visit([this](auto &state) { state.update(context_); }, curState);
auto newState = std::visit(
[this](auto &state) -> OptionalStateVariant {
return transition(state, context_);
if (newState) {
curState = std::move(newState.value());
Context &context() { return context_; }
StateVariant curState;
Context context_;
static inline std::size_t rand_number(std::size_t min, std::size_t max) {
return min + std::rand() / ((RAND_MAX + 1u) / max);
struct StateA;
struct StateB;
struct StateC;
struct ABCContext {
std::uint8_t cnt_sigint = 0;
using StateVariant = std::variant<StateA, StateB, StateC>;
using OptionalStateVariant = std::optional<StateVariant>;
struct StateA {
StateA(std::size_t c) : cycles{c}, cycle{0} {}
void update(ABCContext &context) {
std::cout << "StateA: " << ++cycle << " of " << cycles << std::endl;
std::size_t cycles;
std::size_t cycle;
struct StateB {
void update(ABCContext &context) { std::cout << "StateB" << std::endl; }
struct StateC {
void update(ABCContext &context) {
std::cout << "StateC (final state)" << std::endl;
OptionalStateVariant transition(StateA &stateA, ABCContext &context) {
if (context.cnt_sigint > 0) {
return StateC{};
} else if (stateA.cycle == stateA.cycles) {
return StateB();
return std::nullopt;
OptionalStateVariant transition(StateB &stateB, ABCContext &context) {
if (context.cnt_sigint > 0) {
return StateC{};
return StateA(rand_number(1, 6));
OptionalStateVariant transition(StateC &stateC, ABCContext &context) {
return std::nullopt;
static FSM<ABCContext, StateA, StateB, StateC> fsm{StateB{},
auto main() noexcept -> int {
using namespace std::chrono_literals;
std::signal(SIGINT, [](int signal) -> void { ++fsm.context().cnt_sigint; });
while (fsm.context().cnt_sigint < 2) {
return 0;
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