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Created June 2, 2015 17:24
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Repair Posterous Wordpress Export
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'nokogiri'
require 'pry'
require 'time'
# Get all Images that have already been imported to wordpress + thumbs
working_dir = '/Volumes/datastore_documents/Rlens Blog/'
xml_file = 'wordpress_export_1 2.xml'
def get_new_path(filename, size: '1024')
@images ||= Dir.glob(working_dir + 'wp_images/**/*')
images_and_thumbs = do |file| file.include?(File.basename filename, '.*') }
system_path = images_and_thumbs.detect { |f| f.include?(size) }
if system_path
update_path system_path
# fall back to full res if size that we want is not present
elsif system_path.nil? && images_and_thumbs
update_path images_and_thumbs.detect { |f| f.include?(filename) }
puts "#{filename} could not be found"
def update_path(path)
path.gsub(working_dir + 'wp_images/', '/wp-content/uploads/')
def xml_time(time_string)
Time.parse(time_string).strftime '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z'
f = + xml_file)
doc = Nokogiri::XML(f)
publish_dates = doc.css('pubDate')
publish_dates.each do |date_el|
date_el.content = xml_time(date_el.text)
doc.css('item').each do |item|
# Correct Images and links
content = Nokogiri::HTML item.at_xpath('content:encoded').content
# These should be cropped to 1024
content.css('a').each do |el|
filename_to_lookup = (File.basename el.attribute('href').value).rpartition('.scaled')[0]
el.attribute('href').value = get_new_path(filename_to_lookup, size: '1024').to_s
# These should be cropped to 510 by
content.css('img').each do |el|
filename_to_lookup = (File.basename el.attribute('src').value).rpartition('.scaled')[0]
el.attribute('src').value = get_new_path(filename_to_lookup, size: '510').to_s
item.at_xpath('content:encoded').content = content.to_html
# Correct Dates
post_date = xml_time(item.at_xpath('wp:post_date').text)
post_date_gmt = xml_time(item.at_xpath('wp:post_date_gmt').text)
item.at_xpath('wp:post_date').content = post_date
item.at_xpath('wp:post_date_gmt').content = post_date_gmt
end'output.xml', 'w') { |o| o.print(doc.to_xml) }
Correct Timestamps and update images and links to images with a quick script from posterous wordpress export data.
Figured might be useful for someone.
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