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Created May 19, 2013 11:56
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# Download PubMed Data #
PubMedTrend <- function(query, yrStart=1950, yrMax=2009) {
### Some error checking ###
if (is.numeric(yrStart) == FALSE || is.numeric(yrMax) == FALSE) stop("One of the year values is not numeric")
if (yrStart < 1800) stop(paste("Sure you want to look for hits from the 18th century (yrStart = " ,yrStart, ")?\n", sep=""))
this.year <- Sys.time()
this.year <- as.integer(format(this.year, "%Y"))
if (yrMax > this.year) stop(paste("Are you from the future? Please check your year interval; yrMax =",yrMax,"\n"))
if (yrMax < yrStart) stop("yrMax is smaller than yrMin!")
### Start main search function ###
getCount <- function(query.term) {
# convert spaces to '+'
query.gsub <- gsub(" ", "+", query.term)
# convert some characters to brower friendly text (better to be safe than sorry)
query.gsub <- gsub('"', "%22", query.gsub)
query.gsub <- gsub("\\[", "%5B", query.gsub)
query.gsub <- gsub("\\]", "%5D", query.gsub)
# add progressbar
pb <- txtProgressBar(min = yrStart, max = yrMax, style = 3)
# create empty data frame
df <- data.frame(NULL)
cat("Searching for: ", query.term,"\n")
# Start retrieval loop
for(i in yrStart:yrMax) {
# tell progressbar how it's going
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
# add publication date [dp] to query
query.parsed <- paste(query.gsub, "+AND+",i, "%5Bppdat%5D", sep="")
# Get XML with number of hits for query.parsed
pub.esearch <- getURL(paste("",
query.parsed, sep = ""))
# Parse XML
pub.esearch <- xmlTreeParse(pub.esearch, asText = TRUE)
# Get number of hits from XML
pub.count <- as.numeric(xmlValue(pub.esearch[["doc"]][["eSearchResult"]][["Count"]]))
# Don't add anything if count is 0
if (pub.count != 0) df <- rbind(df, data.frame("year" = i, "count" = pub.count))
# Wait 0.5 sec
# close progressbar
# Run getCount() for all query terms
df <- ldply(query, getCount)
### Calculate relative frequencies ###
# load file with pubmed total citations from 1947-2009
# match year
match <- match(df$year, total.table$year)
# add total count
df$total_count <- total.table$total_count[match]
# compute relative count times 10 000, i.e. show number of matches per 1 million PubMed citations
df$relative <- (df$count / df$total_count) * 10000
cat("\nAll done!")
### Show total hits ###
PubTotalHits <- function(args=FALSE) {
# Get column total for query 'x'
GetCount <- function(x) {
df <- data.frame("search_name" = x, "total_hits" = colSums(df[df$.id == x,][3]))
# Index all query names
query.index <- unique(df$.id)
# Use GetCount() for every term in 'query.index' and return as data.frame
df <- ldply(query.index, GetCount)
# if argument is 'query' add full query instead of query name.
# if there is no argument specified both name and query will be shown
if (args == "query" || args == FALSE) {
# remove names
names(query) <- NULL
# add queries to df
df <- cbind(df, "query" = query)
# reorder columns
df <- df[,c(1,3,2)]
# remove 'names' if we only want queries
if (args == "query") df <- df[-1]
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