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Last active July 8, 2020 10:14
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window._browserIsNotSupported = true;
if (window.attachEvent) {
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var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(),
s, o = {};
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chrome: /chrome/.test(userAgent),
firefox: /firefox/.test(userAgent),
ie: /msie/.test(userAgent),
opera: /opera/.test(userAgent)
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'请<a href="" style="' + linkStyle + '" target="_blank">下载安装IE' + lowestSupportedIEVersion + '或更新版本的IE浏览器</a>;' +
'也可以在其他浏览器,' +
'如<a href="" style="' + linkStyle + '" target="_blank">谷歌Chrome浏览器</a>' +
'或<a href="browser-install/360se.exe" style="' + linkStyle + '" target="_blank">360安全浏览器</a>' +
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'或<a href="browser-install/sogou_explorer.exe" style="' + linkStyle + '" target="_blank">搜狗浏览器</a>' +
'或<a href="" style="' + linkStyle + '" target="_blank">Firefox火狐浏览器</a>中打开系统。';
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