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Last active August 19, 2019 10:56
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CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay with react-stockcharts
license: MIT
height: 420
"use strict";
var { ChartCanvas, Chart, series, scale, coordinates, tooltip, axes, indicator, helper } = ReStock;
var { CandlestickSeries, BarSeries, LineSeries, AreaSeries } = series;
var { EdgeIndicator } = coordinates;
var { CrossHairCursor, MouseCoordinateX, MouseCoordinateY, CurrentCoordinate } = coordinates;
var { OHLCTooltip, MovingAverageTooltip } = tooltip;
var { XAxis, YAxis } = axes;
var { ema, sma } = indicator;
var { fitWidth, TypeChooser } = helper;
class CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay extends React.Component {
render() {
var { data, type, width, ratio } = this.props;
var ema20 = ema()
.merge((d, c) => {d.ema20 = c})
.accessor(d => d.ema20);
var ema50 = ema()
.merge((d, c) => {d.ema50 = c})
.accessor(d => d.ema50);
var smaVolume50 = sma()
.merge((d, c) => {d.smaVolume50 = c})
.accessor(d => d.smaVolume50);
return (
<ChartCanvas ratio={ratio} width={width} height={400}
margin={{ left: 80, right: 80, top: 10, bottom: 30 }} type={type}
data={data} calculator={[ema20, ema50, smaVolume50]}
xAccessor={d =>} xScale={d3.scaleTime()}>
<Chart id={2}
yExtents={[d => d.volume, smaVolume50.accessor()]}
height={150} origin={(w, h) => [0, h - 150]}>
<YAxis axisAt="left" orient="left" ticks={5} tickFormat={d3.format(".0s")}/>
displayFormat={d3.format(".4s")} />
<BarSeries yAccessor={d => d.volume} fill={d => d.close > ? "#6BA583" : "#FF0000"} />
<AreaSeries yAccessor={smaVolume50.accessor()} stroke={smaVolume50.stroke()} fill={smaVolume50.fill()}/>
<CurrentCoordinate yAccessor={smaVolume50.accessor()} fill={smaVolume50.stroke()} />
<CurrentCoordinate yAccessor={d => d.volume} fill="#9B0A47" />
<EdgeIndicator itemType="first" orient="left" edgeAt="left"
yAccessor={d => d.volume} displayFormat={d3.format(".4s")} fill="#0F0F0F"/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="last" orient="right" edgeAt="right"
yAccessor={d => d.volume} displayFormat={d3.format(".4s")} fill="#0F0F0F"/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="first" orient="left" edgeAt="left"
yAccessor={smaVolume50.accessor()} displayFormat={d3.format(".4s")} fill={smaVolume50.fill()}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="last" orient="right" edgeAt="right"
yAccessor={smaVolume50.accessor()} displayFormat={d3.format(".4s")} fill={smaVolume50.fill()}/>
<Chart id={1}
yExtents={[d => [d.high, d.low], ema20.accessor(), ema50.accessor()]}
padding={{ top: 40, bottom: 20 }}>
<XAxis axisAt="bottom" orient="bottom"/>
<YAxis axisAt="right" orient="right" ticks={5} />
displayFormat={d3.timeFormat("%H:%M:%S")} />
displayFormat={d3.format(".2f")} />
<CandlestickSeries />
<LineSeries yAccessor={ema20.accessor()} stroke={ema20.stroke()}/>
<LineSeries yAccessor={ema50.accessor()} stroke={ema50.stroke()}/>
<CurrentCoordinate yAccessor={ema20.accessor()} fill={ema20.stroke()} />
<CurrentCoordinate yAccessor={ema50.accessor()} fill={ema50.stroke()} />
<EdgeIndicator itemType="last" orient="right" edgeAt="right"
yAccessor={ema20.accessor()} fill={ema20.fill()}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="last" orient="right" edgeAt="right"
yAccessor={ema50.accessor()} fill={ema50.fill()}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="last" orient="right" edgeAt="right"
yAccessor={d => d.close} fill={d => d.close > ? "#6BA583" : "#FF0000"}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="first" orient="left" edgeAt="left"
yAccessor={ema20.accessor()} fill={ema20.fill()}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="first" orient="left" edgeAt="left"
yAccessor={ema50.accessor()} fill={ema50.fill()}/>
<EdgeIndicator itemType="first" orient="left" edgeAt="left"
yAccessor={d => d.close} fill={d => d.close > ? "#6BA583" : "#FF0000"}/>
<OHLCTooltip origin={[-40, 0]} xDisplayFormat={d3.timeFormat("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")}/>
<MovingAverageTooltip onClick={(e) => console.log(e)} origin={[-38, 15]}
calculators={[ema20, ema50]}/>
<CrossHairCursor />
CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay.propTypes = {
data: React.PropTypes.array.isRequired,
width: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
ratio: React.PropTypes.number.isRequired,
type: React.PropTypes.oneOf(["svg", "hybrid"]).isRequired,
CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay.defaultProps = {
type: "svg",
CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay = fitWidth(CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay);
var parseDate = d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S");
d3["csv"]("//", (err, data) => {
data.forEach((d, i) => { = new Date(d3.timeParse("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")(; =;
d.high = +d.high;
d.low = +d.low;
d.close = +d.close;
d.volume = +d.volume;
// console.log(d);
/* change the type from hybrid to svg to compare the performance between svg and canvas */
ReactDOM.render(<TypeChooser type="hybrid">{type => <CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay data={data} type={type} />}</TypeChooser>, document.getElementById("chart"));
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>React Stockcharts - CandleStickChartForContinuousIntraDay Example</title>
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// Use babel transform so the examples work on the browser
.get(function(err, data) {
var outputEl = document.getElementById('chart');
try {
var output = Babel.transform(data.responseText, { presets: ["es2015", "react", "stage-3"] }).code;
} catch (ex) {
outputEl.innerHTML = 'ERROR: ' + ex.message;
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