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trying new things

Rob Baker rrbaker

trying new things
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rrbaker /
Last active December 19, 2022 17:29
Extract hyperlinked text from a MS Word Doc and extract those URLs in Excel

This is a step-by-step guide to extract all of the hyperlinked text from a Microsoft Word document and then create an Excel spreadsheet with two columns of the original text and the URLs.

For non-technical people, there is code involved in this process, but it's just copy-and-paste from what is provided below. Also, "extracting" doesn't mean that the links are removed from your document; just copied and pasted into a new document and your original document is still unchanged. This is tested against the current version of Word and Excel as of late 2022.

Extracting links from Word

  1. Open the Word document from which you want to extract all the links.

  2. Press the Alt and F11 (Opt-Fn-F11 on Mac) to open the VBA Script Editor.

I am attesting that this GitHub handle rrbaker is linked to the Tezos account tz1ZsmbC1itfSiGcaJuWPJByjACa3F6kwWQh for tzprofiles
rrbaker / eyeradio_coverage
Created December 9, 2014 16:49
EyeRadio Coverage
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