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Created August 28, 2023 03:40
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"""Starlark version of `new_local_repository` for module extensions.
Currently `native.new_local_repository` cannot be called from Bazel module
The plan is to eventually "starlark-ify" this rule:
In the interim we've got our own Starlark-native `new_local_repository`
lookalike with one major caveat:
- As mentioned in the issue and the design doc linked above,
`new_local_repository` is "special" because it registers a dependency on
the directory of the `new_local_repository`; changes to the directory will
cause the **repository rule** to be re-run (thus picking up, i.e. newly
created/deleted files, new dirs, etc.).
- As outlined in the design doc, we have no ability to watch directories from
repository rules we write today so we cannot arrange for this repository
rule to be re-run when things within the directory change.
- So, this rule asks for an explicit list of top-level symlinks to create
within the repository. This still is not perfect (i.e. deleting files within
the directory `path` points to that we have made symlinks to will not cause
the repo rule to be re-run; instead you'll just get errors about broken
symlinks at "runtime") but afaik there aren't correctness issues.
- Note: the "missing" dependency on the dir pointed to by `path` only affects
the repository rule itself; targets that depend on files within the
repository created by this rule will still have real content-based
dependencies on the files.
load(":strings.bzl", "dedent", "error")
load("@bazel_skylib//lib:paths.bzl", "paths")
def make_new_local_repository_symlinks(
error_on_missing_src = True,
"""Repo rule helper function for creating symlinks to a local directory.
rctx: [repository context] object.
dir_path: Directory path (as a string) that the symlinks will point into.
top_level_symlinks: List of relative paths (as strings) into `dir_path`.
These determine what items in `dir_path` are to be symlinked into the
new repository.
error_on_missing_src: If true errors on non-existent symlink source paths.
Set to `False` to allow `top_level_symlinks` to contain relative paths
that do not exist in `dir_path` (and/or `dir_path`s that do not exist)
on the host machine's local filesystem.
# If `dir_path` is not absolute make it relative to `rctx.workspace_root`:
if not paths.is_absolute(dir_path):
dir_path = rctx.workspace_root.get_child(dir_path)
dir_path = rctx.path(dir_path)
# Create the symlinks:
rctx.report_progress("Creating {} symlinks from `{}`".format(
len(top_level_symlinks), dir_path
for link in top_level_symlinks:
src = dir_path.get_child(link)
if error_on_missing_src and not src.exists:
Requested path `{link}` under `{dir}` but `{src}` doesn't exist.
""", link = link, dir = dir_path, src = src)
# Note: `rctx.symlink(..., link)` ensures that `link` is relative and
# does not escape its parent directory.
rctx.symlink(src, link)
def _new_local_repository_impl(rctx):
# Make symlinks:
# Create `BUILD.bazel`:
e = error
if rctx.attr.build_file_content == "" and rctx.attr.build_file == None: e(
"Must specify `build_file_content` or `build_file`; neither are set."
elif rctx.attr.build_file_content != "" and rctx.attr.build_file != None: e(
"Must specify `build_file_content` or `build_file`; both were provided."
build_file_content = rctx.attr.build_file_content
if rctx.attr.build_file != None:
# We make a copy instead of a symlink.
# Declare a dependency on this label by doing `rctx.path(Label(...))`:
build_file = rctx.path(Label(rctx.attr.build_file))
build_file_content =
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", content = build_file_content, executable = False)
new_local_repository = repository_rule(
implementation = _new_local_repository_impl,
attrs = {
"build_file_content": attr.string(
default = "",
doc = dedent("""
String to use as the contents of `BUILD.bazel` for the top-level
for the generated repository.
Exactly one of this or `build_file` must be specified; not both.
"build_file": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
doc = dedent("""
Label to a file to use as `BUILD.bazel` for the top-level of
the generated repository.
Exactly one of this or `build_file_content` must be specified;
not both.
"path": attr.string(
mandatory = True,
doc = dedent("""
Path on the local filesystem.
If this is a relative path, it is prefixed with the path to the
main workspace.
"top_level_symlinks": attr.string_list(
allow_empty = True,
mandatory = True,
doc = dedent("""
Paths under `path` to create symlinks for within the top-level
of the generated repository.
The expectation is that these paths are relative (not absolute)
and do not escape the directory `path` points to.
"error_on_missing_src": attr.bool(
default = True,
doc = dedent("""
If `True` errors if paths in `top_level_symlinks` do not exist
on the local filesystem.
Under most circumstances this is what you want however when
configuring a repo for use with RBE (i.e. setting up a
`new_local_repository` for paths that exist on remote builder
machines but do not exist on the host), eliding this check can
be useful (TODO: verify that this actually works?).
# Rerun on every fetch to pick up changes (i.e. broken symlinks) early.
# This rule should be cheap to run so we've not concerned about the extra
# work.
local = True,
# No need to gate this rule behind `bazel sync --configure`.
configure = False,
# No env var deps.
environ = [],
# Users that wish to use this rule to set up repos for RBE should do so by
# setting `error_on_missing_src` to `False` (or by invoking the
# `make_new_local_repository_symlinks` helper from within their own
# repository rule).
remotable = False,
doc = dedent("""
Starlark version of `new_local_repository` for module extensions.
See the docs at `@//build/bazel/utils:starlark_new_local_repository.bzl`
for more details.
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