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Created September 12, 2023 06:32
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Rules for invoking patchelf in Bazel
"""Rules for using [patchelf] in Bazel.
load("@rules_sh//sh:sh.bzl", "ShBinariesInfo")
load("//build/bazel/utils:strings.bzl", "error")
# Toolchain:
TOOLCHAIN_TYPE = Label("//build/bazel/rules/patchelf:toolchain_type")
def _patchelf_toolchain_impl(ctx):
patchelf = ctx.attr.patchelf
sh_info = patchelf[ShBinariesInfo]
# Check that there's a single binary named patchelf:
list_of_executables = sh_info.executables.keys()
if list_of_executables != ["patchelf"]: error("""
Expected the `patchelf` attribute to point to an `sh_binaries`
containing a single executable named `patchelf`; instead it contains: {}
""", list_of_executables)
toolchain_info = platform_common.ToolchainInfo(
sh_info = sh_info,
# Exposed for runfiles; see:
tool = patchelf,
make_variables = platform_common.TemplateVariableInfo({
"PATCHELF": sh_info.executables["patchelf"].path,
"PATCHELF_PATH": sh_info.paths.to_list()[0],
return [toolchain_info]
patchelf_toolchain = rule(
implementation = _patchelf_toolchain_impl,
attrs = {
"patchelf": attr.label(
executable = True,
mandatory = True,
providers = [ShBinariesInfo],
# Like `bash`, we want a binary that we can run on the execution
# platform.
cfg = "exec",
doc = "TODO",
provides = [platform_common.ToolchainInfo],
doc = "TODO",
def _current_patchelf_toolchain_impl(ctx):
toolchain = ctx.toolchains[TOOLCHAIN_TYPE]
return [
# We cannot re-export `DefaultInfo` verbatim because it contains an
# executable that was not created by this rule.
runfiles = toolchain.tool[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles,
files = toolchain.tool[DefaultInfo].files,
# Workaround for
current_patchelf_toolchain = rule(
implementation = _current_patchelf_toolchain_impl,
toolchains = [TOOLCHAIN_TYPE],
provides = [
doc = "TODO",
# Rules:
# NOTE: the major caveat here is this only works if the runfiles directory is
# next to the binary!
# not sure that this is the case if, for example, the produced binary is invoked
# from another rule (instead of just `run`ing the target)
# initial experiments (simple genrules) indicate that this is an okay assumption
# Returns: (generated file, runfiles)
def _apply_patches(ctx, input_file, input_target):
# see:
patchelf = ctx.toolchains[TOOLCHAIN_TYPE].tool
tool_inputs, tool_manifests = ctx.resolve_tools(tools = [patchelf])
out = ctx.actions.declare_file(
removes = ctx.attr.remove_needed
adds = ctx.attr.add_needed
replaces = ctx.attr.replace_needed
## Gather the runfiles:
runfiles = input_target[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles
# Returns the runfiles and the file:
def _check_for_single_file_and_get_runfiles(target, attr_name):
files = target[DefaultInfo].files.to_list()
okay = True
if len(files) == 0: okay = False
elif len(files) == 1: pass
# We'll also allow multiple files if the names of the extra files
# are all strict superset or subset of the first file; i.e.
# `` and ``, ``:
first = files[0]
okay = all([
f.path.startswith(first.path) or first.path.startswith(f.path)
for f in files[1:]
if not okay: error("""
Attrs in `{}` should contain a single library file but target `{}`
contained {} files: {}.
""", attr_name, target.label, len(files), files)
file = files[0]
runfiles = ctx.runfiles(transitive_files = target[DefaultInfo].files)
runfiles = runfiles.merge(target[DefaultInfo].default_runfiles)
return file, runfiles
def _get_runfiles_relative_path(file):
runfiles_dir = out.basename + ".runfiles"
workspace_name = ctx.workspace_name
runfile_path = file.short_path
return "{}/{}/{}".format(
runfiles_dir, workspace_name, runfile_path
def _get_runfiles_relative_rpath_entry(file):
relative_path = _get_runfiles_relative_path(file)
# do "dirname":
dir_path = relative_path.removesuffix("/" + file.basename)
return "$ORIGIN" + "/" + dir_path
# Process removes, adds, and replaces:
args = ctx.actions.args()
args.add("--output", out)
new_runfiles = []
args.add_all(removes, before_each = "--remove-needed")
for add in adds:
file, extra_runfiles = _check_for_single_file_and_get_runfiles(add, "add_needed")
rpath = _get_runfiles_relative_rpath_entry(file)
lib_name = file.basename
args.add("--add-needed", lib_name)
args.add("--add-rpath", rpath)
for new_library_target, orig_library_name in replaces.items():
file, extra_runfiles = _check_for_single_file_and_get_runfiles(new_library_target, "replace_needed")
rpath = _get_runfiles_relative_rpath_entry(file)
lib_name = file.basename
args.add_all(["--replace-needed", orig_library_name, lib_name])
args.add("--add-rpath", rpath)
runfiles = runfiles.merge_all(new_runfiles)
## Invoke!
if ctx.attr.shrink_rpath:
outputs = [out],
# TODO: input_file[DefaultInfo].files? runfiles? runfiles of the extra inputs?
inputs = depset(direct=[input_file], transitive = [tool_inputs] + [runfiles.files]),
input_manifests = tool_manifests,
executable = patchelf[ShBinariesInfo].executables["patchelf"],
arguments = [args],
mnemonic = "Patchelf",
progress_message = "Patching {input} → %{output} (%{label})".replace("{input}", input_file.basename),
use_default_shell_env = False,
toolchain = TOOLCHAIN_TYPE,
# TODO: map in all the runfiles so that we can use shrink-rpath effectively!
return out, runfiles
# TODO: the tricky bit is the file paths for the shared objects
# - ideally we'd be able to rewrite to use runfiles relative paths...
# all libraries added are added via rpath!
# runfiles relative!
_common_attrs = dict(
remove_needed = attr.string_list(
doc = "names of shared objects to remove dependencies on; corresponds to `--remove-needed`",
add_needed = attr.label_list(
allow_files = True,
cfg = "target",
doc = "TODO",
replace_needed = attr.label_keyed_string_dict(
allow_files = True,
cfg = "target",
doc = "TODO",
extra_flags = attr.string_list(
doc = "TODO",
shrink_rpath = attr.bool(default = False, doc = "TODO"),
def _patch_binary_impl(ctx):
out, runfiles = _apply_patches(ctx, ctx.file.binary, ctx.attr.binary)
return [
runfiles = runfiles,
executable = out,
patch_binary = rule(
implementation = _patch_binary_impl,
attrs = {
"binary": attr.label(
executable = True,
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
cfg = "target",
doc = "binary to patch",
} | _common_attrs,
executable = True,
toolchains = [TOOLCHAIN_TYPE],
doc = "TODO",
def _patch_library_impl(ctx):
_, runfiles = _apply_patches(ctx, ctx.file.library, ctx.attr.library)
return [
DefaultInfo(runfiles = runfiles)
# Same as above but without `executable = True`
patch_library = rule(
implementation = _patch_library_impl,
attrs = {
"library": attr.label(
allow_single_file = True,
mandatory = True,
cfg = "target",
doc = "shared object to patch",
} | _common_attrs,
toolchains = [TOOLCHAIN_TYPE],
doc = "TODO",
# Patchelf provides binaries; conveniently these are statically linked.
# i.e.
load("//build/bazel/utils:strings.bzl", "format")
load("//build/bazel/utils:mod_ext_sibling_repos.bzl", "get_sibling_repo_in_module_extension")
load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive")
PATCHELF_VER = "0.18.0"
def _bin(name, sha256): return struct(
name = name,
url = "" + name.format(ver = PATCHELF_VER),
sha256 = sha256,
# Matches constraint names in `@platforms`; see:
# (os, cpu)
("linux", "aarch64"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-aarch64.tar.gz", "ae13e2effe077e829be759182396b931d8f85cfb9cfe9d49385516ea367ef7b2"),
("linux", "armv7"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-armv7l.tar.gz", "6817cc3f55811eb6631cfb0c23b667d0b9693ec81b02f0e7685411c4aa70e555"),
("linux", "x86_32"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-i686.tar.gz", "809371067871a4237ae25e5b4efcf93803e53ed1b5fb64d5a064ebdcc46c6bb7"),
("linux", "ppc"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-ppc64le.tar.gz", "b01501473ed7652d9334a21af0416aaa661db0b1aa42bb2900409daa7c0acc0b"),
("linux", "riscv64"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-riscv64.tar.gz", "1ea3e669c0fa26eacde205a24d49f9b7b921ce3445c33421c6eb66d24580ed15"),
("linux", "s390x"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-s390x.tar.gz", "5eb9bb58f0eabace75af463803ab32d43c32480d601d4b015411282cd9aaa6f3"),
("linux", "x86_64"): _bin("patchelf-{ver}-x86_64.tar.gz", "ce84f2447fb7a8679e58bc54a20dc2b01b37b5802e12c57eece772a6f14bf3f0"),
("windows", "x86_32"): _bin("patchelf-win32-{ver}.exe", "2db93a71658089841e48d19ccde3bcfed3b2945753ce40f10cf9886b2c00773e"),
("windows", "x86_64"): _bin("patchelf-win64-{ver}.exe", "ea5293833b6a547612ce4b073ac84fd603011ce3455f488a1017fabc8bd170ff"),
def _windows_toolchain_repo_impl(rctx):
url = rctx.attr.url,
output = "patchelf.exe",
sha256 = rctx.attr.sha256,
executable = True,
canonical_id = rctx.attr.url,
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False, contents = format("""
load("@rules_sh//sh:sh.bzl", "sh_binaries")
load("@//build/bazel/rules/patchelf:defs.bzl", "patchelf_toolchain")
name = "patchelf",
srcs = [":patchelf.exe"],
target_compatible_with = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "patchelf_toolchain",
patchelf = ":patchelf",
""", os = rctx.attr.os, cpu = rctx.attr.cpu))
_windows_toolchain_repo = repository_rule(
implementation = _windows_toolchain_repo_impl,
attrs = {
"os": attr.string(),
"arch": attr.string(),
"canonical_id": attr.string(),
"url": attr.string(),
"sha256": attr.string(),
def _toolchain_repo_impl(rctx):
info = json.decode(rctx.attr.json_encoded_info)
build_file = format("""
load("@//build/bazel/rules/patchelf:defs.bzl", "TOOLCHAIN_TYPE")
package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])
for repo_name, attrs in info.items():
build_file += format("""
name = "{name}",
toolchain = "{label}",
toolchain_type = TOOLCHAIN_TYPE,
exec_compatible_with = {constraints},
name = repo_name,
constraints = attrs.constraints,
label = "@@{}//:patchelf_toolchain".format(
get_sibling_repo_in_module_extension(rctx, repo_name)
rctx.file("BUILD.bazel", executable = False, contents = build_file)
_toolchain_repo = repository_rule(
implementation = _toolchain_repo_impl,
attrs = {
"json_encoded_info": attr.string(),
# Creates toolchain repos for patchelf and a top-level repo with the actual
# `toolchain` definitions (you can use `@<name>//:all` when registering these
# toolchains).
def create_toolchain_repos(name = "patchelf_toolchains"):
info = {}
# We create separate repos for each platform to take advantage of lazy
# repo fetching:
for (os, arch), attrs in BINARIES.items():
common = dict(
name = "patchelf_{}_{}_toolchain".format(os, arch),
canonical_id = "patchelf-{}-{}-{}".format(PATCHELF_VER, os, arch),
sha256 = attrs.sha256,
url = attrs.url,
if os == "linux":
build_file_content = format("""
load("@rules_sh//sh:sh.bzl", "sh_binaries")
name = "patchelf",
srcs = [":bin/patchelf"],
target_compatible_with = [
visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
name = "patchelf_toolchain",
patchelf = ":patchelf",
""", os = os, arch = arch),
elif os == "windows":
_windows_toolchain_repo(os = os, arch = arch, **common)
else: fail("unknown os: ", os)
info[common["name"]] = dict(
constraints = [
os = os,
arch = arch,
_toolchain_repo(name = name, json_encoded_info = json.encode(info))
return info
# TODO: module extension?
# with the same optional toolchain registration thing
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