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Forked from LucaCappelletti94/MacOs quick
Created October 27, 2023 03:17
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MacOs commands to get you started.

MacOs quick setup 🚀

Getting everything ready

1 - Xcode/Ruby/Command line tools

You need to have Xcode installed to proceed.

xcode-select --install
sudo xcodebuild -license accept

2 - Brew

Brew is a package manager for MacOs.

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
brew doctor
brew update

3 - Anaconda

Anaconda is a cool python library. You can get it from their site or download it with brew with the next command, but since it's a big file sometimes it fails.

brew cask install anaconda

4 - Java

Well, it's Java. It turns your mac into a coffee machine.

brew cask install java

5 - NodeJs

NodeJs is amazing. Go check it out if you're not familiar with it. And it comes also with a nifty package manager called npm (yes, like brew) that we'll use in a bit.

brew install node

6 - Git

I don't think I need to tell you what Git is, considering the website you're on.

brew install git
brew install git-lfs

Installing commonly used software

1 - Google Chrome & Firefox

brew cask install google-chrome
brew cask install firefox

2 - Spectacle

Spectacle is an app that satisfies my compulsory need for order on my mac screen.

brew cask install spectacle

3 - Sublime Text

Sublime Text is the text editor. I'll be creating a gist for my favourite plugins and setting.

brew cask install sublime-text

4 - Intellij Idea

Intellij is an extremely good IDE for java and others. There's a free account for students and professors.

brew cask install intellij-idea

5 - Gitkraken

brew cask install gitkraken

6 - Utilities

brew cask install vlc

7 - Stack for web development


Imageoptim optimizes the image sizes.

brew cask install imageoptim


Filezilla handles your FTP & SFTP needs.

brew cask install filezilla

Codekit & Ghostlab

Codekit & Ghostlab are apps that allow you to speed up your webdev.

brew cask install codekit
brew cask install ghostlab

Setting up default softwares for each extension

I like giving to Ceasar what is of Ceasar. But I don't like to proceed for each file extension to do this. So I found this lovely thing called Duti.

Installing duti

brew install duti

Setting VLC the default video player

duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mp4 all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .webm all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mkv all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .flv all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .vob all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .drc all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .avi all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mov all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .wmv all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .rm all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .rmvb all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mpg all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mpeg all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mpv all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mp2 all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .mpe all
duti -s org.videolan.vlc .m4v all

Setting Sublime Text the default textual file editor

duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .mod all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .dat all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .run all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .tex all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .html all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .json all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .php all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .md all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .txt all
duti -s com.sublimetext.3 .py all


Disabling extension change warning

defaults write FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning -bool false
killall Finder

Screenshot saved in .jpg and without shadows

defaults write disable-shadow -bool true
defaults write type jpg
killall SystemUIServer

Have I forgotten anything? Do contact me and let me know!

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