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Created July 3, 2023 19:17
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Maze Generator & Solver

This program creates and solves mazes. Mazes will be like that:


(* CONST *)
let scale = 10;;
let width = 2;;
let half_width = width / 2;;
let color_change_speed = 5;;
let n = 50;;
let set_create size =
Hashtbl.create size
let set_add s x =
Hashtbl.add s x true
let set_remove s x =
Hashtbl.remove s x
let set_mem s x =
Hashtbl.mem s x
let create_union_find size =
Array.make size (-1)
let rec find uf x =
if uf.(x) < 0 then x
else find uf uf.(x)
let union uf a b =
let a = find uf a in
let b = find uf b in
if uf.(a) < uf.(b) then
uf.(b) <- a
else if uf.(a) = uf.(b) then (
uf.(b) <- uf.(b) - 1;
uf.(a) <- b
) else
uf.(a) <- b
(* UTILS *)
let int_of_x_y (x, y) =
x + n * y
let x_y_of_int i =
let x = i mod n in
let y = i / n in
(x, y)
let draw_wall a b =
let xa, ya = x_y_of_int a in
let xb, yb = x_y_of_int b in
let max_x = max xa xb in
let max_y = max ya yb in
if xa = xb then (
Graphics.fill_rect (xa * scale - half_width) (max_y * scale - half_width) (scale + width) width
) else if ya = yb then (
Graphics.fill_rect (max_x * scale - half_width) (ya * scale - half_width) width (scale + width)
) else (
failwith "Error in draw_wall"
let rgb_of_dist d =
let r = ref 255 in
let g = ref 0 in
let b = ref 0 in
let moving = ref 0 in
for i = 0 to d do
match !moving mod 6 with
| 0 -> if !g < 255 then incr g else incr moving
| 1 -> if !r > 0 then decr r else incr moving
| 2 -> if !b < 255 then incr b else incr moving
| 3 -> if !g > 0 then decr g else incr moving
| 4 -> if !r < 255 then incr r else incr moving
| 5 -> if !b > 0 then decr b else incr moving
| _ -> failwith "Error in rgb_of_dist"
(!r, !g, !b)
let set_color_of_dist d =
let r, g, b = rgb_of_dist (d * color_change_speed) in
let c = Graphics.rgb r g b in
Graphics.set_color c
let draw_square a dist =
set_color_of_dist dist;
let x, y = x_y_of_int a in
Graphics.fill_rect (x * scale + half_width) (y * scale + half_width) (scale - width) (scale - width)
(* MAIN *)
let init_maze () =
let walls = set_create (n * n) in
for x = 0 to n - 1 do
for y = 0 to n - 1 do
if x < n - 1 then
set_add walls (int_of_x_y (x, y), int_of_x_y (x + 1, y));
if y < n - 1 then
set_add walls (int_of_x_y (x, y), int_of_x_y (x, y + 1));
let generate_maze () =
let walls = init_maze () in
let blocks = create_union_find (n * n) in
let nb_blocks = ref (n * n) in
Random.self_init ();
while !nb_blocks > 1 do
let a = (n * n) in
let xa, ya = x_y_of_int a in
let xb, yb = ref xa, ref ya in
let rec aux () =
let side = (4) in
match side with
| 0 when ya < n - 1 -> incr yb
| 1 when xa < n - 1 -> incr xb
| 2 when ya > 0 -> decr yb
| 3 when xa > 0 -> decr xb
| _ -> aux ();
in aux ();
let b = int_of_x_y (!xb, !yb) in
if find blocks a <> find blocks b && set_mem walls (a, b) then (
set_remove walls (a, b);
union blocks a b;
decr nb_blocks
let draw_maze walls =
let seq = Hashtbl.to_seq_keys walls in
let list = List.of_seq seq in
let rec aux list =
match list with
| [] -> ()
| h :: t ->
let (a, b) = h in
draw_wall a b;
aux t
aux list
let reachable a walls =
let xa, ya = x_y_of_int a in
let possible_x_y = List.filter (fun (x, y) -> x >= 0 && x < n && y >= 0 && y < n) [(xa - 1, ya); (xa + 1, ya); (xa, ya - 1); (xa, ya + 1)] in
let possible = (fun (x, y) -> int_of_x_y (x, y)) possible_x_y in
let reachable_list = List.filter (fun b -> not (set_mem walls (a, b)) && not (set_mem walls (b, a))) possible in
Array.of_list (reachable_list)
let solve_maze walls =
let distances = Array.make (n * n) (-1) in
distances.(0) <- 0;
let q = Queue.create () in
Queue.add 0 q;
while not (Queue.is_empty q) do
let a = Queue.pop q in
let reach = reachable a walls in
for i = 0 to Array.length reach - 1 do
let b = reach.(i) in
if distances.(b) = -1 then (
distances.(b) <- distances.(a) + 1;
Queue.add b q
let color_maze distances =
for i = 0 to Array.length distances - 1 do
draw_square i distances.(i)
let color_sol distances walls =
let goal = int_of_x_y (n - 1, n - 1) in
let a = ref goal in
draw_square !a distances.(!a);
while !a <> 0 do
let reach = reachable !a walls in
let found = ref false in
let i = ref 0 in
while not !found && !i < Array.length reach do
let b = reach.(!i) in
if distances.(b) = distances.(!a) - 1 then (
draw_square b distances.(b);
a := b;
found := true
) else
incr i
let () =
let walls = generate_maze () in
print_endline "Maze generated";
Graphics.open_graph "";
Graphics.set_window_title (Printf.sprintf "Maze %dx%d: %dpx x %dpx" n n (scale * n) (scale * n));
Graphics.resize_window (scale * n) (scale * n);
draw_maze walls;
print_endline "Maze drawn";
let distances = solve_maze walls in
print_endline "Distances computed";
color_sol distances walls;
(* color_maze distances; *) (* To color the whole maze *)
print_endline "Solution drawn";
while true do
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