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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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// API
$newCompanySettings = new NewCompanySettings();
$company = new Company($db);
$result = $company->create(newCompanySettings);
// GUI Controller
$newCompanySettings = new NewCompanySettings();
$company = new Company($db);
$result = $company->create($newCompanySettings);
// Object representation of Company at a high level
class Company() {
construct($databaseConnection , Integer $companyId = false)
$this->adminDb = $databaseConnection;
if ($companyId)
$this->companyRecord = retrieveCompanyRecord($companyId);
$this->companyDatabase = new CompanyDatabase($companyRecord);
create(NewCompanySettings $newCompanySettings)
$this->companyRecord = new CompanyRecord();
// persist $companyRecord
$this->companyDatabase = new CompanyDatabase();
$this->companyDatabase->create($this->companyRecord, $newCompanySettings);
// persit $companyRecord once again
return CompanyRecord
// add a log somewhere that dates were reset
// update company record updatedAt timestamp
// etc.
return true|false
// Object representation of the database_location record
class CompanyRecord {
// getters and setters
// Object representation of the company database
class CompanyDatabase {
construct(CompanyRecord $companyRecord)
$this->companyDatabaseConnection = getCompanyDatabaseConnection($companyRecord)
create(NewCompanySettings $newCompanySettings) // private method
// identify id range and actual id for company
$companyId = $this->getNextAvailabeCompanyId($region);
// identify the database name for company
$dbName = $this->getNextAvailableDatabaseName($newCompanySettings);
// create database with base sql
// customize our database
// do some things if this is a trial instance
$seedDate = $this->getTrialSeedData();
return $companyDatabaseConnection;
customize(NewCompanySettings $newCompanySettings)
return true|false;
return true|false;
getNextAvailabeCompanyId() // private method
return int;
getNextAvailableDatabaseName() // private method
return string;
createBaseDatabase() // private method
return true|false;
class NewCompanySettings {
$isTrial = true|false;
$trialStartDate = null|DateTime;
$resetDates = true|false;
$resetDate = null|DateTime;
$users = [User, User, ...];
// parse post
return isValid();
// parse api request
return isValid();
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