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Last active February 26, 2024 10:57
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When the number of git projects starts to get large having a way to share and update many different projects prompted me to find a couple of commands useful when working in teams on many projects. I hope they are useful to someone :)

Linux and MINGW64 compatible git utilities

Pull changes for all local projects

In the root folder of your workspace run this find command to pull changes from remote repo (on the last branch):

find . -name .git -type d -print -execdir git pull \;

Create your favourite alias for example, for sync changes with git pull :

alias git-sync='find . -name .git -type d -print -execdir git pull \;'

Extract all repo url from all git project in a file:

find . -name .git -type d -print -execdir grep -Ri url {}/config > $(pwd)/repo-urls.out \;

then substitute all "url =" pattern with "git clone" command :

sed -i 's/url =/git clone/g' repo-urls.out

Output Example after substitution :

cat repo-urls.out


git clone

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