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Last active September 19, 2016 03:21
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Save rringler/7d7fb17aeb16b8ab5ac6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - adapted for dd-wrt
# - by Todd Stein (, Saturday, October 25, 2014
# for use on routers running OpenWRT firmware
# Periodically download lists of known ad and malware servers, and prevents traffic from being sent to them.
# This is a complete rewrite of a script originally written by teffalump (
# get script's absolute path and escape spaces
cd "${0%/*}"
cd "$OLDPWD"
# await internet connectivity before proceeding (in case rc.local executes this script before connectivity is achieved)
until ping -c1 -w3 || ping -c1 -w3; do
sleep 5
done &>/dev/null
# initialize block list
# grab blacklisted domains if any have been specified
[ -s "$BLACKLIST" ] && awk '/^[^#]/ { print "",$1 }' "$BLACKLIST" >>"$BLOCKLIST"
# grab host lists from the internet
wget -qO- $HOST_LISTS | sed -rn 's/^(|' | awk '{ print $1,$2 }' | sort -uk2 >>"$BLOCKLIST"
# remove any whitelisted domains from the block list
if [ -s "$WHITELIST" ]; then
# create a pipe-delimited list of all non-commented words in whitelist
white_listed_regex=`echo \`grep -o '^[^#]\+' "$WHITELIST"\` | tr ' ' '|'`
sed -ri "/$white_listed_regex/d" "$BLOCKLIST"
# add IPv6 blocking
sed -ri 's/([^ ]+)$/\1\n:: \1/' "$BLOCKLIST"
# # add block list to dnsmasq config if it's not already there
# if ! uci get dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].addnhosts | grep -q "$BLOCKLIST"; then
# uci add_list dhcp.@dnsmasq[0].addnhosts="$BLOCKLIST" && uci commit
# fi
# restart dnsmasq service
# /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart
kill -HUP `pidof dnsmasq`
# # carefully add script to /etc/rc.local if it's not already there
# if ! grep -Fq "$SCRIPT_NAME" /etc/rc.local; then
# # using awk and cat ensures that no symlinks (if any exist) are clobbered by BusyBox's feature-poor sed.
# awk -v command="$SCRIPT_NAME" '
# ! /^exit( 0)?$/ {
# print $0
# }
# /^exit( 0)?$/ {
# print command "\n" $0
# entry_added=1
# }
# END {
# if (entry_added != 1) {
# print command
# }
# }' /etc/rc.local >/tmp/
# cat /tmp/ >/etc/rc.local
# rm -f /tmp/
# fi
# add script to root's crontab if it's not already there
grep -Fq "$SCRIPT_NAME" /tmp/cron.d/cron_jobs 2>/dev/null || cat >>/tmp/cron.d/cron_jobs <<-:EOF:
# Download updated ad and malware server lists every Tuesday at 3 AM
0 3 * * 2 /bin/sh $SCRIPT_NAME
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