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Last active September 28, 2023 22:18
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  • Save rrmesquita/b0b2da4c7894ddbf50a5be37bfb6076d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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CS:GO Configuration Files
// General
cl_crosshair_sniper_width "2";
cl_draw_only_deathnotices "0";
cl_hud_radar_scale "1.15";
cl_radar_always_centered "0";
cl_radar_icon_scale_min "1";
cl_radar_rotate "1";
cl_radar_scale "0.275";
cl_radar_square_with_scoreboard "1";
cl_teamid_overhead_maxdist "99999";
cl_teamid_overhead_mode "2";
cl_teammate_colors_show "2";
cl_use_opens_buy_menu "0";
gameinstructor_enable "0";
hud_scaling "0.95";
sv_noclipaccelerate "5";
sv_voiceenable "true"
cl_crosshairstyle "4";
cl_crosshairgap_useweaponvalue "false";
// Performance
rate "128000";
cl_showfps "0";
fps_max "241";
fps_max_ui "121";
r_drawtracers_firstperson "0";
mm_dedicated_search_maxping "40";
// Sounds
snd_deathcamera_volume "0";
snd_mapobjective_volume "0";
snd_menumusic_volume "0";
snd_roundend_volume "0";
snd_roundstart_volume "0";
snd_tensecondwarning_volume "0.2";
snd_mvp_volume "0";
// Binds
bind "0" "slot10";
bind "1" "slot1";
bind "2" "slot2";
bind "3" "slot3";
bind "4" "slot0;slot6";
bind "5" "slot5";
bind "6" "slot6";
bind "7" "slot7";
bind "8" "slot8";
bind "9" "slot9";
bind "a" "+left";
bind "b" "buymenu";
bind "c" "slot0;slot8";
bind "d" "+right";
bind "e" "+use";
bind "f" "slot0;slot7";
bind "g" "drop";
bind "i" "show_loadout_toggle";
bind "k" "+voicerecord";
bind "m" "teammenu";
bind "n" "+jump; -attack; -jump";
bind "o" "say_team .unpause";
bind "p" "say_team .pause";
bind "q" "lastinv";
bind "r" "+reload";
bind "s" "+back";
bind "t" "+lookatweapon";
bind "u" "messagemode2";
bind "v" "slot0;slot10";
bind "w" "+forward;+cl_show_team_equipment";
bind "x" "slot0;slot9";
bind "y" "messagemode";
bind "KP_0" "buy vest";
bind "KP_1" "buy ak47; buy m4a1";
bind "KP_2" "buy p250";
bind "KP_3" "buy defuser";
bind "KP_4" "buy ump45";
bind "KP_5" "buy awp";
bind "KP_6" "buy decoy";
bind "KP_7" "buy smokegrenade";
bind "KP_8" "buy flashbang";
bind "KP_9" "buy molotov; buy incgrenade";
bind "KP_DEL" "buy vesthelm";
bind "KP_PLUS" "buy hegrenade";
bind "`" "toggleconsole";
bind "," "buyammo1";
bind "." "buyammo2";
bind "-" "say .ready";
bind "=" "incrementvar voice_scale 0 0.2 0.2";
bind "CAPSLOCK" "+voicerecord";
bind "CTRL" "+duck";
bind "ESCAPE" "cancelselect";
bind "SHIFT" "+sprint";
bind "DEL" "mute";
bind "SPACE" "+jump";
bind "TAB" "+showscores";
bind "F1" "radio1";
bind "F2" "radio2";
bind "F3" "radio3";
bind "F4" "rebuy";
bind "F5" "jpeg";
bind "F6" "save quick";
bind "F7" "load quick";
bind "MOUSE1" "+attack";
bind "MOUSE2" "+attack2";
bind "MOUSE3" "+player_ping";
bind "MOUSE4" "+voicerecord";
bind "MOUSE5" "r_cleardecals 1";
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump";
bind "MWHEELDOWN" "+jump";
bind "X_AXIS" "rightleft"
bind "Y_AXIS" "!forwardback"
bind "MOUSE_X" "yaw"
bind "MOUSE_Y" "pitch"
bind "U_AXIS" "yaw"
bind "R_AXIS" "pitch"
// End
echo ">>> GLHF <<<";
bind "." "toggle host_timescale 6 1"
bind "," "toggle host_timescale 0.25 1"
bind "END" "toggle bot_stop"
bind "DOWNARROW" "bot_place; mp_solid_teammates 1"
bind "PGDN" "toggle bot_crouch"
bind "LEFTARROW" "bot_add_t"
bind "UPARROW" "toggle bot_mimic"
bind "RIGHTARROW" "bot_add_ct"
bind "CAPSLOCK" "noclip"
sv_cheats "1"
sv_infinite_ammo "1"
sv_grenade_trajectory "1"
sv_grenade_trajectory_time "20"
sv_grenade_trajectory_dash "0"
sv_grenade_trajectory_thickness "0.5"
sv_showimpacts "2"
sv_showimpacts_time "10"
mp_limitteams "0"
mp_autoteambalance "0"
mp_roundtime "60"
mp_roundtime_defuse "60"
mp_maxmoney "60000"
mp_startmoney "60000"
mp_freezetime "0"
mp_warmuptime "0"
mp_buytime "9999"
mp_buy_anywhere "1"
mp_solid_teammates "1"
mp_teammates_are_enemies "1"
bot_mimic_yaw_offset "360"
bot_dont_shoot "1"
ammo_grenade_limit_total "5"
mp_round_restart_delay "0.1"
mp_respawn_on_death_t "1"
mp_respawn_on_death_ct "1"
mp_restartgame 1
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