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Created April 2, 2012 18:36
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A sketch of what types for an ST + Par + MVector combination
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, CPP #-}
import Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import qualified Data.Vector as V -- ((!), freeze)
import Control.Monad.ST
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Prelude hiding (read)
type Splitter a = a -> (a,a)
--class Splitter a v where
-- split ::
-- newtype Par s a = Par (ST s a)
-- deriving (Monad, PrimMonad)
#define Par ST
-- forkSplit :: (Splitter a) -> a -> (forall s . a -> Par s a) ->
-- (Par s' a)
-- forkSplit = undefined
-- The problem with this approach is that the universal quantification
-- on the *return* value doesn't count, and the input MVector has a
-- universal s. Nothing prevents s == s'' here.
forkSplit1 :: MVector s t -> (forall s' . MVector s' t -> Par s' ())
-> (forall s'' . Par s'' (MVector s'' t))
forkSplit1 = undefined
-- This version is similar to runST.
-- First we take a completely encapsulated computation that will
-- generate our initial MVector:
--forkSplit2 :: (forall s . Par s (MVector s t)) ->
-- Fork/join version, include the barrier:
forkSplit2 :: (MVector s t) ->
-- Left child computation:
(forall s' . MVector s' t -> Par s' ()) ->
-- Right child computation:
(forall s'' . MVector s'' t -> Par s'' ()) ->
-- Only if we have a BARRIER is it safe to use the vector after this
-- point.... Or we could leave the barrier to the user by returning an IVar.
Par s ()
forkSplit2 = undefined
-- Generalized fork/join version:
-- We're including TWO type arguments for the type constructor here to
-- match MVector. We could have multiple classes based on the kind of
-- tc. That's awful ugly.
class SplittableST tc where
split :: tc s t -> (tc s t, tc s t)
-- This is not what we want... ultimately an extra argument needs to
-- be passed that says HOW to split.
instance SplittableST MVector where
-- If we split an odd length we are forced to produce uneven "halves":
split mv = (slice 0 half mv,
slice half (half+carry) mv)
where (half, carry) = quotRem len 2
len = MV.length mv
-- How do we take products conveniently?
-- instance (SplittableST ta, SplittableST tb) => SplittableST (ta :X: tb)
forkSplit3 :: SplittableST tc =>
(tc s t) ->
-- Left child computation:
(forall s' . tc s' t -> Par s' ()) ->
-- Right child computation:
(forall s'' . tc s'' t -> Par s'' ()) ->
-- Only if we have a BARRIER is it safe to use the vector after this
-- point.... Or we could leave the barrier to the user by returning an IVar.
Par s ()
forkSplit3 = undefined
-- In this version we simply take the splitter as an argument:
--forkSplit4 :: (tc s t -> (tc s t, tc s t)) -> -- ^ Splitter
forkSplit4 :: Splitter (tc s t) -> -- ^ Splitter
(tc s t) -> -- ^ Data to be split
(forall s' . tc s' t -> Par s' ()) -> -- ^ Left child computation
(forall s'' . tc s'' t -> Par s'' ()) -> -- ^ Right child computation
Par s ()
-- Only if we have a BARRIER is it safe to use the vector after this
-- point.... Or we could leave the barrier to the user by returning an IVar.
forkSplit4 = undefined
t1 :: Par s Float
t1 = do vec <- V.thaw$ V.enumFromN 1.1 10
write vec 5 99.9
forkSplit1 vec $ \ left ->
do return ()
-- We must prevent THIS unless there is a barrier:
write vec 5 101.1
forkSplit2 vec
(\left -> do return ())
(\right -> do return ())
-- Barrier.. vec is modified but safe to use again:
read vec 0
-- How about splitting two vectors at once?
-- Here's an unsatisfying way to do it:
data VecPair s t = VP (MVector s t) (MVector s t)
instance SplittableST VecPair where
split (VP v1 v2) = (VP v1L v2L, VP v1R v2R)
(v1L,v1R) = split v1
(v2L,v2R) = split v2
t2 :: Par s (Float,Float)
t2 = do vecA <- V.thaw$ V.enumFromN 1.1 10
vecB <- V.thaw$ V.enumFromN 100.1 10
forkSplit3 -- (\ (VP a b) -> undefined)
(VP vecA vecB)
(\ (VP aL bL) -> do return ())
(\ (VP aR bR) -> do return ())
a' <- read vecA 0
b' <- read vecB 0
return (a', b')
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