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Created November 25, 2020 17:58
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Selecting winner
left_voters = []
losers = []
for r in range(1,df.shape[1]-1):
#Stop loop when there are already two candidates
if vote_rounds[r-1].nunique() == 2:
#Start the new voting round
vote_rounds[r] = vote_rounds[r-1]
#FInd out who are the potential losers
aggre = pd.DataFrame(vote_rounds[r-1].value_counts())
min_vote = aggre[r-1].min()
potential_losers = aggre[aggre[r-1] == min_vote].index.tolist()
least_votes = df[potential_losers].sum().max()
potential_losers_df = df[potential_losers]
#Choose loser based on worse overall ranking (sum of ranking):
sum_votes = pd.DataFrame(potential_losers_df.sum())
least_ranking = sum_votes[0].max()
loser = sum_votes[sum_votes[0] == least_ranking].index.tolist()[0]
print(f'Loser of round {r} is {loser}')
#Determining who their votes go to
voters_non_selected = df[df[loser] == 1].index.tolist()
for voter in voters_non_selected:
votes_to_distribute = df.iloc[list(set(left_voters)),:]
votes_to_distribute = votes_to_distribute.loc[:, ~votes_to_distribute.columns.isin(losers)]
votes_to_distribute_t = votes_to_distribute.transpose()
for votr in votes_to_distribute_t.columns:
nxt_choice = votes_to_distribute_t[votr].min()
vote_goes_to = votes_to_distribute_t[votes_to_distribute_t[votr] == nxt_choice].index.tolist()[0]
print(f'Vote goes to {vote_goes_to}')
# Changing their votes
vote_rounds.loc[votr,r] = vote_goes_to
col_rounds = vote_rounds.columns.tolist()
vote_rounds['value'] = [1 for x in range(vote_rounds.shape[0])]
# Selecting winner
final_count = pd.DataFrame(vote_rounds.iloc[:,-2:-1].value_counts()).reset_index()
final_count.columns = ['candidate','final_votes']
winner = final_count[final_count.final_votes == final_count.final_votes.max()]['candidate'].tolist()
if len(winner) > 1:
print('There is a draw')
print(f'And the final winner is... {winner[0]} !')
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