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Created August 11, 2013 16:01
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Sublime course notes
General and useful info in []
**check on xiki...
ctrl d -sel similar.
wheel btn -col sel
alt f3 -sel all
ctrl shft p -command pallete -> () install package... snippets...
ctrl p -search in files
ctrl r -search function classes on file
ctrl p@ -search file then search function class.
ctrl / -comments the line or the group of of lines u r in...
ctr+sh+p --snippet html.. gives u the basic html page..
ul#ulid>li*4 -four li under ul...
.conteiner>header+.main+footer --html5 style...
a.aclass[href=locura.php] --specifying the href on a <a>
li{text inside the li}
p50 -padding: 50px;
w45p -width: 45%;
m0-auto -margin: 0 auto;
header>h1^.main --inside header place a h1, back one level and write div classsed main.
lorem200 -200 words of false text.
ul>.item*4 -by default inside an ul we have li.. these are going to be 4 and classed item.
html:5 -basic html5 structure
ul>li.item$*3 -numbered from 1 to 3...
@f+ generates the complete @font-face syntax...
fetch (installed) -> ~nettuts fetch
ctrl+shft+p -- fetch single file on blank document.. and its got.
its defined in c+s+p fetch manage... json
it works with packages too, decompressing into a selected location.
advance new file
ctrl+alt+n -creates a new file...
sublime linting... <--- rewatch and install.. not working for me,..
created account in, allowing me to put and pull info <code>, fork from others,save the changes and keep all connected.
ctr+shf+P Gist <open> <save> etc...
Token previusly generated.
Helps generating documentation, function, classes oriented. Just put the cursor a line ahead of the function/class to document, type /** and then TAB, and the documentation is automaticly generated. If the name function begins with -has- or -is-, is going to assume is returning a boolean. Even detects the parameters type and documents accordingly.
Pretty Task Management
Check on this for writting task to do and similar.
Http requester
Installed and allows to request from a selected url, siply on text. Its going to generate a new tab with the status code and content generated. Also works for PUT, POST, send other headers, cookies, throught proxy, etc...
See the file for more details:
Plugin extention for givin instant access to the changes just done on the source page.
For opening new projects is ctr+alt+N.
Sublime gives the opport to build inside the codes. For this u can create a new build (in case there is not one for the one u r developping in) and edit the 'cmd' array. For example, for putting the php build to work, the editable result would be something like:
"cmd": ["php", "-f", "$file"]
More info in [] & []
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