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Created December 4, 2009 16:24
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build@build104:/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec$ rake
(in /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec)
adds the rspec autotest plugin
should match a failure
should match a failure when matcher outputs multiple lines
should match an Error
should match an Error that doesn't end in Error
adding spec.opts --options
should return the command line option to add spec.opts if the options file exists
should return an empty string if no spec.opts exists
should make the appropriate test command
should return a blank command for no files
should find the spec file for a given lib file
should find the spec file if given a spec file
should ignore files in spec dir that aren't specs
should ignore untracked files (in @file)
consolidating failures
should return no failures if no failures were given in the output
should return a hash with the spec filename => spec name for each failure or error
should not include the subject file
normalizing file names
should ensure that a single file appears in files_to_test only once
when creating an ExampleGroup
should create a subclass of the ExampleGroup when passed a block
should not inherit examples
records the spec path
when creating an example group with no description
raises an ArgumentError
when creating a SharedExampleGroup
should create a SharedExampleGroup
when creating an ExampleGroup
should create a subclass of the ExampleGroup when passed a block
should not inherit examples
records the spec path
when creating an example group with no description
raises an ArgumentError
when creating a SharedExampleGroup
should create a SharedExampleGroup
should add an example
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should add an example
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should add an example
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should NOT create an example
should warn that the example is disabled
should NOT create an example
should warn that the example is disabled
should NOT create an example
should warn that the example is disabled
should have Examples
should not include methods that begin with test (only when TU interop is loaded)
should include methods that begin with should and has an arity of 0 in suite
should not include methods that begin with test_ and has an arity > 0 in suite
should not include methods that begin with should_ and has an arity > 0 in suite
should run should_methods
given a String
.description should return the String passed into .set_description
.described_type should provide nil as its type
given a Class
.description should return a String representation of that type (fully qualified) as its name
.described_type should return the passed in type
given a String and a Class
.description should return String then space then Type
.described_type should return the passed in type
given a Class and a String (starting with an alpha char)
.description should return the Type then space then String
given a Class and a String (starting with a '.')
.description should return the Type then String
#set_description(Class, String starting with #)
should return the Class then String
#set_description(Class, String containing .)
.description should return the Type then space then String
#set_description(Class, String containing #)
.description should return the Type then space then String
#set_description(String, Type, String)
.description should return the first String then space then Type then second String
#set_description(Hash representing options)
.location should expand the passed in :location option passed into the constructor
.options should return all the options passed in
should return the same description instance for each call
should not add a space when description begins with #
should not add a space when description begins with .
should return the class name if nil
should return the class name if nil
is cached
should return an Array of the current class description args
should return an Array of the description args from each class in the hierarchy
caches the description parts
should return passed in type
should return #described_type of superclass when no passed in type
is cached per example group
should have accessible class methods from included module
should count number of examples
should allow constants to be defined
should add ExampleGroup to set of ExampleGroups to be run
should remove ExampleGroup from set of ExampleGroups to be run
given an example group with at least one example
should call add_example_group
given an example group with no examples
should NOT call add_example_group (FAILED - 1)
should call new and matches? on the class used for matching examples
should expose the options hash
stores before(:each) blocks
stores before(:all) blocks
stores before(:suite) blocks
stores after(:each) blocks (FAILED - 2)
stores after(:all) blocks (FAILED - 3)
stores after(:suite) blocks
does not create an instance if before_all_parts are empty
does not create an instance if after_all_parts are empty
runs only the example identified by a line number
runs the example identified by a line number even if it's not the example line number
runs all the examples in the group
doesn't run any examples in another group
generates an instance method
caches the value (FAILED - 4)
when no block is supplied
raises an ExamplePendingError if no block is supplied
when the supplied block fails
raises an ExamplePendingError if a supplied block fails as expected
when the supplied block fails with a mock
raises an ExamplePendingError if a supplied block fails as expected with a mock
when the supplied block passes
raises a PendingExampleFixedError
should have the message provided
should have the message 'Not Yet Implemented'
should return the default ExampleGroup type for nil
should return the default ExampleGroup for an unregistered non-nil value
should return custom type if registered
should get the custom type after setting the default
should create a uniquely named class
should create a Spec::Example::Example subclass by default
should raise when no description is given
should raise when no block is given
should run registered ExampleGroups
should not run unregistered ExampleGroups
should create a type indicated by :location
should create a type indicated by :location (with location generated by caller on windows)
should create a type indicated by location for a path-like key
should use the longest key that matches when creating a type indicated by location
should favor the :type over the :location
should register ExampleGroup by default
should enable unregistering of ExampleGroups
with :type => :default
should create a Spec::Example::ExampleGroup
with :type => :something_other_than_default
should create the specified type
with :shared => true
should create and register a Spec::Example::SharedExampleGroup
registers a new shared example group
a helper method
is available to examples in the same group
from a nested group
is available to examples in a nested group
predicate_matcher[method_on_object] = matcher_method
is deprecated
should match matcher_method if method_on_object returns true
should not match matcher_method if method_on_object returns false
can access instance variables defined before(:each)
can access class variables (Ruby 1.8 only)
can access constants
can access methods defined in the Example Group
should run
should match correct example_group and example
should not match wrong example
should not match wrong example_group
should match example only
should match example_group only
should match example_group ending with before(:all)
should escape regexp chars
should match when example_group is modularized
Spec::Example::ExampleMatcher#matches? normal case
matches when passed in example matches
does not match when no passed in examples match
Spec::Example::ExampleMatcher#matches? where description has '::' in it
matches when passed in example matches
does not match when no passed in examples match
Spec::Example::ExampleMatchercalled with nil example
does not puke
with an included module that is reopened
should have reopened methods
in an ExampleGroup with an implicit subject
delegates matcher to the implied subject
in an ExampleGroup using an explicit subject
delegates matcher to the declared subject
in an ExampleGroup using 'self' as an explicit subject
delegates matcher to the ExampleGroup
in an ExampleGroup with an implicit subject
delegates matcher to the implied subject
in an ExampleGroup using an explicit subject
delegates matcher to the declared subject
in an ExampleGroup using 'self' as an explicit subject
delegates matcher to the ExampleGroup
should expose the options hash
preserves the options
returns the supplied description
returns the generated description if there is no description supplied
warns if there is no supplied or generated description
aliases #should with #to on the proc
aliases #should_not with #to_not on the proc
provides the submitted description
updates the description
provides the submitted options
#backtrace (DEPRECATED - use #location)
is deprecated
provides the location of the declaration of this group
provides the location of the declaration of this group
Spec::Example::ExampleGroupvia a class definition
should understand module scoping
can access class variables in examples in Ruby 1.8
can NOT access class variables in examples in Ruby 1.9
Spec::Example::ExampleGroupvia a class definition without a class variable
should not retain class variables from other Example classes
should raise a Pending error when its block fails
should raise Spec::Example::PendingExampleFixedError when its block does not fail
should not run when there are no examples
should report the start of an example run
should report the end of an example run
when before_each fails
should not run example block
should run after_each
should report failure location when in before_each
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run on dry run
should not run before(:all) or after(:all)
should not run example
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run with specified examples
when specified_examples matches entire ExampleGroup
should not run the Examples in the ExampleGroup
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when specified_examples matches only Example description
should not run the example
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when specified_examples does not match an Example description
should not run the example
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when specified_examples matches an Example description
should run only the example
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run with success
should send reporter example_group_started
should run example on run
should run before(:all) block only once
should run after(:all) block only once
after(:all) should have access to all instance variables defined in before(:all)
should copy instance variables from before(:all)'s execution context into spec's execution context
should not add global before callbacks for untargetted example_group
should add global before callbacks for targetted example_groups
should order before callbacks from global to local
should order after callbacks from local to global
should have accessible instance methods from included module
should include targetted modules included using configuration
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run with pending example that has a failing assertion
should send example_pending to formatter
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run with pending example that does not have a failing assertion
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should send example_pending to formatter
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when before(:all) fails
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should not run any example
should run ExampleGroup after(:all)
should run example_group after(:all)
should supply before(:all) as description
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when before(:each) fails
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should run after(:all)
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when any example fails
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should run after(:all)
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when first after(:each) block fails
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should run second after(:each) block
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when first before(:each) block fails
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should not run second before(:each)
Spec::Example::ExampleGroup#run when failure in after(:all)
should add an example failure to the TestResult
should return false
should have access to the described_type
should concat descriptions when nested
provides the example group's description
provides the example group's nested_descriptions
#filtered_description (DEPRECATED)
is deprecated
builds the description from the group's nested_descriptions
filters out description parts that match the supplied regexp
provides a collection of example group proxies
#backtrace (deprecated - use #location)
provides the location of the declaration of this group
warns deprecation
provides the location of the declaration of this group
provides the options passed to the example group declaration
excludes :location
excludes :scope
preserves the original hash
implicit subject
with a class
returns an instance of the class
with a Module
returns the Module
with a string
return the string
with a number
returns the number
explicit subject
defined in a top level group
replaces the implicit subject in that group
is available in a nested group (subclass)
is available in a doubly nested group (subclass)
.its (to access subject's attributes)
passes when expectation should pass
fails when expectation should fail
Spec::Example::ExampleGroupwith :shared => true
complains when adding a second shared example_group with the same description
does NOT add the same group twice
does NOT complain when adding the same shared example_group again (i.e. file gets reloaded)
does NOT complain when adding the same shared example_group in same file with different absolute path
complains when adding a different shared example_group with the same name in a different file with the same basename
adds examples to current example_group using it_should_behave_like
adds examples to from two shared groups
adds examples to current example_group using include
adds examples to current example_group using it_should_behave_like with a module
runs shared examples
runs before(:each) and after(:each) from shared example_group
should run before(:all) and after(:all) only once from shared example_group
should include modules, included into shared example_group, into current example_group
should make methods defined in the shared example_group available in consuming example_group
should raise when named shared example_group can not be found
creates a new shared example group with the submitted args
registers the shared example group
Grandparent ExampleGroup
Parent ExampleGroup
should bar
Child ExampleGroup
should bam
Nested Example Groups
should run before(:all), before(:each), example, after(:each), after(:all) in order
nested example group
should run all before and after callbacks
description options
includes :location
includes any other options
The bin/spec script
should have no warnings (FAILED - 5)
should show the help w/ no args
accepts and interacts with a matcher
asks for a failure_message_for_should when matches? returns false
accepts and interacts with a matcher
asks for a failure_message_for_should_not when matches? returns true
should output unified diff of two strings
should output unified diff message of two arrays
should output a friendly message if comparing simple hashes
should output a friendly message if comparing simple hashes that contain different keys
should output diff message if the hash is complex (containing Array or Hash)
should output unified diff message of two objects
Diff in context format
should output unified diff message of two objects
asks the matcher if it matches
returns the match value
calls failure_message_for_should if the matcher implements it
calls fail if matcher.diffable?
calls failure_message if the matcher does not implement failure_message_for_should
appends the :or message in the options hash passed to should
asks the matcher if it doesn't match when the matcher responds to #does_not_match?
asks the matcher if it matches when the matcher doesn't respond to #does_not_match?
returns the match value
calls failure_message_for_should_not if the matcher implements it
calls negative_failure_message if the matcher does not implement failure_message_for_should_not
calls fail if matcher.diffable?
appends the :or message in the options hash passed to should
should handle submitted args
should handle the submitted block
should return true if there is no error
should return false if there is an error
Spec::Expectations#fail_with with no diff
should handle just a message
Spec::Expectations#fail_with with Array
is deprecated
Spec::Expectations#fail_with with diff
should not call differ if no expected/actual
should call differ if expected/actual are presented separately
should call differ if expected/actual are not strings
should call differ if expected/actual are both hashes
should not call differ if expected or actual are procs
Spec::Expectations#fail_with with a nil message
should handle just a message
should execute rake's ruby path by default
should execute the command with system if ruby_cmd is specified
should execute the ruby_cmd path if specified
should produce a deprecation warning if the out option is used
should produce an error if failure_message is set and the command fails
should raise if fail_on_error is set and the command fails
should not raise if fail_on_error is not set and the command fails
with ENV['SPEC'] set
should use the provided file list
with the rcov option
should create a clobber_rcov task
should setup the clobber_rcov task to remove the rcov directory
should make the clobber task depend on clobber_rcov
should make the rcov task depend on clobber_rcov
creates an rcov options list
should find all Test::Unit test methods (FAILED - 6)
with passing test case
should output 0 failures
should return an exit code of 0
with failing test case
should output 1 failure
should return an exit code of 256 (FAILED - 7)
with test case that raises an error
should output 1 failure
should return an exit code of 256
ExampleGroup with test/unit/interop
with passing examples
should output 0 failures (FAILED - 8)
should return an exit code of 0
with failing examples
should output 1 failure (FAILED - 9)
should return an exit code of 256
with example that raises an error
should output 1 failure
should return an exit code of 256 (FAILED - 10)
options hash
should be exposed (FAILED - 11)
should pass
should yield global configuration
should delegate to Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.create_example_group
raises with no description
should delegate to Spec::Example::ExampleGroupFactory.create_example_group
raises with no description
should create a shared ExampleGroup
should create a shared ExampleGroup
#describe; with RUBY_VERSION = 1.9
includes an enclosing module into the block's scope
registers a shared ExampleGroup
creates a constant that points to a Module
complains if you pass it a not-constantizable name
should change(actual, message)
should pass when actual is modified by the block
should fail when actual is not modified by the block
provides a #description
should_not change(actual, message)
should pass when actual is not modified by the block
should fail when actual is not modified by the block
should change { block }
should pass when actual is modified by the block
should fail when actual is not modified by the block
should warn if passed a block using do/end instead of {}
provides a #description
should_not change { block }
should pass when actual is modified by the block
should fail when actual is not modified by the block
should warn if passed a block using do/end instead of {}
should change(actual, message).by(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount in the opposite direction
should change{ block }.by(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by unexpected amount in the opposite direction
should change(actual, message).by_at_least(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by greater than the expected amount
should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by less than the expected amount
should change{ block }.by_at_least(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by greater than expected amount
should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by less than the unexpected amount
should change(actual, message).by_at_most(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by less than the expected amount
should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by greater than the expected amount
should change{ block }.by_at_most(expected)
should pass when attribute is changed by less than expected amount
should pass when attribute is changed by the expected amount
should fail when the attribute is changed by greater than the unexpected amount
should change(actual, message).from(old)
should pass when attribute is == to expected value before executing block
should fail when attribute is not == to expected value before executing block
should change{ block }.from(old)
should pass when attribute is == to expected value before executing block
should fail when attribute is not == to expected value before executing block
should change(actual, message).to(new)
should pass when attribute is == to expected value after executing block
should fail when attribute is not == to expected value after executing block
should change{ block }.to(new)
should pass when attribute is == to expected value after executing block
should fail when attribute is not == to expected value after executing block
should change(actual, message).from(old).to(new)
should pass when #to comes before #from
should pass when #from comes before #to
should show the correct messaging when #after and #to are different
should show the correct messaging when #before and #from are different
should change{ block }.from(old).to(new)
should pass when #to comes before #from
should pass when #from comes before #to
should work when the receiver has implemented #send
should ==
should delegate message to target
should return true on success
should fail when target.==(actual) returns false
should_not ==
should delegate message to target
should return true on success
should fail when target.==(actual) returns false
should ===
should delegate message to target
should fail when target.===(actual) returns false
should_not ===
should delegate message to target
should fail when target.===(actual) returns false
should =~
should delegate message to target
should fail when target.=~(actual) returns false
should_not =~
should delegate message to target
should fail when target.=~(actual) returns false
should >
should pass if > passes
should fail if > fails
should >=
should pass if >= passes
should fail if > fails
should <
should pass if < passes
should fail if > fails
should <=
should pass if <= passes
should fail if > fails
should work when the target has implemented #send
should work when the target has implemented #send
[actual.should] be_close(expected, delta)
matches when actual == expected
matches when actual < (expected + delta)
matches when actual > (expected - delta)
does not match when actual == (expected - delta)
does not match when actual < (expected - delta)
does not match when actual == (expected + delta)
does not match when actual > (expected + delta)
provides a failure message for should
provides a failure message for should tno
provides a description
is not diffable by default
is diffable when told to be
provides expected
provides actual
supports helper methods
supports fluent interface
treats method missing normally for undeclared methods
has access to other matchers
lets you override the actual() in messages
without overrides
provides a default description
provides a default failure message for #should
provides a default failure message for #should_not
with overrides
does not hide result of match block when true
does not hide result of match block when false
overrides the description
overrides the failure message for #should
overrides the failure message for #should_not
passes matches? arg to match block
exposes arg submitted through #new to matcher block
with no args
with 1 arg
with multiple args
with a passing assertion
passes as you would expect
fails as you would expect
with an unexpected error
raises the error
The Spec::Matchers module gets included in the execution context of every spec.
This module should provide the following methods, each of which returns a Matcher object.
should convert be_xyz to Be(:be_xyz)
should convert have_xyz to Has(:have_xyz)
array.should =~ other_array
should pass if target contains all items
should pass if target contains all items out of order
should fail if target includes extra items
should fail if target is missing items
should fail if target is missing items and has extra items
should sort items in the error message if they all respond to <=>
should not sort items in the error message if they don't all respond to <=>
should accurately report extra elements when there are duplicates
should accurately report missing elements when there are duplicates
should_not =~ [:with, :multiple, :args]
should not be supported
is deprecated
creates a method that initializes a new matcher with the submitted name and expected arg
should match when actual.equal?(expected)
should not match when !actual.equal?(expected)
should describe itself
should provide message on #failure_message
should provide message on #negative_failure_message
actual.should be_a_kind_of(expected)
passes if actual is instance of expected class
passes if actual is instance of subclass of expected class
fails with failure message for should unless actual is kind of expected class
provides a description
actual.should_not be_a_kind_of(expected)
fails with failure message for should_not if actual is kind of expected class
actual.should be_kind_of(expected)
passes if actual is instance of expected class
passes if actual is instance of subclass of expected class
fails with failure message for should unless actual is kind of expected class
provides a description
actual.should_not be_kind_of(expected)
fails with failure message for should_not if actual is kind of expected class
should have_sym(*args)
should pass if #has_sym?(*args) returns true
should fail if #has_sym?(*args) returns false
should fail if #has_sym?(*args) returns nil
should fail if target does not respond to #has_sym?
should reraise an exception thrown in #has_sym?(*args)
should_not have_sym(*args)
should pass if #has_sym?(*args) returns false
should pass if #has_sym?(*args) returns nil
should fail if #has_sym?(*args) returns true
should fail if target does not respond to #has_sym?
should reraise an exception thrown in #has_sym?(*args)
should have_sym(&block)
should pass when actual returns true for :has_sym?(&block)
should fail when actual returns false for :has_sym?(&block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :has_sym?
should_not have_sym(&block)
should pass when actual returns false for :has_sym?(&block)
should fail when actual returns true for :has_sym?(&block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :has_sym?
should have_sym(*args, &block)
should pass when actual returns true for :has_sym?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual returns false for :has_sym?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :has_sym?
should_not have_sym(*args, &block)
should pass when actual returns false for :has_sym?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual returns true for :has_sym?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :has_sym?
should work when the target implements #send
with no args
matches if any Symbol is thrown
matches if any Symbol is thrown with an arg
does not match if no Symbol is thrown
provides a failure message
provides a negative failure message
with a symbol
matches if correct Symbol is thrown
matches if correct Symbol is thrown with an arg
does not match if no Symbol is thrown
does not match if correct Symbol is thrown
provides a failure message when no Symbol is thrown
provides a failure message when wrong Symbol is thrown
provides a negative failure message
should only match NameErrors raised by uncaught throws
bubbles up errors other than NameError
with a symbol and an arg
matches if correct Symbol and args are thrown
does not match if nothing is thrown
does not match if other Symbol is thrown
does not match if no arg is thrown
does not match if wrong arg is thrown
provides a failure message when no Symbol is thrown
provides a failure message when wrong Symbol is thrown
provides a negative failure message
only matches NameErrors raised by uncaught throws
should raise_error
should pass if anything is raised
should fail if nothing is raised
should raise_error {|err| ... }
passes if there is an error
passes the error to the block
should_not raise_error
should pass if nothing is raised
should fail if anything is raised
should raise_error(message)
should pass if RuntimeError is raised with the right message
should pass if RuntimeError is raised with a matching message
should pass if any other error is raised with the right message
should fail if RuntimeError error is raised with the wrong message
should fail if any other error is raised with the wrong message
should_not raise_error(message)
should pass if RuntimeError error is raised with the different message
should pass if any other error is raised with the wrong message
should fail if RuntimeError is raised with message
should fail if any other error is raised with message
should raise_error(NamedError)
should pass if named error is raised
should fail if nothing is raised
should fail if another error is raised (NameError)
should fail if another error is raised (NameError)
should_not raise_error(NamedError)
should pass if nothing is raised
should pass if another error is raised
should fail if named error is raised
should raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with String
should pass if named error is raised with same message
should fail if nothing is raised
should fail if incorrect error is raised
should fail if correct error is raised with incorrect message
should raise_error(NamedError, error_message) { |err| ... }
should yield exception if named error is raised with same message
yielded block should be able to fail on it's own right
should NOT yield exception if no error was thrown
should not yield exception if error class is not matched
should NOT yield exception if error message is not matched
should_not raise_error(NamedError, error_message) { |err| ... }
should pass if nothing is raised
should pass if a different error is raised
should pass if same error is raised with different message
should fail if named error is raised with same message
should_not raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with String
should pass if nothing is raised
should pass if a different error is raised
should pass if same error is raised with different message
should fail if named error is raised with same message
should raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with Regexp
should pass if named error is raised with matching message
should fail if nothing is raised
should fail if incorrect error is raised
should fail if correct error is raised with incorrect message
should_not raise_error(NamedError, error_message) with Regexp
should pass if nothing is raised
should pass if a different error is raised
should pass if same error is raised with non-matching message
should fail if named error is raised with matching message
should satisfy { block }
should pass if block returns true
should fail if block returns false
should_not satisfy { block }
should pass if block returns false
should fail if block returns true
should respond_to(:sym)
passes if target responds to :sym
fails if target does not respond to :sym
should respond_to(:sym).with(1).argument
passes if target responds to :sym with 1 arg
fails if target does not respond to :sym
fails if :sym expects 0 args
fails if :sym expects 2 args
should respond_to(message1, message2)
passes if target responds to both messages
fails if target does not respond to first message
fails if target does not respond to second message
fails if target does not respond to either message
should respond_to(:sym).with(2).arguments
passes if target responds to :sym with 2 args
fails if target does not respond to :sym
fails if :sym expects 0 args
fails if :sym expects 2 args
should_not respond_to(:sym)
passes if target does not respond to :sym
fails if target responds to :sym
should exist
within an example group
passes if target exists
passes if target exists with args
fails if target does not exist
describes itself
passes should_not exist if target doesn't exist
outside of an example group
should pass if target exists
should be_predicate
should pass when actual returns true for :predicate?
should pass when actual returns true for :predicates? (present tense)
should fail when actual returns false for :predicate?
should fail when actual returns false for :predicate?
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should fail on error other than NameError
should fail on error other than NameError (with the present tense predicate)
should_not be_predicate
should pass when actual returns false for :sym?
should pass when actual returns nil for :sym?
should fail when actual returns true for :sym?
should fail when actual does not respond to :sym?
should be_predicate(*args)
should pass when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args)
should fail when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should_not be_predicate(*args)
should pass when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args)
should fail when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should be_predicate(&block)
should pass when actual returns true for :predicate?(&block)
should fail when actual returns false for :predicate?(&block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should_not be_predicate(&block)
should pass when actual returns false for :predicate?(&block)
should fail when actual returns true for :predicate?(&block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should be_predicate(*args, &block)
should pass when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should_not be_predicate(*args, &block)
should pass when actual returns false for :predicate?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual returns true for :predicate?(*args, &block)
should fail when actual does not respond to :predicate?
should be_true
should pass when actual equal(true)
should fail when actual equal(false)
should be_false
should pass when actual equal(false)
should fail when actual equal(true)
should be_nil
should pass when actual is nil
should fail when actual is not nil
should_not be_nil
should pass when actual is not nil
should fail when actual is nil
should be <
should pass when < operator returns true
should fail when < operator returns false
should be <=
should pass when <= operator returns true
should fail when <= operator returns false
should be >=
should pass when >= operator returns true
should fail when >= operator returns false
should be >
should pass when > operator returns true
should fail when > operator returns false
should be ==
should pass when == operator returns true
should fail when == operator returns false
should be ===
should pass when === operator returns true
should fail when === operator returns false
should_not with operators
should coach user to stop using operators with should_not
should be
should pass if actual is true or a set value
should fail if actual is false
should fail if actual is nil
should be(value)
should pass if actual.equal?(value)
should fail if !actual.equal?(value)
'should be' with operator
should include 'be' in the description
arbitrary predicate with DelegateClass
should access methods defined in the delegating class (LH[#48])
be_a, be_an
should pass when class matches
should fail when class does not match
passes when direct class matches
fails when class is higher up hierarchy
should match when actual.eql?(expected)
should not match when !actual.eql?(expected)
should describe itself
should provide message, expected and actual on #failure_message
should provide message, expected and actual on #negative_failure_message
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
called with should
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should"
should have public instance method "failure_message"
called with should not
should have public instance method "failure_message_for_should_not"
should have public instance method "negative_failure_message"
actual.should be_an_instance_of(expected)
passes if actual is instance of expected class
fails if actual is instance of subclass of expected class
fails with failure message for should unless actual is instance of expected class
provides a description
actual.should_not be_an_instance_of(expected)
fails with failure message for should_not if actual is instance of expected class
actual.should be_instance_of(expected)
passes if actual is instance of expected class
fails if actual is instance of subclass of expected class
fails with failure message for should unless actual is instance of expected class
provides a description
actual.should_not be_instance_of(expected)
fails with failure message for should_not if actual is instance of expected class
should have(n).items
should pass if target has a collection of items with n members
should convert :no to 0
should fail if target has a collection of items with < n members
should fail if target has a collection of items with > n members
should have(1).item when ActiveSupport::Inflector is defined
should pluralize the collection name
should have(1).item when Inflector is defined
should pluralize the collection name
should have(n).items where result responds to items but returns something other than a collection
should provide a meaningful error
should_not have(n).items
should pass if target has a collection of items with < n members
should pass if target has a collection of items with > n members
should fail if target has a collection of items with n members
should have_exactly(n).items
should pass if target has a collection of items with n members
should convert :no to 0
should fail if target has a collection of items with < n members
should fail if target has a collection of items with > n members
should have_at_least(n).items
should pass if target has a collection of items with n members
should pass if target has a collection of items with > n members
should fail if target has a collection of items with < n members
should provide educational negative failure messages
should have_at_most(n).items
should pass if target has a collection of items with n members
should fail if target has a collection of items with > n members
should pass if target has a collection of items with < n members
should provide educational negative failure messages
have(n).items(args, block)
should pass args to target
should pass block to target
have(n).items where target IS a collection
should reference the number of items IN the collection
should fail when the number of items IN the collection is not as expected
have(n).characters where target IS a String
should pass if the length is correct
should fail if the length is incorrect
have(n).things on an object which is not a collection nor contains one
should fail
Spec::Matchers::Havefor a collection owner that implements #send
should work in the straightforward case
should work when doing automatic pluralization
should blow up when the owner doesn't respond to that method
should have method_missing as private
should not respond_to? method_missing (because it's private)
should be true for a method which Have defines
should be true for a method that it's superclass (Object) defines
should be false for a method which neither Object nor nor Have defines
should be false if the owner doesn't respond to the method
should be true if the owner responds to the method
Matchers should be able to generate their own descriptions
should == expected
should not == expected
should be empty (arbitrary predicate)
should not be empty (arbitrary predicate)
should be true
should be false
should be nil
should be > n
should be predicate arg1, arg2 and arg3
should equal
should_not equal
should eql
should not eql
should have_key
should have n items
should have at least n items
should have at most n items
should include
array.should =~ [1,2,3]
should match
should raise_error
should raise_error with type
should raise_error with type and message
should respond_to
should throw symbol
should throw symbol (with named symbol)
a Matcher with no description
should provide a helpful message when used in a string-less example block
should pass match arg to block
should provide a stock failure message
should provide a stock negative failure message
should provide the given description
should fail if a wrapped 'should' fails
with arity of 2
should provide the matcher so you can access its messages
should support a custom failure message
should complain when asked for a failure message if you don't give it a description or a message
should support a custom negative failure message
should complain when asked for a negative failure message if you don't give it a description or a message
should support a custom description
should tell you no description was provided when it doesn't receive one
should include(expected)
should pass if target includes expected
should pass if target is a Hash and has the expected as a key
should fail if target does not include expected
should include(with, multiple, args)
should pass if target includes all items
should pass if target is a Hash including all items as keys
should fail if target does not include any one of the items
should pass if target is a Hash missing any item as a key
should_not include(expected)
should pass if target does not include expected
should pass if target is a Hash and does not have the expected as a key
should fail if target includes expected
should include(:key => value)
should pass if target is a Hash and includes the key/value pair
should pass if target is a Hash and includes the key/value pair among others
should fail if target is a Hash and has a different value for key
should fail if target is a Hash and has a different key
should match(expected)
should pass when target (String) matches expected (Regexp)
should pass when target (String) matches expected (String)
should fail when target (String) does not match expected (Regexp)
should fail when target (String) does not match expected (String)
should provide message, expected and actual on failure
should_not match(expected)
should pass when target (String) matches does not match (Regexp)
should pass when target (String) matches does not match (String)
should fail when target (String) matches expected (Regexp)
should fail when target (String) matches expected (String)
should provide message, expected and actual on failure
Stubs should correctly restore module methods
1 - stub the open method
2 - use to create example.txt
mock failure
should tell you when it receives the right message with the wrong args
should tell you when it receives the right message with the wrong args if you stub the method (PENDING: fix bug 15719)
stub implementation
with no args
execs the block when called
with one arg
execs the block with that arg when called
with variable args
execs the block when called
represents itself nicely for failure messages
represents itself nicely for failure messages
A chained method stub
returns expected value from chaining only one method call
returns expected value from chaining two method calls
returns expected value from chaining four method calls
returns expected value from two chains with shared messages at the end
returns expected value from two chains with shared messages at the beginning
should describe itself properly
should match a hash without the specified key
should match a hash with the specified key, but different value
should match a hash without the specified key, given as anything()
should match an empty hash
should match a hash without any of the specified keys
should not match a non-hash
should not match a hash with a specified key
should not match a hash with the specified key/value pair
should not match a hash with the specified key
should not match a hash with one of the specified keys
should not match a hash with some of the specified keys
should not match a hash with one key/value pair included
should work when object lies about responding to a method
should work when class lies about responding to a method
should cleanup after itself
when one example has an expectation (non-mock) inside the block passed to the mock
then the next example should behave as expected instead of saying
should fail when at most n times method is called n plus 1 times
should fail when at most once method is called twice
should fail when at most twice method is called three times
should pass when at most n times method is called exactly n times
should pass when at most n times method is called less than n times
should pass when at most n times method is never called
should pass when at most once method is called once
should pass when at most once method is never called
should pass when at most twice method is called once
should pass when at most twice method is called twice
should pass when at most twice method is never called
using a Partial Mock,
should name the class in the failure message
should name the class in the failure message when expectation is on class
should not conflict with @options in the object
should_not_receive should mock out the method
should_not_receive should return a negative message expectation
should_receive should mock out the method
should_receive should handle a hash
should_receive should handle an inner hash
should_receive should return a message expectation
should_receive should verify method was called
should_receive should also take a String argument
should_not_receive should also take a String argument
should use report nil in the error message
Partially mocking an object that defines ==, after another mock has been defined
should not raise an error when stubbing the object
Method visibility when using partial mocks
should keep public methods public
should keep private methods private
should keep protected methods protected
Spec::Mocks::Methodshandling argument matchers
should accept true as boolean()
should accept false as boolean()
should accept fixnum as kind_of(Numeric)
should accept float as an_instance_of(Numeric)
accepts fixnum as instance_of(Fixnum)
should NOT accept fixnum as instance_of(Numeric)
should NOT accept float as instance_of(Numeric)
should accept string as anything()
should match duck type with one method
should match duck type with two methods
should match no args against any_args()
should match one arg against any_args()
should match no args against no_args()
should match hash with hash_including same hash
Spec::Mocks::Methodshandling block matchers
should match arguments against RSpec expectations
Spec::Mocks::Methodshandling non-matcher arguments
should match non special symbol (can be removed when deprecated symbols are removed)
should match string against regexp
should match regexp against regexp
should match against a hash submitted and received by value
should match against a hash submitted by reference and received by value
should match against a hash submitted by value and received by reference
A Partial Mock
should respect subclasses
should verify all mocks within
should reset all mocks within
should clear internal mocks on reset_all
should only add an instance once
unstubbing a mock object with a stub
should remove the stub
unstubbing a real object with a stub
should raise a NoMethodError if the message is called after unstubbing
should only clear the stub specified
should no longer respond_to? the method
should unstub using a string (should convert the string to a symbol)
should restore a previous method definition
should have unstub as an alias of unstub!
should raise a MockExpectationError if it is not stubbed
should raise a MockExpectationError if it was already unstubbed
should use the correct message name in the error
should raise a MockExpectationError if the method is defined, but not stubbed
should be able to restub a after unstubbing
should remove only the first stub if multiple stubs have been defined
once should fail when called once with wrong args
once should fail when called twice
once should fail when not called
once should pass when called once
once should pass when called once with specified args
once should pass when called once with unspecified args
Calling a method that catches StandardError
still reports mock failures
An RSpec Mock
should hide internals in its inspect representation
An object where respond_to? is true and does not have method
should not raise an exception for Object
should not raise an exception for mock
should have method_missing as private
should not respond_to? method_missing (because it's private)
should report line number of expectation of unreceived message
should report line number of expectation of unreceived message after #should_receive after similar stub
should pass when not receiving message specified as not to be received
should pass when receiving message specified as not to be received with different args
should fail when receiving message specified as not to be received
should fail when receiving message specified as not to be received with args
should pass when receiving message specified as not to be received with wrong args
should allow block to calculate return values
should allow parameter as return value
should return nil if no return value set
should raise exception if args don't match when method called
should raise exception if args don't match when method called even when the method is stubbed
should raise exception if args don't match when method called even when using null_object
should fail if unexpected method called
should use block for expectation if provided
should fail if expectation block fails
should fail right away when method defined as never is received
should eventually fail when method defined as never is received
should raise when told to
should raise passed an Exception instance
should raise RuntimeError with passed message
should not raise when told to if args dont match
should throw when told to
should raise when explicit return and block constrained
should ignore args on any args
should fail on no args if any args received
should fail when args are expected but none are received
should return value from block by default
should yield 0 args to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield 0 args multiple times to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield one arg to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield one arg 3 times consecutively to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield many args to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield many args 3 times consecutively to blocks that take a variable number of arguments
should yield single value
should yield single value 3 times consecutively
should yield two values
should yield two values 3 times consecutively
should fail when calling yielding method with wrong arity
should fail when calling yielding method consecutively with wrong arity
should fail when calling yielding method without block
should be able to mock send
should be able to raise from method calling yielding mock
should clear expectations after verify
should restore objects to their original state on rspec_reset
should work even after method_missing starts raising NameErrors instead of NoMethodErrors
should temporarily replace a method stub on a mock
should not require a different signature to replace a method stub
should raise an error when a previously stubbed method has a negative expectation
should temporarily replace a method stub on a non-mock
should return the stubbed value when no new value specified
should not mess with the stub's yielded values when also mocked
should yield multiple values after a similar stub
should assign stub return values
deprecated #stub_everything method
creates a mock that behaves as a null object
provides deprecation warning
a mock message receiving a block
should call the block after #should_receive
should call the block after #should_receive after a similar stub
should call the block after #once
should call the block after #twice
should call the block after #times
should call the block after #any_number_of_times
should call the block after #ordered
string representation generated by #to_s
should not contain < because that might lead to invalid HTML in some situations
mock created with no name
should not use a name in a failure message
should respond to initially stubbed methods
sends '== self' to the comparison object
should fail when exactly n times method is called less than n times
should fail when exactly n times method is never called
should pass if exactly n times method is called exactly n times
should pass multiple calls with different args and counts
should pass mutiple calls with different args
stubbing a class method
should work
should restore the original method
should fail when expected message is not received
should fail when message is received with incorrect args
should pass when expected message is received
should pass when message is received with correct args
should revert to original method if existed
should describe itself properly
should match the same hash
should match a hash with extra stuff
when matching against other matchers
should match an int against anything()
should match a string against anything()
when passed only keys or keys mixed with key/value pairs
should match if the key is present
should match if more keys are present
should match a string against a given key
should match if passed one key and one key/value pair
should match if passed many keys and one key/value pair
should match if passed many keys and many key/value pairs
should not match a non-hash
should not match a hash with a missing key
should not match a hash with a missing key
should not match an empty hash with a given key
should not match a hash with a missing key when one pair is matching
should not match a hash with an incorrect value
should not match when values are nil but keys are different
a mock
should answer false for received_message? when no messages received
should answer true for received_message? when message received
should answer true for received_message? when message received with correct args
should answer false for received_message? when message received with incorrect args
a mock acting as a NullObject
should allow explicit expectation
should fail verification when explicit exception not met
should ignore unexpected methods
should expected message with different args first
should expected message with different args second
should default to false
should set the object to null_object
Bug report 8302:
class method is not restored correctly when proxied
instance method is not restored correctly when proxied
Mock ordering
should pass two calls in order
should pass three calls in order
should fail if second call comes first
should fail if third call comes first
should fail if third call comes second
should ignore order of non ordered calls
should pass when duplicates exist
should pass if any number of times method is called many times
should pass if any number of times method is called once
should pass if any number of times method is not called
should return the mocked value when called after a similar stub
should consider an object that responds to #matches? and #description to be a matcher
should NOT consider an object that only responds to #matches? to be a matcher
A method stub
should ignore when expected message is received
should ignore when message is received with args
should ignore when expected message is not received
should handle multiple stubbed methods
should clear itself when verified
should return values in order to consecutive calls
should keep returning last value in consecutive calls
should revert to original instance method if there is one
should revert to original class method if there is one
should yield a specified object
should yield multiple times with multiple calls to and_yield
should yield a specified object and return another specified object
should throw when told to
should override a pre-existing stub
should limit
calculates return value by executing block passed to #and_return
using stub!
should return expected value when expected message is received
using stub
should return expected value when expected message is received
A method stub with args
should not complain if not called
should not complain if called with arg
should complain if called with no arg
should complain if called with other arg
should not complain if also mocked w/ different args
should complain if also mocked w/ different args AND called w/ a 3rd set of args
should support options
should use 'Stub' in the failure message
calling :should_receive with an options hash
should report the file and line submitted with :expected_from
should use the message supplied with :message
should use the message supplied with :message after a similar stub
failing MockArgumentMatchers
should reject non boolean
should reject non numeric
should reject non string
should reject goose when expecting a duck
should fail if regexp does not match submitted string
should fail if regexp does not match submitted regexp
should fail for a hash w/ wrong values
should fail for a hash w/ wrong keys
should match against a Matcher
should fail no_args with one arg
should fail hash_including with missing key
should fail with block matchers
is an alias for stub and mock
uses 'Double' in failure messages
a Mock expectation with multiple return values and no specified count
should return values in order to consecutive calls
should complain when there are too few calls
should complain when there are too many calls
a Mock expectation with multiple return values with a specified count equal to the number of values
should return values in order to consecutive calls
should complain when there are too few calls
should complain when there are too many calls
a Mock expectation with multiple return values specifying at_least less than the number of values
should use last return value for subsequent calls
should fail when called less than the specified number
a Mock expectation with multiple return values with a specified count larger than the number of values
should use last return value for subsequent calls
should fail when called less than the specified number
should fail when called greater than the specified number
twice should fail when call count is higher than expected
twice should fail when call count is lower than expected
twice should fail when called twice with wrong args on the first call
twice should fail when called twice with wrong args on the second call
twice should pass when called twice
twice should pass when called twice with specified args
twice should pass when called twice with unspecified args
with eval context as block argument
evaluates the supplied block as it is read
passes an eval context object to the supplied block
evaluates the block passed to the stubbed method in the context of the supplied eval context
and no yielded arguments
passes when expectations set on the eval context are met
fails when expectations set on the eval context are not met
and yielded arguments
passes when expectations set on the eval context and yielded arguments are met
fails when expectations set on the eval context and yielded arguments are not met
Example with stubbed and then called message
fails if the message is expected and then subsequently not called again
outputs arguments of all similar calls
an expectation set on nil
should issue a warning with file and line number information
should issue a warning when the expectation is negative
should not issue a warning when expectations are set to be allowed
when called in one example that doesn't end up setting an expectation on nil
should not effect the next exapmle ran
should not effect subsequent examples
a message expectation on a base class object
should correctly pick up message sent to it subclass (PENDING: fix for
should fail if method is never called
should fail when called less than n times
should fail when at least once method is never called
should fail when at least twice method is called once
should fail when at least twice method is never called
should pass when at least n times method is called exactly n times
should pass when at least n times method is called n plus 1 times
should pass when at least once method is called once
should pass when at least once method is called twice
should pass when at least twice method is called three times
should pass when at least twice method is called twice
should run directory (FAILED - 12)
should run file (FAILED - 13)
should raise when file does not exist
should return true when in --generate-options mode
should exit if Interrupt exception occurrs during the spec (FAILED - 14)
should exit if Interrupt exception occurrs during an after(:each)
should heckle when options have heckle_runner
should run examples backwards if options.reverse is true
should pass its ExampleGroup to the reporter (FAILED - 15)
runs only selected Examples when options.examples is set (FAILED - 16)
/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:37:in `execute': execution expired (Timeout::Error)
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:214:in `block in run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:212:in `each'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:212:in `run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:103:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:23:in `block in run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:22:in `each'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:22:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:152:in `run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/command_line.rb:9:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/bin/spec:5:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
Command /home/build/.ruby_versions/ruby-1.9.1-p243/bin/ruby -I"spec:lib" "/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/bin/spec" "spec/autotest/discover_spec.rb" "spec/autotest/failed_results_re_spec.rb" "spec/autotest/rspec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/pending_module_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_factory_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/helper_method_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/predicate_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_class_definition_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_proxy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_proxy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/subject_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/shared_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/subclassing_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/nested_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/package/bin_spec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/extensions/kernel_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/differs/default_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/handler_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/wrap_expectation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/fail_with_spec.rb" "spec/spec/rake/spectask_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/testcase_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/spec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/testsuite_adapter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/dsl/main_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/change_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/operator_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_close_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matcher_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/match_array_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/dsl_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/equal_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_kind_of_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/has_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/throw_symbol_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/raise_error_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/satisfy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/respond_to_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/exist_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/eql_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/compatibility_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_instance_of_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/have_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/description_generation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/simple_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/include_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/match_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_7805_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_15719_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_implementation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_chain_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/hash_not_including_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_11545_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_10263_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/at_most_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/partial_mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/passing_argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_7611_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_space_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/unstub_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/once_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_830_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_10260_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_8165_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/precise_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_600_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/partial_mock_using_mocks_directly_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/hash_including_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/record_messages_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/null_object_mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_8302_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_ordering_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/any_number_of_times_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/argument_expectation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/options_hash_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/failing_argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/double_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/multiple_return_value_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/twice_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/and_yield_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stubbed_message_expectations_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/nil_expectation_warning_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_496_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/at_least_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/command_line_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/option_parser_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/output_one_time_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/reporter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/options_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/resources/a_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/configuration_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/progress_bar_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/base_text_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/specdoc_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/profile_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/html_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/base_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/nested_text_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/failing_examples_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/text_mate_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/snippet_extractor_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/failing_example_groups_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/example_group_runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/class_and_argument_parser_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/quiet_backtrace_tweaker_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/heckler_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/drb_command_line_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/line_number_query_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/heckle_runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/noisy_backtrace_tweaker_spec.rb" --options spec/spec.opts failed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
build@build104:/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec$ rake > ~/rspec.log
/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_methods.rb:37:in `execute': execution expired (Timeout::Error)
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:214:in `block in run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:212:in `each'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:212:in `run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/example/example_group_methods.rb:103:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:23:in `block in run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:22:in `each'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/example_group_runner.rb:22:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/options.rb:152:in `run_examples'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/lib/spec/runner/command_line.rb:9:in `run'
from /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/bin/spec:5:in `<main>'
rake aborted!
Command /home/build/.ruby_versions/ruby-1.9.1-p243/bin/ruby -I"spec:lib" "/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec/bin/spec" "spec/autotest/discover_spec.rb" "spec/autotest/failed_results_re_spec.rb" "spec/autotest/rspec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/pending_module_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_factory_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/helper_method_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/predicate_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_class_definition_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_proxy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/example_group_proxy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/subject_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/shared_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/subclassing_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/example/nested_example_group_spec.rb" "spec/spec/package/bin_spec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/extensions/kernel_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/differs/default_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/handler_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/wrap_expectation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/expectations/fail_with_spec.rb" "spec/spec/rake/spectask_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/testcase_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/spec_spec.rb" "spec/spec/interop/test/unit/testsuite_adapter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/dsl/main_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/change_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/operator_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_close_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matcher_methods_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/match_array_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/dsl_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/equal_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_kind_of_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/has_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/throw_symbol_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/raise_error_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/satisfy_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/respond_to_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/exist_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/eql_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/compatibility_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/be_instance_of_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/have_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/description_generation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/simple_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/include_spec.rb" "spec/spec/matchers/match_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_7805_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_15719_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_implementation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_chain_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/hash_not_including_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_11545_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_10263_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/at_most_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/partial_mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/passing_argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_7611_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_space_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/unstub_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/once_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_830_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_10260_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_8165_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/precise_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_600_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/partial_mock_using_mocks_directly_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/hash_including_matcher_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/record_messages_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/null_object_mock_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_8302_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/mock_ordering_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/any_number_of_times_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/argument_expectation_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stub_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/options_hash_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/failing_argument_matchers_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/double_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/multiple_return_value_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/twice_counts_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/and_yield_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/stubbed_message_expectations_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/nil_expectation_warning_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/bug_report_496_spec.rb" "spec/spec/mocks/at_least_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/command_line_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/option_parser_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/output_one_time_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/reporter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/options_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/resources/a_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/configuration_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/progress_bar_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/base_text_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/specdoc_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/profile_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/html_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/base_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/nested_text_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/failing_examples_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/text_mate_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/snippet_extractor_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/formatter/failing_example_groups_formatter_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/example_group_runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/class_and_argument_parser_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/quiet_backtrace_tweaker_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/heckler_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/drb_command_line_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/line_number_query_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/heckle_runner_spec.rb" "spec/spec/runner/noisy_backtrace_tweaker_spec.rb" --options spec/spec.opts failed
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
build@build104:/mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec$ cat /home/build/rspec.log
(in /mnt/repos/dchelimsky/rspec)
adds the rspec autotest plugin
should match a failure
should match a failure when matcher outputs multiple lines
should match an Error
should match an Error that doesn't end in Error
adding spec.opts --options
should return the command line option to add spec.opts if the options file exists
should return an empty string if no spec.opts exists
should make the appropriate test command
should return a blank command for no files
should find the spec file for a given lib file
should find the spec file if given a spec file
should ignore files in spec dir that aren't specs
should ignore untracked files (in @file)
consolidating failures
should return no failures if no failures were given in the output
should return a hash with the spec filename => spec name for each failure or error
should not include the subject file
normalizing file names
should ensure that a single file appears in files_to_test only once
when creating an ExampleGroup
should create a subclass of the ExampleGroup when passed a block
should not inherit examples
records the spec path
when creating an example group with no description
raises an ArgumentError
when creating a SharedExampleGroup
should create a SharedExampleGroup
when creating an ExampleGroup
should create a subclass of the ExampleGroup when passed a block
should not inherit examples
records the spec path
when creating an example group with no description
raises an ArgumentError
when creating a SharedExampleGroup
should create a SharedExampleGroup
should add an example
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options (FAILED - 1)
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should add an example
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should add an example (FAILED - 2)
with no location supplied
creates an ExampleProxy
with a description
with options
with a default backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with a default location
with a location supplied
with the supplied location as #backtrace (DEPRECATED)
with the supplied location as #location
should NOT create an example
should warn that the example is disabled
should NOT create an example
should warn that the example is disabled
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