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Last active May 28, 2024 11:27
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Prisma analogue migrate rest command only programmatically, for testing purposes.
import { Prisma, PrismaClient } from '@prisma/client';
import { exec } from 'child_process';
import * as util from 'util';
const execPromisify = util.promisify(exec);
const prisma = new PrismaClient();
const tables = Prisma.dmmf.datamodel.models
.map((model) => model.dbName)
.filter((table) => table);
const clearMysql = async () => {
await prisma.$transaction([
prisma.$executeRaw`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 0;`, =>
prisma.$executeRawUnsafe(`TRUNCATE ${table};`),
prisma.$executeRaw`SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS = 1;`,
const clearPostgres = async () => {
await prisma.$transaction([ =>
prisma.$executeRawUnsafe(`TRUNCATE ${table} CASCADE;`),
const clearDefault = async () =>
execPromisify('npx prisma migrate reset --force --skip-seed');
export const clear = async (provider: string) => {
const executeClear = {
mysql: clearMysql,
postgres: clearPostgres,
const execute = executeClear[provider] || clearDefault;
return execute();
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