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Last active October 27, 2020 12:14
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Auth0 Segment Extension with Log Type Options
"author": "process_street",
"type": "cron",
"category": "log_export",
"initialUrlPath": "/login",
"repository": "",
"codeUrl": "",
"keywords": [
"schedule": "0 */5 * * * *",
"auth0": {
"createClient": true,
"onUninstallPath": "/.extensions/on-uninstall",
"scopes": "read:logs read:users delete:clients"
"secrets": {
"description": "The amount of logs to batch before sending. A single cron execution will send multiple batches. The maximum value is 100.",
"default": 100
"description": "Checkpoint ID of log to start from."
"description": "Slack Incoming Webhook URL used to report statistics and possible failures"
"description": "This setting will enable verbose notifications to Slack which are useful for troubleshooting",
"type": "select",
"allowMultiple": false,
"default": "false",
"options": [
"value": "false",
"text": "No"
"value": "true",
"text": "Yes"
"description": "Segment API Key",
"required": true
"description": "This allows you to specify the log level of events that need to be sent. Selected level includes all levels above.",
"type": "select",
"allowMultiple": false,
"options": [
"value": "-",
"text": ""
"value": "4",
"text": "Critical"
"value": "3",
"text": "Error"
"value": "2",
"text": "Warning"
"value": "1",
"text": "Info"
"value": "0",
"text": "Debug"
"description": "If you only want to send events with a specific type (eg: failed logins)",
"type": "select",
"allowMultiple": true,
"options": [
"text": "",
"value": "-"
"text": "Success Login",
"value": "s"
"text": "Success Silent Auth",
"value": "ssa"
"text": "Failed Silent Auth",
"value": "fsa"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "seacft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "feacft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "seccft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "feccft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "sepft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "fepft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "sertft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "fertft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "seoobft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "feoobft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "seotpft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "feotpft"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "sercft"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "fercft"
"text": "Failed Login",
"value": "f"
"text": "Warning",
"value": "w"
"text": "Deprecation Notice",
"value": "depnote"
"text": "Deleted User",
"value": "du"
"text": "Failed Login (invalid email/username)",
"value": "fu"
"text": "Failed Login (wrong password)",
"value": "fp"
"text": "Failed by Connector",
"value": "fc"
"text": "Failed by CORS",
"value": "fco"
"text": "Connector Online",
"value": "con"
"text": "Connector Offline",
"value": "coff"
"text": "Failed Connector Provisioning",
"value": "fcpro"
"text": "Success Signup",
"value": "ss"
"text": "Failed Signup",
"value": "fs"
"text": "Code Sent",
"value": "cs"
"text": "Code/Link Sent",
"value": "cls"
"text": "Success Verification Email",
"value": "sv"
"text": "Failed Verification Email",
"value": "fv"
"text": "Success Change Password",
"value": "scp"
"text": "Failed Change Password",
"value": "fcp"
"text": "Success Post Change Password Hook",
"value": "scph"
"text": "Failed Post Change Password Hook",
"value": "fcph"
"text": "Success Change Email",
"value": "sce"
"text": "Failed Change Email",
"value": "fce"
"text": "Success Change Username",
"value": "scu"
"text": "Failed Change Username",
"value": "fcu"
"text": "Success Change Phone Number",
"value": "scpn"
"text": "Failed Change Phone Number",
"value": "fcpn"
"text": "Success Verification Email Request",
"value": "svr"
"text": "Failed Verification Email Request",
"value": "fvr"
"text": "Success Change Password Request",
"value": "scpr"
"text": "Failed Change Password Request",
"value": "fcpr"
"text": "Failed Sending Notification",
"value": "fn"
"text": "API Operation",
"value": "sapi"
"text": "Failed API Operation",
"value": "fapi"
"text": "Blocked Account",
"value": "limit_wc"
"text": "Blocked IP Address",
"value": "limit_mu"
"text": "Too Many Calls to /userinfo",
"value": "limit_ui"
"text": "Rate Limit On API",
"value": "api_limit"
"text": "Too Many Calls to /delegation",
"value": "limit_delegation"
"text": "Successful User Deletion",
"value": "sdu"
"text": "Failed User Deletion",
"value": "fdu"
"text": "Auth0 Update Launched",
"value": "admin_update_launch"
"text": "Auth0 OS Update Started",
"value": "sys_os_update_start"
"text": "Auth0 OS Update Ended",
"value": "sys_os_update_end"
"text": "Auth0 Update Started",
"value": "sys_update_start"
"text": "Auth0 Update Ended",
"value": "sys_update_end"
"text": "Success Logout",
"value": "slo"
"text": "Failed Logout",
"value": "flo"
"text": "Success Delegation",
"value": "sd"
"text": "Failed Delegation",
"value": "fd"
"text": "Unenroll device account",
"value": "gd_unenroll"
"text": "Update device account",
"value": "gd_update_device_account"
"text": "Module switch",
"value": "gd_module_switch"
"text": "Guardian tenant update",
"value": "gd_tenant_update"
"text": "Second factor started",
"value": "gd_start_auth"
"text": "Enroll started",
"value": "gd_start_enroll"
"text": "MFA Enrollment start failed",
"value": "gd_start_enroll_failed"
"text": "User delete",
"value": "gd_user_delete"
"text": "OTP Auth suceed",
"value": "gd_auth_succeed"
"text": "OTP Auth failed",
"value": "gd_auth_failed"
"text": "Push notification sent",
"value": "gd_send_pn"
"text": "Error sending MFA Push Notification",
"value": "gd_send_pn_failure"
"text": "OTP Auth rejected",
"value": "gd_auth_rejected"
"text": "Recovery succeed",
"value": "gd_recovery_succeed"
"text": "Recovery failed",
"value": "gd_recovery_failed"
"text": "SMS Sent",
"value": "gd_send_sms"
"text": "Error sending MFA SMS",
"value": "gd_send_sms_failure"
"text": "Too many failures",
"value": "gd_otp_rate_limit_exceed"
"text": "Too many failures",
"value": "gd_recovery_rate_limit_exceed"
"text": "Guardian enrollment complete",
"value": "gd_enrollment_complete"
"text": "Users import",
"value": "fui"
"text": "Users import",
"value": "sui"
"text": "Breached password",
"value": "pwd_leak"
"text": "Failed cross origin authentication",
"value": "fcoa"
"text": "Success cross origin authentication",
"value": "scoa"
"text": "Account unblocked",
"value": "ublkdu"
"text": "Success Exchange",
"value": "sens"
"text": "Failed Exchange",
"value": "fens"
"title": "PS: Auth0 Logs to Segment",
"name": "ps-auth0-logs-to-segment",
"version": "2.1.3",
"preVersion": "2.1.2",
"description": "This extension will take all of your Auth0 logs and export them to Segment (with custom Log Types)"
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