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Last active December 28, 2016 15:04
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Zero-Downtime MSDeploy Package Deployment Script
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0)] [string] $configName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 1)] [string] $TFSUri,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 2)] [string] $environmentName,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 3)] [string] $username,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 4)] [string] $password,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 5)] [bool] $defaultStopWebsiteForDeployment = $true,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $false, Position = 6)] [int] $defaultStopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds = 22
$lastexitcode = $null
import-module WebAdministration
function CheckForErrors{
if ($lastexitcode -lt 0 -or $Error.Count -gt 0 -and $lastexitcode -ne $null)
Write-Output "lastexitcode = $lastexitcode"
Write-Output "error count = " $Error.Count
Write-Output $Error
cd "$root"
exit -1
trap {
Write-Output "trapped error"
Write-Output $_
cd "$root"
exit -1
$root = (Get-Location).Path
$p = ConvertTo-SecureString $password -AsPlainText -Force
$creds = New-Object –TypeName "System.Management.Automation.PSCredential" –ArgumentList $username, $p
Write-Host $tfsServer
$path = "$/DeployConfigurations/$($configName).json"
$deployConfigJson = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Credential $creds -Uri "$TFSUri/_apis/tfvc/items/$($path)?api-version=2.0"
$failed = $false
$builds = $deployConfigJson.builds
foreach($build in $builds){
$environment = $build.environments | Where-Object {$ -eq $environmentName} | Select-Object -First 1
Write-Host "Environment = $environment"
if ($environment -ne $null)
$buildName = $
Write-Host "Build = $buildName"
$teamProject = $build.teamProject
Write-Host "Team Project = $teamProject"
$setParamFilename = "sparam.$environmentName.xml"
Write-Verbose "setParamFilename = $setParamFilename"
$command = Get-ChildItem "MSDeployPackages\$teamProject-$buildName\*.cmd" | Select-Object -First 1
cd $command.Directory.FullName
Write-Host $command
if (Get-Content $command | Select-String 'IIS Web Deploy technology')
Write-Host "Deploying WebDeploy command - $command"
$websiteName = ""
$stopWebsiteForDeployment = $defaultStopWebsiteForDeployment
$stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds = $defaultStopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds
if ($build.stopWebsiteForDeployment -eq 'false')
$stopWebsiteForDeployment = $false
if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($build.stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds) -eq $false)
$stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds = $build.stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds
foreach($server in $environment.servers)
$session = $null
if ($stopWebsiteForDeployment -eq $true)
# Get website name from param file
if ($Matches -ne $null) {
$webAppName = (Select-Xml -Path $setParamFilename -XPath "//*[@name='IIS Web Application Name']/@value[1]")[-1].Node.Value
$webAppName -match "[^\\/]+"
$websiteName = $Matches[0]
Write-Verbose "websiteName = $websiteName"
Write-Verbose "webAppName = $webAppName"
# Remove node from load balancer
$monitorFilePath = "IIS:\Sites\$($websiteName)\monitor.htm"
$monitorFileDisabledName = 'monitor.disabled.htm'
$monitorFileDisabledPath = "IIS:\Sites\$($websiteName)\$monitorFileDisabledName"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server {
Param($monitorFilePath, $monitorFileDisabledName, $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds);
Get-Website > $null
Write-Host "test path = $(Test-Path $monitorFilePath)"
if (Test-Path $monitorFilePath) {
$monitorFile = Get-Item $monitorFilePath
$monitorFile | Rename-Item -NewName $monitorFileDisabledName
Write-Host "Disabled monitor.htm file."
# Wait for traffic to dissipate
Write-Host "Waiting $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds seconds for load balancer to update..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds
} -ArgumentList $monitorFilePath, $monitorFileDisabledName, $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds
# Stop site
Write-Host "Stopping Website '$websiteName' on '$server'"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server { Param($websiteName); stop-website -Name "$websiteName" } -ArgumentList $websiteName
# Re-enable monitor file after site is stopped so it will be added to the load balancer when the site is started
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server {
Get-Website > $null
Write-Host "test path = $(Test-Path $monitorFilePath)"
if (Test-Path $monitorFilePath) {
$monitorFile = Get-Item $monitorFilePath
$monitorFile | Rename-Item -NewName 'monitor.htm'
Write-Host "Re-enabled monitor.htm file."
} -ArgumentList $monitorFileDisabledPath
$newCommand = "$command.edited.cmd"
(Get-Content $command) | ForEach-Object { $_ -replace 'set RootPath=%~dp0', 'set RootPath=' } | Set-Content $newCommand
#& $newCommand /M:$server /T
& $newCommand /M:$server /Y -setParamFile:$setParamFilename $build.additionalMSDeployArgs -verbose 2>&1
if ($stopWebsiteForDeployment -eq $true)
Write-Host "Starting Website '$websiteName' on '$server'"
Invoke-Command -ComputerName $server { Param($websiteName); start-website -Name "$websiteName" } -ArgumentList $websiteName
Write-Host "Waiting $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds seconds for website to start..."
Start-Sleep -Seconds $stopWebsiteForDeploymentWaitSeconds
elseif (Get-Content $command | Select-String 'appName=')
Write-Host "Deploying AppDeploy command - $command"
foreach($server in $environment.servers){
if ($server -in $serverstack.servers){
& $command $server -setParamFile:$setParamFilename $build.additionalMSDeployArgs 2>&1
elseif ($ -like '*.sqlDeploy.cmd')
Write-Host "Deploying SqlDeploy command - $command"
& $command /Y -setParamFile:$setParamFilename $build.additionalMSDeployArgs 2>&1
cd "$root"
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