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Last active August 29, 2015 14:10
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Theming Syntaxes
app.config(function($mdThemingProvider) {
// Allow defining of custom palettes (see below for usage)
.definePalette('customPaletteName', {
'50': '#FFFFFF',
'100': '#FFFFFF',
'200': '#FFFFFF',
'300': '#FFFFFF',
'400': '#FFFFFF',
'500': '#FFFFFF',
'600': '#FFFFFF',
'700': '#FFFFFF',
'800': '#FFFFFF',
'900': '#FFFFFF',
'A100': '#FFFFFF',
'A200': '#FFFFFF',
'A400': '#FFFFFF',
'A700': '#FFFFFF'
// Provide an extendPalette method to make it easy to change a few colors in an existing palette
.definePalette('extendedPaletteName', $mdThemingProvider.extendPalette('blue', {
'A100': '#777777'
// Blue, pink, red, etc. built in (based on material spec)
var defaultTheme = $mdThemingProvider.theme('default');
.primaryColor('blue', {
default: '500',
'hue-1': '100',
'hue-2': '300',
'hue-3': 'A100'
var secondTheme = $mdThemingProvider.theme('second', defaultTheme); // second argument to inherit from a theme
// could also do $mdThemingProvider.theme('second', 'default') where 'default' is theme name.
<!-- md-theme directive is used much less as you should be using default, one theme per app -->
<md-button class="md-hue-1">
Click Me
<md-button class="md-fab md-accent md-hue-3">
<md-icon src="you-wish.svg"></md-icon>
<md-button class="md-warn">
Click Me
<!-- still allow specifying a second theme, but should really only be used
for advanced applications. Most applications will not need this -->
<div md-theme="second">
<md-button class="md-primary hue-1">This will be green</md-button>
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