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Last active October 1, 2016 19:33
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// ==UserScript==
// @name Flag Dialog Smokey Controls
// @description Adds Smokey status of a post and feedback options to flag dialogs.
// @author ArtOfCode
// @version 0.14.1
// @updateURL
// @downloadURL
// @supportURL
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @match *://**
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*
// @exclude *://*
// @require
// @require
// @grant GM_xmlhttpRequest
// ==/UserScript==
/*global StackExchange, console, reporter, fdsc, $, xdLocalStorage, GM_xmlhttpRequest, confirm */
/*jslint indent: 4, maxerr: 50, browser: true, plusplus: true, vars: true */
(function () {
'use strict';
var reporter = {},
fdsc = {};
// For spam reporter
console.log('at start');
reporter.notify = (function () {
var count = 0, timeout;
return function (m, t) {
console.log(m, t);
if ($('#notify-' + count).length) {
}, ++count);
if (t) { timeout = setTimeout(StackExchange.notify.close.bind(null, count), t); }
fdsc.metasmokeKey = "070f26ebb71c5e6cfca7893fe1139460cf23f30d686566f5707a4acfd50c";
* Given a DOM element containing the post in question, will construct the URL to that post in the form
* required by metasmoke. For questions and answers, respectively:
* //
* //
fdsc.constructUrl = function (postContainer) {
var base = "//" + + "/";
if ($(postContainer).hasClass("answer")) {
return base + "a/" + $(postContainer).data("answerid");
} else if ($(postContainer).hasClass("question")) {
return base + "questions/" + $(postContainer).data("questionid");
} else {
return "";
* Given a blurb and a callback method, will prompt the user for input using an SE native prompt and the
* text of the blurb. The callback will be invoked once the input is submitted, and the first parameter
* will contain the submitted data.
fdsc.input = function (blurb, callback) {
function loaded() {
$("#fdsc-popup-submit").on("click", function () {
'lightbox': false,
'target': $("body"),
'html': '<div class="popup fdsc-popup" id="#fdsc-popup-prompt"><p>' + blurb + '</p><input type="text" id="fdsc-popup-input" /><br/><button id="fdsc-popup-submit">OK</button></div>',
'loaded': loaded
fdsc.confirm = function (blurb, callback) {
function loaded() {
$("#fdsc-popup-ok").on("click", function () {
$("#fdsc-popup-cnl").on("click", function () {
'lightbox': false,
'target': $("body"),
'html': '<div class="popup fdsc-popup" id="fdsc-popup-confirm"><p>' + blurb + '</p><button style="margin:5px;" id="fdsc-popup-ok">OK</button><button style="margin:5px;" id="fdsc-popup-cnl">Cancel</button></div>',
'loaded': loaded
* The token that allows us to perform write operations using the metasmoke API. Obtained via MicrOAuth.
* `localStorage` call is left in for backwards compatibility. It's overwritten later.
fdsc.msWriteToken = localStorage.getItem("fdsc_msWriteToken");
* Obtains a write token and stores it both in `fdsc.msWriteToken` and `xdLocalStorage['fdsc_msWriteToken']`.
* _May_ cause problems with popup blockers, because the window opening isn't triggered by a click... we'll
* have to see how much of a problem that is.
fdsc.getWriteToken = function (afterFlag, callback) {
var w ="" + fdsc.metasmokeKey, "_blank");
function getInput() {
fdsc.input("Once you've authenticated FDSC with metasmoke, you'll be given a code; enter it here.", function (code) {
console.log("input callback: " + code);
'url': '' + fdsc.metasmokeKey + '&code=' + code,
'method': 'GET'
}).done(function (data) {
fdsc.msWriteToken = data['token'];
xdLocalStorage.setItem("fdsc_msWriteToken", data['token'], function () {
}).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (jqXHR.status === 404) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "metasmoke could not find a write token - did you authorize the app?", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
} else {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "An unknown error occurred during OAuth with metasmoke.", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
console.log(jqXHR.status, jqXHR.responseText);
if (afterFlag) {
$(document).on("DOMNodeRemoved", function (ev) {
if ($("id") === "popup-flag-post") {
} else {
* Given a Smokey-recognized feedback type, sends that feedback to metasmoke via the API. Requires a valid
* API key and write token; if you don't have these before this is called, get hold of them. A write token
* can be obtained using `fdsc.getWriteToken()`.
fdsc.sendFeedback = function (feedbackType, postId) {
console.log("fdsc.msWriteToken: ", fdsc.msWriteToken);
var token;
if (typeof (fdsc.msWriteToken) === "object") {
token = fdsc.msWriteToken['value'];
} else {
token = fdsc.msWriteToken;
'type': 'POST',
'url': '' + postId + '/feedback',
'data': {
'type': feedbackType,
'key': fdsc.metasmokeKey,
'token': token
}).done(function (data) {
StackExchange.helpers.showSuccessMessage($(".topbar"), "Fed back " + feedbackType + " to metasmoke.", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
}).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
if (jqXHR.status === 401) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "Can't send feedback to metasmoke - not authenticated.", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
console.error("fdsc.sendFeedback was called without having a valid write token");
fdsc.confirm("Write token invalid. Attempt re-authentication?", function (result) {
if (result) {
fdsc.getWriteToken(false, function () {
fdsc.sendFeedback(feedbackType, postId);
} else {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "An error occurred sending post feedback to metasmoke.", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
console.log(jqXHR.status, jqXHR.responseText);
console.log('at start 4');
* Spam reporter code (modified and inserted by angussidney)
* Original script written by @TinyGiant (
* Original source:
* Permission to redistribute:
*/ = 46145; //testing, 11540; // Charcoal HQ
reporter.reportSent = function (response) {
if (response.status !== 200) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "Error sending request: " + response.responseText, {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
return false;
reporter.notify('Spam report sent.', 1000);
reporter.sendReport = function (response) {
if (response.status !== 200) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "Failed sending report, check the console for more information." + response.responseText, {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
return false;
var fkey = response.responseText.match(/hidden" value="([\dabcdef]{32})/)[1];
if (!fkey) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "Failed retrieving key, is the room URL valid?" + response.responseText, {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
return false;
var reportStr = '!!/report ' + reporter.postLink;
var options = {
method: 'POST',
url: '' + + '/messages/new',
headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' },
data: 'text=' + encodeURIComponent(reportStr) + '&fkey=' + fkey,
onload: reporter.reportSent
}; = function () {
if (confirm('Do you really want to report this post as spam/offensive?')) {
var options = {
method: 'GET',
url: '' +,
onload: reporter.sendReport
* Well this is a mess.
'iframeUrl': '',
'initCallback': function () {
console.log('at star init callback');
xdLocalStorage.getItem("fdsc_msWriteToken", function (data) {
fdsc.msWriteToken = data['value'];
console.log("fdsc.msWriteToken: ", data['value']);
$(".flag-post-link").on("click", function (clickEvent) {
console.log('at start click');
$(document).on("DOMNodeInserted", function (nodeEvent) {
var postId;
if ($("popup") && $("id") == "popup-flag-post") {
var container = $(".question, .answer").first();
'type': 'GET',
'url': '',
'data': {
'url': fdsc.constructUrl(container),
'key': fdsc.metasmokeKey
}).done(function (data) {
if (data.length > 0 && data[0].id) {
postId = data[0].id;
'type': 'GET',
'url': '' + postId + '/feedback',
'data': {
'key': fdsc.metasmokeKey
}).done(function (data) {
// We use the first char of feedback to identify its type because that's what metasmoke does.
var tps = data.filter(function (el) { return el.feedback_type.indexOf('t') === 0; }).length;
var fps = data.filter(function (el) { return el.feedback_type.indexOf('f') === 0; }).length;
var naa = data.filter(function (el) { return el.feedback_type.indexOf('n') === 0; }).length;
$(".popup-actions").prepend("<div style='float:left' id='smokey-report'><strong>Smokey report: <span style='color:darkgreen'>" + tps + " tp</span>, <span style='color:red'>" + fps + " fp</span>, <span style='color:#7c5500'>" + naa + " naa</span></strong></div>");
}).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
StackExchange.helpers.showErrorMessage($(".topbar"), "An error occurred fetching post feedback from metasmoke.", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000
console.log(jqXHR.status, jqXHR.responseText);
}).error(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
StackExchange.helpers.showMessage($(".topbar"), "An error occurred fetching post ID from metasmoke - has the post been reported by Smokey?", {
'position': 'toast',
'transient': true,
'transientTimeout': 10000,
'type': 'warning'
console.error(jqXHR.status, jqXHR.responseText);
// We should remove the DOMNodeInserted handler when we're done with it to avoid multiple fires of
// the same handler caused by re-adding it each time you click the flag link.
// use this for testing
$(".popup-submit").parent().append($('<a href="#">test</a>').
// un comment this when testing is over
on("click", function (ev) {
ev.preventDefault(); // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! remove when testing is over, otherwise you might not be actually flagging
var selected = $("input[name=top-form]").filter(":checked");
var feedbackType;
if (selected.val() == "PostSpam" || selected.val() == "PostOffensive") {
feedbackType = "tpu-";
} else if (selected.val() === "AnswerNotAnAnswer") {
feedbackType = "naa-";
if (feedbackType && $('#smokey-report').length > 0) {
// because it looks like xdls returns null as a string for some reason
if (!fdsc.msWriteToken || fdsc.msWriteToken === 'null') {
fdsc.getWriteToken(true, function() {
fdsc.sendFeedback(feedbackType, postId);
else {
fdsc.sendFeedback(feedbackType, postId);
} else if (feedbackType === "tpu-") {
reporter.postLink = fdsc.constructUrl(container); // <-- that may just work
// Likewise, remove this handler when it's finished to avoid multiple fires.
) // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! comment this line after test
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