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Created August 16, 2017 15:00
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socket =
uid = xandikos
gid = xandikos
master = true
cheaper = 2
processes = 4
# plugin = python3
module = xandikos.wsgi:app
mount = /dav=xandikos.wsgi:app
manage-script-name = true
# pyargv = "--route-prefix /dav/"
umask = 022
env = XANDIKOSPATH=/var/lib/xandikos/collections
# env = SCRIPT_NAME=/dav/
# Set AUTOCREATE to have Xandikos create default CalDAV/CardDAV
# collections if they don't yet exist. Possible values:
# - principal: just create the current user principal
# - defaults: create the principal and default calendar and contacts
# collections. (recommended)
env = AUTOCREATE=defaults
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