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Created October 8, 2014 23:49
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  • Save rscott78/4364686d77fc0b19ffca to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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"__type": "Thermostat:#MLS.HA.DeviceController.Common.Device.ZWave",
"as": true,
"autoToggleOff": false,
"autoToggleSeconds": 0,
"cs": true,
"deviceId": "5a8b9ea1-23d0-4ced-9d22-d899959eccd5",
"deviceName": "G Thermostat",
"deviceType": 3,
"displayOrder": 0,
"et": null,
"he": false,
"il": false,
"isControllerBacked": true,
"lastLevelUpdate": "/Date(1412778736423-0600)/",
"level": 0,
"levelPresets": [],
"name": "G Thermostat",
"newLevel": null,
"newPowerState": null,
"newPowerTimerSeconds": null,
"nextEventPowerLevel": null,
"nextEventPowerOn": null,
"nextEventTime": null,
"nodeId": 109,
"pd": false,
"providerDeviceId": 109,
"pushUpdates": false,
"roomId": null,
"shortId": 189,
"sr": [
"label": "F",
"name": "Temperature ( 1)",
"value": 76
"label": "",
"name": "Heating1",
"value": 55
"label": "",
"name": "Cooling1",
"value": 75
"label": "",
"name": "End Point 1",
"value": 39
"label": "",
"name": "End Point 2",
"value": 39
"label": "%",
"name": "Battery",
"value": 85
"st": null,
"visible": true,
"currentThermTemp": 76,
"currentThermTempC": 24.4444444444444,
"currentThermTempF": 76,
"thermoStatStateTracker": {
"lastLevelChange": "/Date(1262329200000-0700)/"
"thermostatFanMode": 0,
"thermostatFanState": 0,
"thermostatSetPoints": [
"pointName": "Heating1",
"temperature": 0
"pointName": "Cooling1",
"temperature": 0
"thermostatSystemMode": 0,
"thermostatSystemState": 0
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