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Prestashop cheatsheet (>= 1.5)

Prestashop 1.7 cheatsheet

The most common. For me. Mostly from comments in source code.

Updated with 1.7 code.


 * Specify if an address is already in base.
 * @param int $id_address Address id
 * @return bool The address exists
Address::addressExists(int $id_address) : bool

 * Request to check if DNI field is required depending on the current selected country.
 * @param int $idCountry
 * @return bool
Address::dniRequired(int $idCountry) : bool

 * Get Country and State of this Address.
 * @param int $id_address Address ID
 * @return array
Address::getCountryAndState(int $id_address) : array

 * Get the first address id of the customer.
 * @param int $id_customer Customer id
 * @param bool $active Active addresses only
 * @return bool|int|null
Address::getFirstCustomerAddressId(int $id_customer, bool $active = true) : bool|int|null

 * Get Zone ID for a given address.
 * @param int $id_address Address ID for which we want to get the Zone ID
 * @return int Zone ID
Address::getZoneById(int $id_address) : int

 * Check if the Country is active for a given address.
 * @param int $id_address Address ID for which we want to get the Country status
 * @return int Country status
Address::isCountryActiveById(int $id_address) : bool

 * Check if Address is used (at least one order placed).
 * @return int Order count for this Address
$Address->isUsed() : int|false

 * Check if the address is valid.
 * @param int $id_address Address id
 * @return bool The address is valid
Address::isValid(int $id_address) : bool


 * Associate $id_product to the current object.
 * @param int $idProduct id of the product to associate
 * @return bool true if success
$Attachment->attachProduct(int $idProduct) : bool

 * Associate an array of id_attachment $array to the product $id_product
 * and remove eventual previous association.
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @param array $array Attachment IDs
 * @return bool Whether the attachments have been successfully associated with the Product
Attachment::attachToProduct(int $idProduct, array $array) : bool

 * Delete Product attachments for the given Product ID.
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @return bool
Attachment::deleteProductAttachments(int $idProduct) : bool

 * Get attachments.
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @param bool $include Whether the attachments are included or excluded from the Product ID
 * @return array|false|mysqli_result|PDOStatement|resource|null Database query result
Attachment::getAttachments(int $idLang, int $idProduct, bool $include = true) : array|false|mysqli_result|PDOStatement|resource|null


 * Get quantity for a given attribute combination
 * Check if quantity is enough to serve the customer.
 * @param int $idProductAttribute Product attribute combination id
 * @param int $qty Quantity needed
 * @param Shop $shop Shop
 * @return bool Quantity is available or not
Attribute::checkAttributeQty(int $idProductAttribute, int $qty, ?Shop $shop = null) : bool

 * Reorder the attribute position within the Attribute group.
 * Call this method after deleting an attribute from a group.
 * @param int $idAttributeGroup Attribute group ID
 * @param bool $useLastAttribute
 * @return bool Whether the result was successfully updated
$Attribute->cleanPositions(int $idAttributeGroup, bool $useLastAttribute = true) : bool

 * Get minimal quantity for product with attributes quantity.
 * @param int $idProductAttribute Product Attribute ID
 * @return mixed Minimal quantity or false if no result
Attribute::getAttributeMinimalQty(int $idProductAttribute) : int|false

 * Get all attributes for a given language.
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param bool $notNull Get only not null fields if true
 * @return array Attributes
Attribute::getAttributes(int $idLang, bool $notNull = false) : array

 * Get the highest attribute position from a group attribute
 * @param int $idAttributeGroup AttributeGroup ID
 * @return int $position Position
Attribute::getHigherPosition(int $idAttributeGroup) : int

 * Check if the given name is an Attribute within the given AttributeGroup.
 * @param int $idAttributeGroup AttributeGroup
 * @param string $name Attribute name
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @return array|bool
Attribute::isAttribute(int $idAttributeGroup, string $name, int $idLang) : array|bool

 * Return true if the Attribute is a color.
 * @return bool Color is the attribute type
$Attribute->isColorAttribute() : bool

 * Move an attribute inside its group.
 * @param bool $direction Up (1) or Down (0)
 * @param int $position Current position of the attribute
 * @return bool Update result
$Attribute->updatePosition(bool $direction, int $position) : bool


 * Clean dead combinations
 * A combination is considered dead when its Attribute ID cannot be found.
 * @return bool Whether the dead combinations have been successfully deleted
AttributeGroup::cleanDeadCombinations() : bool

 * Reorder group attribute position
 * Call it after deleting a group attribute.
 * @return bool $return
AttributeGroup::cleanPositions() : bool

 * Get all attributes for a given language / group.
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param int $idAttributeGroup AttributeGroup ID
 * @return array Attributes
AttributeGroup::getAttributes(int $idLang, int $idAttributeGroup) : array

 * Get all attributes groups for a given language.
 * @param int $idLang Language id
 * @return array Attributes groups
AttributeGroup::getAttributesGroups(int $idLang) : array

 * Get the highest AttributeGroup position.
 * @return int $position Position
AttributeGroup::getHigherPosition() : int

 * Move a group attribute.
 * @param bool $direction Up (1) or Down (0)
 * @param int $position
 * @return bool Update result
$AttributeGroup->updatePosition(bool $direction, int $position) : bool


 * Get delivery price for a given order.
 * @param int $id_carrier Carrier ID
 * @param float $order_total Order total to pay
 * @param int $id_zone Zone id (for customer delivery address)
 * @param int|null $id_currency Currency ID
 * @return float Delivery price
Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByPrice(int $id_carrier, float $order_total, int $id_zone, ?int $id_currency = null) : float

 * Get delivery price by total weight.
 * @param int $id_carrier Carrier ID
 * @param float $total_weight Total weight
 * @param int $id_zone Zone ID
 * @return float|bool Delivery price, false if not possible
Carrier::checkDeliveryPriceByWeight(int $id_carrier, float $total_weight, int $id_zone) : float|bool

 * Reorder Carrier positions
 * Called after deleting a Carrier.
 * @return bool $return
Carrier::cleanPositions() : bool

 * Copy old carrier informations when update carrier.
 * @param int $oldId Old id carrier (copy from that id)
$Carrier->copyCarrierData(int $old_id) : void

 * For a given {product, warehouse}, gets the carrier available.
 * @since 1.5.0
 * @param Product $product The id of the product, or an array with at least the package size and weight
 * @param int $id_warehouse Warehouse ID
 * @param int $id_address_delivery Delivery Address ID
 * @param int $id_shop Shop ID
 * @param Cart $cart Cart object
 * @param array &$error contain an error message if an error occurs
 * @return array Available Carriers
Carrier::getAvailableCarrierList(Product $product, int $id_warehouse, ?int $id_address_delivery = null, ?int $id_shop = null, ?Cart $cart = null, array &$error = []) : array

 * Get all carriers in a given language.
 * @param int $id_lang Language id
 * @param int $modules_filters Possible values:
 *                             - PS_CARRIERS_ONLY
 *                             - CARRIERS_MODULE
 *                             - CARRIERS_MODULE_NEED_RANGE
 *                             - PS_CARRIERS_AND_CARRIER_MODULES_NEED_RANGE
 *                             - ALL_CARRIERS
 * @param bool $active Returns only active carriers when true
 * @return array Carriers
Carrier::getCarriers(int $id_lang, bool $active = false, bool $delete = false, int|false $id_zone = false, ?array $ids_group = null, int $modules_filters = self::PS_CARRIERS_ONLY) : array

 * Get available Carriers for Order.
 * @param int $id_zone Zone ID
 * @param array $groups Group of the Customer
 * @param Cart|null $cart Optional Cart object
 * @param array &$error Contains an error message if an error occurs
 * @return array Carriers for the order
Carrier::getCarriersForOrder(int $id_zone, ?array $groups = null, ?int $cart = null, array &$error = []) : array

 * Get the countries to which can be delivered.
 * @param int $id_lang Language ID
 * @param bool $active_countries Only return active countries when true
 * @param bool $active_carriers Only return active carriers when true
 * @param null $contain_states Only return countries with states
 * @return array Countries to which can be delivered
Carrier::getDeliveredCountries(int $id_lang, bool $active_countries = false, bool $active_carriers = false, ?int $contain_states = null) : array

 * Get delivery price for a given order by total order price MINUS shipping costs.
 * @param float $order_total Order total to pay
 * @param int $id_zone Zone id (for customer delivery address)
 * @param int|null $id_currency Currency ID
 * @return float Maximum delivery price
$Carrier->getDeliveryPriceByPrice(float $order_total, int $id_zone, ?int $id_currency = null) : float

 * Get delivery price for a given order.
 * @param float $total_weight Total order weight
 * @param int $id_zone Zone ID (for customer delivery address)
 * @return float|bool Delivery price, false if not possible
$Carrier->getDeliveryPriceByWeight(float $total_weight, int $id_zone) : float|bool

 * Gets the highest carrier position.
 * @return int $position
Carrier::getHigherPosition() : int

 * Get maximum delivery price by order total MINUS shipping costs.
 * @param int $id_zone Zone ID
 * @return float Maximum delivery price
$Carrier->getMaxDeliveryPriceByPrice(int $id_zone) : float

 * Get maximum delivery price when range weight is used.
 * @param int $id_zone Zone ID
 * @return false|string|null Maximum delivery price
$Carrier->getMaxDeliveryPriceByWeight(int $id_zone) : false|string|null

 * Check if Carrier is used (at least one order placed).
 * @return int Order count for this carrier
$Carrier->isUsed() : int

 * Moves a carrier.
 * @param bool $way Up (1) or Down (0)
 * @param int $position Current position of the Carrier
 * @return bool Whether the update was successful
$Carrier->updatePosition(bool $way, int $position) : bool


 * For a given product_attribute reference, returns the corresponding id.
 * @param int $idProduct
 * @param string $reference
 * @return int id
Combination::getIdByReference(int $idProduct, string $reference) : id


 * Delete a configuration key in database (with or without language management).
 * @param string $key Key to delete
 * @return bool Deletion result
Configuration::deleteByName(string $key) : bool

 * Get a single configuration value (in one language only).
 * @param string $key Key wanted
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @return string Value
Configuration::get(string $key, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShopGroup = null, ?int $idShop = null, ?string $default = false) : string

 * Get several configuration values (in one language only).
 * @param array $keys Keys wanted
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param int $idShopGroup
 * @param int $idShop
 * @return array Values
Configuration::getMultiple(array $keys, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShopGroup = null, ?int $idShop = null) : array

 * Check if key exists in configuration.
 * @param string $key
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param int $idShopGroup
 * @param int $idShop
 * @return bool
Configuration::hasKey(string $key, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShopGroup = null, ?int $idShop = null) : bool

 * Set TEMPORARY a single configuration value (in one language only).
 * @param string $key Configuration key
 * @param mixed $values `$values` is an array if the configuration is multilingual, a single string else
 * @param int $idShopGroup
 * @param int $idShop
Configuration::set(string $key, mixed $values, ?int $idShopGroup = null, ?int $idShop = null) : void

 * Update configuration key and value into database (automatically insert if key does not exist).
 * Values are inserted/updated directly using SQL, because using (Configuration) ObjectModel
 * may not insert values correctly (for example, HTML is escaped, when it should not be).
 * @param string $key Configuration key
 * @param mixed $values $values is an array if the configuration is multilingual, a single string else
 * @param bool $html Specify if html is authorized in value
 * @param int $idShopGroup
 * @param int $idShop
 * @return bool Update result
Configuration::updateValue(string $key, mixed $values, bool $html = false, ?int $idShopGroup = null, ?int $idShop = null) : bool


Retrieve logged user : $this->context->cookie->id_customer

 * Check if e-mail is already registered in database.
 * @param string $email e-mail
 * @param bool $returnId
 * @param bool $ignoreGuest To exclude guest customer
 * @return bool|int Customer ID if found
 *                  `false` otherwise
Customer::customerExists(string $email, bool $returnId = false, bool $ignoreGuest = true) : int|false

 * Return customer instance from its e-mail (optionally check password).
 * @param string $email e-mail
 * @param string $plaintextPassword Password is also checked if specified
 * @param bool $ignoreGuest
 * @return bool|Customer|CustomerCore Customer instance
$Customer->getByEmail(string $email, ?string $plaintextPassword = null, bool $ignoreGuest = true) : bool|Customer

 * Return customers list.
 * @param bool|null $onlyActive Returns only active customers when `true`
 * @return array Customers
Customer::getCustomers(bool $onlyActive = null) : array

 * Retrieve customers by email address.
 * @param string $email
 * @return array
Customer::getCustomersByEmail(string $email) : array

 * Check id the customer is active or not.
 * @param int $idCustomer
 * @return bool Customer validity
Customer::isBanned(int $idCustomer) : bool


 * Executes a DELETE query.
 * @param string $table Name of the table to delete
 * @param string $where WHERE clause on query
 * @param int $limit Number max of rows to delete
 * @param bool $use_cache Use cache or not
 * @param bool $add_prefix Add or not _DB_PREFIX_ before table name
 * @return bool
Db::getInstance()->delete(string $table, string $where = '', int $limit = 0, bool $use_cache = true, bool $add_prefix = true) : bool

 * Sanitize data which will be injected into SQL query.
 * @param string $string SQL data which will be injected into SQL query
 * @param bool $html_ok Does data contain HTML code ? (optional)
 * @return string Sanitized data
 * Note : you can use the helper pSQL(string $string, bool $htmlOK = false)
Db::getInstance()->escape(string $string, bool $html_ok = false, bool $bq_sql = false) : string

 * Executes a query.
 * @param string|DbQuery $sql
 * @param bool $use_cache
 * @return bool
Db::getInstance()->execute(string|DbQuery $sql, bool $use_cache = true) : bool

 * Executes return the result of $sql as array.
 * @param string|DbQuery $sql Query to execute
 * @param bool $array Return an array instead of a result object (deprecated since, use query method instead)
 * @param bool $use_cache
 * @return array|false|mysqli_result|PDOStatement|resource|null
 * @throws PrestaShopDatabaseException
Db::getInstance()->executeS(string|DbQuery $sql, bool $array = true, bool $use_cache = true) : array|false|mysqli_result|PDOStatement|resource|null

 * Returns an associative array containing the first row of the query
 * This function automatically adds "LIMIT 1" to the query.
 * @param string|DbQuery $sql the select query (without "LIMIT 1")
 * @param bool $use_cache Find it in cache first
 * @return array|bool|object|null
Db::getInstance()->getRow(string|DbQuery $sql, bool $use_cache = true) : array|bool|object|null

 * Returns a value from the first row, first column of a SELECT query.
 * @param string|DbQuery $sql
 * @param bool $use_cache
 * @return string|false|null
Db::getInstance()->getValue(string|DbQuery $sql, bool $use_cache = true) : string|false|null

 * Executes an INSERT query.
 * @param string $table Table name without prefix
 * @param array $data Data to insert as associative array. If $data is a list of arrays, multiple insert will be done
 * @param bool $null_values If we want to use NULL values instead of empty quotes
 * @param bool $use_cache
 * @param int $type Must be Db::INSERT or Db::INSERT_IGNORE or Db::REPLACE
 * @param bool $add_prefix Add or not _DB_PREFIX_ before table name
 * @return bool
 * @throws PrestaShopDatabaseException
Db::getInstance()->insert(string $table, array $data, bool $null_values = false, bool $use_cache = true, int $type = Db::INSERT, bool $add_prefix = true) : bool

 * Get the ID generated from the previous INSERT operation.
 * @return int|string
Db::getInstance()->Insert_ID() : int|string

 * Get number of rows for last result.
 * @return int
Db::getInstance()->numRows() : int

 * Executes an UPDATE query.
 * @param string $table Table name without prefix
 * @param array $data Data to insert as associative array. If $data is a list of arrays, multiple insert will be done
 * @param string $where WHERE condition
 * @param int $limit
 * @param bool $null_values If we want to use NULL values instead of empty quotes
 * @param bool $use_cache
 * @param bool $add_prefix Add or not _DB_PREFIX_ before table name
 * @return bool
Db::getInstance()->update(string $table, array $data, string $where = '', int $limit = 0, bool $null_values = false, bool $use_cache = true, bool $add_prefix = true) : bool


 * Returns the list of groups
 * @param int $id_lang
 * @param int|false $id_shop
 * @return array
Group::getGroups(int $id_lang, int|false $id_shop = false) : array


 * Return highest position of images for a product.
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @return int highest position of images
Image::getHighestPosition(int $idProduct) : int

 * Return available images for a product.
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @param int $idProductAttribute Product Attribute ID
 * @param int $idShop Shop ID
 * @return array Images
Image::getImages(int $idLang, int $idProduct, ?int $idProductAttribute = null, ?int $idShop = null) : array

 * Return number of images for a product.
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @return int number of images
Image::getImagesTotal(int $idProduct) : int

 * Check if a product has an image available.
 * @param int $idLang Language ID
 * @param int $idProduct Product ID
 * @param int $idProductAttribute Product Attribute ID
 * @return bool
Image::hasImages(int $idLang, int $idProduct, ?int $idProductAttribute = null) : bool


 * Return iso code from id (installed languages only).
 * @param int $id_lang Language ID
 * @return string 2-letter ISO code
Language::getIsoById(int $id_lang) : string

 * Returns installed languages.
 * @param bool $active Select only active languages
 * @param int|false $id_shop Shop ID
 * @param bool $ids_only If true, returns an array of language IDs
 * @return array[] Language information
Language::getLanguages(bool $active = true, int|false $id_shop = false, bool $ids_only = false) : array


Retrieve global from PHP : $this->context->link and from Smarty : {$link}

 * Use controller name to create a link.
 * @param string $controller
 * @param bool $withToken include or not the token in the url
 * @param array(string) $sfRouteParams Optional parameters to use into New architecture specific cases. If these specific cases should redirect to legacy URLs, then this parameter is used to complete GET query string
 * @param array $params Optional
 * @return string url
$Link->getAdminLink(string $controller, bool $withToken = true, array $sfRouteParams = [], array $params = []) : string

 * Create a link to a category.
 * @param mixed $category Category object (can be an ID category, but deprecated)
 * @param string $alias
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param string $selectedFilters Url parameter to autocheck filters of the module blocklayered
 * @return string
$Link->getCategoryLink(Category|int $category, ?string $alias = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?string $selectedFilters = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Create a link to a CMS category.
 * @param mixed $cmsCategory CMSCategory object (can be an ID category, but deprecated)
 * @param string $alias
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param null $idShop
 * @param bool $relativeProtocol
 * @return string
$Link->getCMSCategoryLink(CMSCategory|int $cmsCategory, ?string $alias = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Create a link to a CMS page.
 * @param CMS|int $cms CMS object
 * @param string $alias
 * @param bool $ssl
 * @param int $idLang
 * @return string
$Link->getCMSLink(CMS|int $cms, ?string $alias = null, ?bool $ssl = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Returns a link to a product image for display
 * Note: the new image filesystem stores product images in subdirectories of img/p/.
 * @param string $name rewrite link of the image
 * @param string $ids id part of the image filename - can be "id_product-id_image" (legacy support, recommended) or "id_image" (new)
 * @param string $type
 * @return string
$Link->getImageLink(string $name, string $ids, ?string $type = null) : string

 * Returns a link to a manufacturer image for display.
 * @param $idManufacturer
 * @param null $type image type (small_default, medium_default, large_default, etc.)
 * @return string
$Link->getManufacturerImageLink(int $idManufacturer, ?string $type = null) : string

 * Create a link to a manufacturer.
 * @param mixed $manufacturer Manufacturer object (can be an ID supplier, but deprecated)
 * @param string $alias
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param null $idShop
 * @param bool $relativeProtocol
 * @return string
$Link->getManufacturerLink(Manufacturer|int $manufacturer, ?string $alias = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Create a link to a module.
 * @param string $module Module name
 * @param string $controller
 * @param array $params
 * @param bool|null $ssl
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param null $idShop
 * @param bool $relativeProtocol
 * @return string
$Link->getModuleLink(string $module, string $controller = 'default', array $params = [], ?bool $ssl = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Create a simple link.
 * @param string $controller
 * @param bool $ssl
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param string|array $request
 * @param bool $requestUrlEncode Use URL encode
 * @return string Page link
$Link->getPageLink(string $controller, ?bool $ssl = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?string|array $request = null, bool $requestUrlEncode = false, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string

 * Create a link to a product.
 * @param mixed $product Product object (can be an ID product, but deprecated)
 * @param string $alias
 * @param string $category
 * @param string $ean13
 * @param int $idLang
 * @param int $idShop (since 1.5.0) ID shop need to be used when we generate a product link for a product in a cart
 * @param int $ipa ID product attribute
 * @return string
$Link->getProductLink(Product|int $product, ?string $alias = null, ?string $category = null, ?string $ean13 = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, ?int $ipa = null, bool $force_routes = false, bool $relativeProtocol = false, bool $addAnchor = false, array $extraParams = []) : string

 * Returns a link to a supplier image for display.
 * @param $idSupplier
 * @param null $type image type (small_default, medium_default, large_default, etc.)
 * @return string
$Link->getSupplierImageLink(int $idSupplier, ?string $type = null) : string

 * Create a link to a supplier.
 * @param mixed $supplier Supplier object (can be an ID supplier, but deprecated)
 * @param string $alias
 * @param int $idLang
 * @return string
$Link->getSupplierLink(Supplier|int $supplier, ?string $alias = null, ?int $idLang = null, ?int $idShop = null, bool $relativeProtocol = false) : string


 * Return an instance of the specified module.
 * @param string $module_name Module name
 * @return Module|false
Module::getInstanceByName(string $module_name) : Module|false

 * Connect module to a hook.
 * @param string|array $hook_name Hook name
 * @param array|null $shop_list List of shop linked to the hook (if null, link hook to all shops)
 * @return bool result
$Module->registerHook(string $hook_name, ?array $shop_list = null) : bool

 * Unregister module from hook.
 * @param int|string $hook_id Hook id (can be a hook name since 1.5.0)
 * @param array|null $shop_list List of shop
 * @return bool result
$Module->unregisterHook(int|string $hook_id, ?array $shop_list = null) : bool


All Prestashop classes inherits of ObjectModel class so then can call these methods (Product, Combination, Shop... all classes in /classes)

 * Adds current object to the database.
 * @param bool $auto_date
 * @param bool $null_values
 * @return bool Insertion result
$ObjectModel->add(bool $auto_date = true, bool $null_values = false) : bool

 * This function associate an item to its context.
 * @param int|array $id_shops
 * @return bool|void
$ObjectModel->associateTo(array|int $id_shops) : bool|void

 * Clears cache entries that have this object's ID.
 * @param bool $all If true, clears cache for all objects
$ObjectModel->clearCache(bool $all = false) : void

 * Deletes current object from database.
 * @return bool True if delete was successful
$ObjectModel->delete() : bool

 * Delete images associated with the object.
 * @param bool $force_delete
 * @return bool
$ObjectModel->deleteImage(bool $force_delete = false) : bool

 * Deletes multiple objects from the database at once.
 * @param array $ids array of objects IDs
 * @return bool
$ObjectModel->deleteSelection(array $ids) : bool

 * Takes current object ID, gets its values from database,
 * saves them in a new row and loads newly saved values as a new object.
 * @return ObjectModel|false
$ObjectModel->duplicateObject() : ObjectModel|false

 * Copies shop association data from object with specified ID.
 * @param $id
 * @return bool|void
$ObjectModel->duplicateShops(int $id) : bool|void

 * Gets the list of associated shop IDs.
 * @return array
$ObjectModel->getAssociatedShops() : array

 * Checks if current object is associated to a shop.
 * @param int|null $id_shop
 * @return bool
$ObjectModel->isAssociatedToShop(?int $id_shop = null) : bool

 * Saves current object to database (add or update).
 * @param bool $null_values
 * @param bool $auto_date
 * @return bool Insertion result
$ObjectModel->save(bool $null_values = false, bool $auto_date = true) : bool

 * Does a soft delete on current object, using the "deleted" field in DB
 * If the model object has no "deleted" property or no "deleted" definition field it will throw an exception
 * @return bool
$ObjectModel->softDelete() : bool

 * Toggles object status in database.
 * If the model object has no "active" property or no "active" definition field it will throw an exception
 * @return bool Update result
$ObjectModel->toggleStatus() : bool

 * Updates the current object in the database.
 * @param bool $null_values
 * @return bool
$ObjectModel->update(bool $null_values = false) : bool

 * Validate a single field.
 * @since
 * @param string $field Field name
 * @param mixed $value Field value
 * @param int|null $id_lang Language ID
 * @param array $skip array of fields to skip
 * @param bool $human_errors if true, uses more descriptive, translatable error strings
 * @return true|string true or error message string
$ObjectModel->validateField(string $field, mixed $value, ?int $id_lang = null, array $skip = [], bool $human_errors = false) : bool|string

 * Checks if object field values are valid before database interaction.
 * @param bool $die
 * @param bool $error_return
 * @return bool|string true, false or error message
$ObjectModel->validateFields(bool $die = true, bool $error_return = false) : bool|string

 * Checks if multilingual object field values are valid before database interaction.
 * @param bool $die
 * @param bool $errorReturn
 * @return bool|string true, false or error message
$ObjectModel->validateFieldsLang(bool $die = true, bool $errorReturn = false) : bool|string


 * Sets the new state of the given order.
 * @param int $new_order_state
 * @param int/object $id_order
 * @param bool $use_existing_payment
$OrderHistory->changeIdOrderState(int $new_order_state, int $id_order, bool $use_existing_payment = false) : void


 * Create product
Product::__construct(?int $id_product = null, bool $full = false, ?int $id_lang = null, ?int $id_shop = null, ?Context $context = null)

 * @param int $quantity DEPRECATED
 * @param string $supplier_reference DEPRECATED
$Product->addCombinationEntity(float $wholesale_price, float $price, float $weight, float $unit_impact, float $ecotax, int $quantity, array $id_images, string $reference, int $id_supplier, string $ean13, int $default, ?string $location = null, ?string $upc = null, int $minimal_quantity = 1, array $id_shop_list = [], ?string $available_date = null, string $isbn = '', ?int $low_stock_threshold = null, bool $low_stock_alert = false, ?string $mpn = null) : bool

 * Check if there is no default attribute and create it if not.
$Product->checkDefaultAttributes() : bool

 * Del all default attributes for product.
$Product->deleteDefaultAttributes() : bool

 * Delete product images from database.
 * @return bool success
$Product->deleteImages() : bool

 * Get all available product attributes combinations.
 * @param int $id_lang Language id
 * @param bool $groupByIdAttributeGroup
 * @return array Product attributes combinations
$Product->getAttributeCombinations(?int $id_lang = null, bool $groupByIdAttributeGroup = true) : array

 * Get the default attribute for a product.
 * @return int Attributes list
Product::getDefaultAttribute(int $id_product, int $minimum_quantity = 0, bool $reset = false) : int

 * Returns product price.
 * @param int $id_product Product id
 * @param bool $usetax With taxes or not (optional)
 * @param int|null $id_product_attribute product attribute id (optional).
 *                                       If set to false, do not apply the combination price impact.
 *                                       NULL does apply the default combination price impact
 * @param int $decimals Number of decimals (optional)
 * @param int|null $divisor Useful when paying many time without fees (optional)
 * @param bool $only_reduc Returns only the reduction amount
 * @param bool $usereduc Set if the returned amount will include reduction
 * @param int $quantity Required for quantity discount application (default value: 1)
 * @param bool $force_associated_tax DEPRECATED - NOT USED Force to apply the associated tax.
 *                                   Only works when the parameter $usetax is true
 * @param int|null $id_customer Customer ID (for customer group reduction)
 * @param int|null $id_cart Cart ID. Required when the cookie is not accessible
 *                          (e.g., inside a payment module, a cron task...)
 * @param int|null $id_address Customer address ID. Required for price (tax included)
 *                             calculation regarding the guest localization
 * @param null $specific_price_output If a specific price applies regarding the previous parameters,
 *                                    this variable is filled with the corresponding SpecificPrice object
 * @param bool $with_ecotax insert ecotax in price output
 * @param bool $use_group_reduction
 * @param Context $context
 * @param bool $use_customer_price
 * @return float Product price
Product::getPriceStatic(int $id_product, bool $usetax = true, ?int $id_product_attribute = null, int $decimals = 6, ?int $divisor = null, bool $only_reduc = false, bool $usereduc = true, int $quantity = 1, bool $force_associated_tax = false, ?int $id_customer = null, ?int $id_cart = null, ?int $id_address = null, ?array &$specific_price_output = null, bool $with_ecotax = true, bool $use_group_reduction = true, ?Context $context = null, bool $use_customer_price = true, ?int $id_customization = null) : float

 * Get all available products.
 * @param int $id_lang Language id
 * @param int $start Start number
 * @param int $limit Number of products to return
 * @param string $order_by Field for ordering
 * @param string $order_way Way for ordering (ASC or DESC)
 * @return array Products details
Product::getProducts(int $id_lang, int $start, int $limit, string $order_by, string $order_way, bool|int $id_category = false, bool $only_active = false, ?Context $context = null) : array

 * Update a product attribute.
 * @param int $id_product_attribute Product attribute id
 * @param float $wholesale_price Wholesale price
 * @param float $price Additional price
 * @param float $weight Additional weight
 * @param float $unit
 * @param float $ecotax Additional ecotax
 * @param int $id_image Image id
 * @param string $reference Reference
 * @param string $ean13 Ean-13 barcode
 * @param int $default Default On
 * @param string $upc Upc barcode
 * @param string $minimal_quantity Minimal quantity
 * @param string $isbn ISBN reference
 * @param int|null $low_stock_threshold Low stock alert
 * @param bool $low_stock_alert send email on low stock
 * @param string $mpn MPN
 * @return array Update result
$Product->updateAttribute(int $id_product_attribute, float $wholesale_price, float $price, float $weight, float $unit, float $ecotax, array $id_images, string $reference, string $ean13, int $default, ?string $location = null, ?string $upc = null, ?int $minimal_quantity = null, ?string $available_date = null, bool $update_all_fields = true, array $id_shop_list = [], string $isbn = '', ?int $low_stock_threshold = null, bool $low_stock_alert = false, ?string $mpn = null) : bool

Product::updateDefaultAttribute(int $id_product) : int|false


 * Get a list of ID concerned by the shop context (E.g. if context is shop group, get list of children shop ID).
 * @param string $share If false, dont check share datas from group. Else can take a Shop::SHARE_* constant value
 * @return array
Shop::getContextListShopID(bool $share = false) : array


 * Return a group shop ID from group shop name.
 * @param string $name
 * @return int
ShopGroup::getIdByName(string $name) : int


// @todo


 * For a given id_product and id_product_attribute sets the quantity available.
 * @param $id_product
 * @param $id_product_attribute
 * @param $quantity
 * @param null $id_shop
 * @param bool $add_movement
 * @return bool
StockAvailable::setQuantity(int $id_product, int $id_product_attribute, int $quantity, ?int $id_shop = null, bool $add_movement = true) : bool

 * For a given id_product, synchronizes StockAvailable::quantity with Stock::usable_quantity.
 * @param int $id_product
StockAvailable::synchronize(int $id_product, ?int $order_id_shop = null) : void|false


 * Delete directory and subdirectories.
 * @param string $dirname Directory name
Tools::deleteDirectory(string $dirname, bool $delete_self = true) : bool

 * Delete file.
 * @param string $file File path
 * @param array $exclude_files Excluded files
Tools::deleteFile(string $file, array $exclude_files = []) : void

 * Depending on _PS_MODE_DEV_ throws an exception or returns a error message.
 * @param string|null $errorMessage Error message (defaults to "Fatal error")
 * @param bool $htmlentities DEPRECATED since
 * @param Context|null $context DEPRECATED since
 * @return string
 * @throws PrestaShopException If _PS_MODE_DEV_ is enabled
Tools::displayError(?string $errorMessage = null, ?bool $htmlentities = null, ?Context $context = null) : string

 * Get all values from $_POST/$_GET.
 * @return mixed
Tools::getAllValues() : mixed

 * Checks if a key exists either in $_POST or $_GET.
 * @param string $key
 * @return bool
Tools::getIsset(string $key) : bool

 * Get the server variable REMOTE_ADDR, or the first ip of HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR (when using proxy).
 * @return string $remote_addr ip of client
Tools::getRemoteAddr() : string

 * getShopDomainSsl returns domain name according to configuration and depending on ssl activation.
 * @param bool $http if true, return domain name with protocol
 * @param bool $entities if true, convert special chars to HTML entities
 * @return string domain
Tools::getShopDomainSsl(bool $http = false, bool $entities = false) : string

 * Get token to prevent CSRF.
 * @param string $token token to encrypt
Tools::getToken(bool $page = true, ?Context $context = null) : string

 * Get a value from $_POST / $_GET
 * if unavailable, take a default value.
 * @param string $key Value key
 * @param mixed $default_value (optional)
 * @return mixed Value
Tools::getValue(string $key, mixed $default_value = false) : mixed

 * Hash password.
 * @param string $passwd String to has
 * @return string Hashed password
Tools::hash(string $passwd) : string

 * Check if submit has been posted.
 * @param string $submit submit name
Tools::isSubmit(string $submit) : bool

 * Random password generator.
 * @param int $length Desired length (optional)
 * @param string $flag Output type (NUMERIC, ALPHANUMERIC, NO_NUMERIC, RANDOM)
 * @return bool|string Password
Tools::passwdGen(int $length = 8, string $flag = 'ALPHANUMERIC') : string|false

 * Redirect user to another page.
 * @param string $url Desired URL
 * @param string $base_uri Base URI (optional)
 * @param Link $link
 * @param string|array $headers A list of headers to send before redirection
Tools::redirect(string $url, string $base_uri = __PS_BASE_URI__, ?Link $link = null, ?string|array $headers = null) : void

 * Return a friendly url made from the provided string
 * If the mbstring library is available, the output is the same as the js function of the same name.
 * @param string $str
 * @return string
Tools::str2url(string $str) : string


 * Get a zone ID from its default language name.
 * @param string $name
 * @return int id_zone
Zone::getIdByName(string $name) : int

 * Get all available geographical zones.
 * @param bool $active
 * @param bool $activeFirst
 * @return array Zones
Zone::getZones(bool $active = false, bool $activeFirst = false) : array
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Hi! great list! You should add StockAvailable::synchronize(int $id_product); needed when a product has combinations for example to sum them at the parent product.
Line 131

Best regards

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rseon commented Jul 6, 2021

Hi ! Thanks for your interest !
I am currently updating this list with more useful methods that I have found (and updated for PS 1.7), and will post it asap.

Thanks for this method !

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lucnap commented Aug 2, 2022

Great reference! thanks!

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