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Last active February 9, 2020 07:59
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Twitter-like Hashtag system with Unicode Support in PHP
* Twitter-like Hashtag system with Unicode and Hashtag Exporting system Support
* @author RezaSeyf <>
* @license Free to public access! do what you want to do
* github:
* twitter :
* Export the hashtags of a given string
* @param string $str
* the input string to be proccess and export the hashtags from it
* @param string $outputType
* using 'null' as default will output the full text with href'ed links for hashtags or 'tagsOnly' to just show the hashtags
* @return string Returns the full string with linked hashtags or will just give you the hashtags.
function tagExport($str ,$outputType = null)
* @var hashtagsArray[]
* An array of string objects for storing hashtags inside it.
$hashtagsArray = array();
* @var strArray[]
* An array of string objects that will save the words of the string argument.
$strArray = explode(" ",$str);
* @var string $pattern
* regular expression pattern for notes
* don't scare! it works! even with unicode characters!
$pattern = '%(\A#(\w|(\p{L}\p{M}?)|-)+\b)|((?<=\s)#(\w|(\p{L}\p{M}?)|-)+\b)|((?<=\[)#.+?(?=\]))%u';
foreach ($strArray as $b)
// match the word with our hashtag pattern
preg_match_all($pattern, ($b), $matches);
* @var hashtag[]
* An array of string objects that will save the hashtags.
$hashtag = implode(', ', $matches[0]);
// add to array if hashtag is not empty
if (!empty($hashtag) or $hashtag != "")
array_push($hashtagsArray, $hashtag);
// now we have found all hashtags in the string
// so we have to replace them and built a new string :
foreach ($hashtagsArray as $c)
* @var string $hashtagTitle
* container for the exported hashtags without # sign (to insert to db or etc)
$hashtagTitle = ltrim($c,"#");
//create links for hashtags
$str = str_replace($c,'<a href="?lookfor='.$hashtagTitle.'">#'.$hashtagTitle.'</a>',$str);
// uncomment the below line to see the functionality.
// echo "$hashtagTitle <br>";
// return fulltext with linked hashtags OR return just the hashtags (with # sign)
if ($outputType == "tagsOnly")
return $listOfHashtags = implode(" ",$hashtagsArray);
return $str;
// Lets use it!
$sometext = "I'm a #Persian #Programmer. <br> My native language is #فارسی";
echo tagExport($sometext);
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Naskalin commented Feb 9, 2020

Thank you very much, long struggled with this!

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