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Created May 30, 2019 22:03
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Save rseyf/6b2998dafc8059fb0cbbed554e35c960 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Sublime text 3 setup
sublime text 3 basic setup:
1 - install sublime text 3
2 - install
3 - install packages: Gofmt, Golang Build, sidebarenhancements, Materialized CSS Snippets, jquery,
Standard Format,CSS Media Query Snippets, Shell Exec,Terminal, Live Reload, git, HTMLAttributes
Sass,LESS, Color Picker, JsFormat, HTML-CSS-JS Prettify, All Autocomplete, Sublime Linter-jshint,
Babel, Java​Script​Next - ES6 Syntax, AdvancedNewFile, DocBlockr, Dockerfile Syntax Highlighting,
Laravel Blade Highlighter, PHPCompanion, Vuetify, ClangAutoComplete, EasyClangComplete
-- Open Shell Exec: Linux: ctrl + shift + c , Mac: shift + super + c
-- Open Terminal at File Press ctrl+shift+t on Windows and Linux, or cmd+shift+t on OS X
-- Open Terminal at Project Folder Press ctrl+alt+shift+t on Windows and Linux, or cmd+alt+shift+t on OS X
4 - go get
5 - which goimports
6 - "Preferences > Package Settings > Gofmt > Settings - User" and add below content to it:
"cmds": [
"format_on_save": true
now, Each time you save a .go file, you'll find that it gets automatically formatted and the import packages are updated. No more "imported and not used" errors!
- install package "SublimeLinter"
- install an actual linter:
-- go get
-- which gometalinter
-- gometalinter --install
- install the "SublimeLinter-contrib-gometalinter" plugin
-- go to "Preferences > Package Settings > SublimeLinter > Settings" and add the following settings to the SublimeLinter Settings - User file:
"show_panel_on_save": "window",
"lint_mode": "save",
- go get
- which gocode
- cp -r $GOPATH/src/ ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/gocode
Note: If you're using MacOS then you will probably need to create a new Library/Application\ Support/Sublime\ Text\ 3/Packages/gocode directory
and copy the plugin into this.
- now you should see "gocode" in "Package Control: List Packages" list
- go to "Preferences > Settings" and add new trigger in the "Preferences.sublime-settings - User" file:
"auto_complete_triggers": [
{"selector": "text.html", "characters": "<"},
{"selector": "source.go", "characters": "."}
- restart the sublime text
Code navigation
- go get
- which guru
- install "GoGuru" package
To use the GoGuru tool, first place your cursor over the piece of code you're interested in.
Then if you open the command palette and type the GoGuru prefix you'll see a list of available commands, including:
GoGuru: callees – Show possible targets of selected function call
GoGuru: callers – Show possible callers of selected function
GoGuru: callstack – Show path from callgraph root to selected function
GoGuru: definition – Show declaration of selected identifier
GoGuru: describe – Describe selected syntax: definition, methods, etc
GoGuru: freevars – Show free variables of selection
GoGuru: implements – Show 'implements' relation for selected type or method
GoGuru: jump to definition – Open the file at the declaration of selected identifier
GoGuru: peers – Show send/receive corresponding to selected channel op
GoGuru: pointsto – Show variables the selected pointer may point to
GoGuru: referrers – Show all refs to thing denoted by selected identifier
GoGuru: what – Show basic information about the selected syntax node
GoGuru: whicherrs – Show possible values of the selected error variable
I find the GoGuru: jump to definition and GoGuru: callers commands particularly useful, and easier to use
than grepping or running Ctrl+F on the repository.
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