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Created September 12, 2016 03:17
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simple.asm with more comments
; a simple hello world .COM
; compile with: yasm -o simple.asm
; Ange Albertini, BSD Licence, 2013
; w/ some dummy comments by Rich Seymour
org 100h ; standard loaded address
bits 16 ; ouch :p
DISPLAY_STRING equ 9h ; 9h is DISPLAY_STRING equ means equals foreva, 9h is an interrupt to display
TERMINATE_WITH_RETURN_CODE equ 4ch ; same. interrupt to return from program
MAIN_DOS_API equ 21h ; aka the main dos interrupt
; in a .COM file, DATA is with mixed with CODE
; not strictly required, as by default, ds=cs on initialization, but safer
; cs: code segment, ds: data segment
push cs ; store cs on sp, the stack pointer
pop ds ; pop the sp into ds, the data segment
; print("Hello World!\r\n\r")
; now remember mov moves right to left
; I still haven't found a reason for Intel syntax being right to left.
; But other parts of it make a lot more sense. you could perhaps think of this as mov to dx from msg
; the other syntax AT&T has its own problems so we needn't concern ourselves with it
mov dx, msg ; msg defined at the end is stored in data register DX (ax,bx,cx,dx were the 4 16 bit registers)
mov ah, DISPLAY_STRING ; store the interrupt to actually display a string
int MAIN_DOS_API ; this calls the dos api to do what's in AH
; return 1;
int MAIN_DOS_API ; similar as above, but AX because AH has the 4ch and the errorcode is down in AL
msg db 'Hello World!', 0dh, 0dh, 0ah, '$' ; DOS string are $-terminated. db is a pseudo op to 'assemble' bytes into a variable
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