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Created August 24, 2023 18:21
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Injecting CSS into a web page using Javascript

Injecting CSS into a web page using Javascript

Using createTextNode to set the content of a <style> element is generally considered a safer practice compared to using innerHTML. Using createTextNode ensures that the content is treated as pure text and not parsed as HTML. This can prevent potential cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks if the CSS content were to somehow include malicious code.

Also, using the createTextNode approach is a more standards-compliant way to insert text content into the DOM. It ensures that the content is treated exactly as text, without any ambiguity. While the performance difference is usually negligible, createTextNode can sometimes be more efficient as it doesn't involve the HTML parser.

But in tightly controlled cases, innerHTML is fine. Here's an example of injection from a URL:

function injectCSS(url: string, id: string) {
    if (document.getElementById(id)) return; // Check if the stylesheet is already injected

    const link = document.createElement("link");
    link.rel = "stylesheet";
    link.href = url; = id; // Assign an ID to the link element

function removeCSS(id: string) {
    const link = document.getElementById(id);
    if (link) {
        link.parentNode?.removeChild(link); // Remove the link element by its ID

const cssID = "my-stylesheet";
const cssPath = "path/to/your.css";

injectCSS(cssPath, cssID); // Inject the CSS
removeCSS(cssID); // Remove the CSS when needed

Or from a string, by creating a new <script> element and appending a TextNode containing the CSS file:

injectCSS("body {filter: blur(5px);}", cssID);

function injectCSS(cssContent: string, id: string) {
    if (document.getElementById(id)) return; // Check if the stylesheet is already injected

    const style = document.createElement("style"); = id; // Assign an ID to the style element
    style.type = "text/css";
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