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Created June 26, 2012 04:07
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chess program for python
positions are done row-column from the bottom left and are both numbers. This corresponds to the alpha-number system in traditional chess while being computationally useful. they are specified as tuples
import itertools
WHITE = "white"
BLACK = "black"
class Game:
#ive decided since the number of pieces is capped but the type of pieces is not (pawn transformations), I've already coded much of the modularity to support just using a dictionary of pieces
def __init__(self):
self.playersturn = BLACK
self.message = "this is where prompts will go"
self.gameboard = {}
print("chess program. enter moves in algebraic notation separated by space")
def placePieces(self):
for i in range(0,8):
self.gameboard[(i,1)] = Pawn(WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][Pawn],1)
self.gameboard[(i,6)] = Pawn(BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][Pawn],-1)
placers = [Rook,Knight,Bishop,Queen,King,Bishop,Knight,Rook]
for i in range(0,8):
self.gameboard[(i,0)] = placers[i](WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][placers[i]])
self.gameboard[((7-i),7)] = placers[i](BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][placers[i]])
def main(self):
while True:
self.message = ""
startpos,endpos = self.parseInput()
target = self.gameboard[startpos]
self.message = "could not find piece; index probably out of range"
target = None
if target:
print("found "+str(target))
if target.Color != self.playersturn:
self.message = "you aren't allowed to move that piece this turn"
if target.isValid(startpos,endpos,target.Color,self.gameboard):
self.message = "that is a valid move"
self.gameboard[endpos] = self.gameboard[startpos]
del self.gameboard[startpos]
if self.playersturn == BLACK:
self.playersturn = WHITE
else : self.playersturn = BLACK
else :
self.message = "invalid move" + str(target.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],self.gameboard))
else : self.message = "there is no piece in that space"
def isCheck(self):
#ascertain where the kings are, check all pieces of opposing color against those kings, then if either get hit, check if its checkmate
king = King
kingDict = {}
pieceDict = {BLACK : [], WHITE : []}
for position,piece in self.gameboard.items():
if type(piece) == King:
kingDict[piece.Color] = position
if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[WHITE],pieceDict[BLACK]):
self.message = "White player is in check"
if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[BLACK],pieceDict[WHITE]):
self.message = "Black player is in check"
def canSeeKing(self,kingpos,piecelist):
#checks if any pieces in piece list (which is an array of (piece,position) tuples) can see the king in kingpos
for piece,position in piecelist:
if piece.isValid(position,kingpos,piece.Color,self.gameboard):
return True
def parseInput(self):
a,b = input().split()
a = ((ord(a[0])-97), int(a[1])-1)
b = (ord(b[0])-97, int(b[1])-1)
return (a,b)
print("error decoding input. please try again")
"""def validateInput(self, *kargs):
for arg in kargs:
if type(arg[0]) is not type(1) or type(arg[1]) is not type(1):
return False
return True"""
def printBoard(self):
print(" 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |")
for i in range(0,8):
for j in range(0,8):
item = self.gameboard.get((i,j)," ")
print(str(item)+' |', end = " ")
"""game class. contains the following members and methods:
two arrays of pieces for each player
8x8 piece array with references to these pieces
a parse function, which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points
a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate
a checkExists function which checks if either players are in check (woah, I just got that nonsequitur)
a main loop, which takes input, runs it through the parser, asks the piece if the move is valid, and moves the piece if it is. if the move conflicts with another piece, that piece is removed. ischeck(mate) is run, and if there is a checkmate, the game prints a message as to who wins
class Piece:
def __init__(self,color,name): = name
self.position = None
self.Color = color
def isValid(self,startpos,endpos,Color,gameboard):
if endpos in self.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],gameboard, Color = Color):
return True
return False
def __repr__(self):
def __str__(self):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard):
print("ERROR: no movement for base class")
def AdNauseum(self,x,y,gameboard, Color, intervals):
"""repeats the given interval until another piece is run into.
if that piece is not of the same color, that square is added and
then the list is returned"""
answers = []
for xint,yint in intervals:
xtemp,ytemp = x+xint,y+yint
while self.isInBounds(xtemp,ytemp):
#print(str((xtemp,ytemp))+"is in bounds")
target = gameboard.get((xtemp,ytemp),None)
if target is None: answers.append((xtemp,ytemp))
elif target.Color != Color:
xtemp,ytemp = xtemp + xint,ytemp + yint
return answers
def isInBounds(self,x,y):
"checks if a position is on the board"
if x >= 0 and x < 8 and y >= 0 and y < 8:
return True
return False
def noConflict(self,gameboard,initialColor,x,y):
"checks if a single position poses no conflict to the rules of chess"
if self.isInBounds(x,y) and (((x,y) not in gameboard) or gameboard[(x,y)].Color != initialColor) : return True
return False
chessCardinals = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
chessDiagonals = [(1,1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(-1,-1)]
def knightList(x,y,int1,int2):
"""sepcifically for the rook, permutes the values needed around a position for noConflict tests"""
return [(x+int1,y+int2),(x-int1,y+int2),(x+int1,y-int2),(x-int1,y-int2),(x+int2,y+int1),(x-int2,y+int1),(x+int2,y-int1),(x-int2,y-int1)]
def kingList(x,y):
return [(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x,y+1),(x,y-1),(x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x-1,y-1)]
class Knight(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in knightList(x,y,2,1) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]
class Rook(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard ,Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals)
class Bishop(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessDiagonals)
class Queen(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals+chessDiagonals)
class King(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in kingList(x,y) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]
class Pawn(Piece):
def __init__(self,color,name,direction): = name
self.Color = color
#of course, the smallest piece is the hardest to code. direction should be either 1 or -1, should be -1 if the pawn is traveling "backwards"
self.direction = direction
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
answers = []
if (x+1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x+1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x+1,y+self.direction))
if (x-1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x-1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x-1,y+self.direction))
if (x,y+self.direction) not in gameboard and Color == self.Color : answers.append((x,y+self.direction))# the condition after the and is to make sure the non-capturing movement (the only fucking one in the game) is not used in the calculation of checkmate
return answers
uniDict = {WHITE : {Pawn : "♙", Rook : "♖", Knight : "♘", Bishop : "♗", King : "♔", Queen : "♕" }, BLACK : {Pawn : "♟", Rook : "♜", Knight : "♞", Bishop : "♝", King : "♚", Queen : "♛" }}
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pawn can moves two forward from their starting place. I dont think yours can

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Seems to always return error with input for me
You should probably make clearer instructions

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Kwame0 commented May 3, 2018

why dont u guys just code it urselves if ur having problems lmao

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Menocha commented Aug 12, 2018

hey! I'm gonna try it. Any recommendations?

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The following are the issues that I found:
Boards sideways instead of up and down
Black and white are on the wrong side of the board
The white king and queen are in the wrong positions
It doesn't recognize checkmate
It lets you take into check
Pawns only move one square
No en passant
No castling
Crashes when you capture king
Not proper notation

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Very educative, Thanks for the upload...

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JayTesla commented Mar 8, 2019

This program run which complier

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hi, i really like your chess program, but i have can not figure out how to move the pieces. I am trying to type e4 but it dont work, i have also tried e2 e4 but it doesnt work. Can you please tell me how the moving works?

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hi, i really like your chess program, but i have can not figure out how to move the pieces. I am trying to type e4 but it dont work, i have also tried e2 e4 but it doesnt work. Can you please tell me how the moving works?

Me too

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inigmati commented Apr 5, 2019

Start as a white player i.e. e7 e6

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also its not put for first moving pawns to go 2 spaces

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very exactly

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"why dont u guys just code it urselves if ur having problems lmao"
I came ere to learn how to but how can I dissect code if I cant even interact with it to see how its working (if it even does)

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Ogrone commented Nov 28, 2019

hi, i really like your chess program, but i have can not figure out how to move the pieces. I am trying to type e4 but it dont work, i have also tried e2 e4 but it doesnt work. Can you please tell me how the moving works?

Me too

i have the same problem

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hi, i really like your chess program, but i have can not figure out how to move the pieces. I am trying to type e4 but it dont work, i have also tried e2 e4 but it doesnt work. Can you please tell me how the moving works?

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I can't promote my pawn to a queen

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NicholasSager55 commented Jul 6, 2020

If you are having difficulties with the other code, I improved it with some minor fixes. If you want to know how to move your pieces, type a2-a4 as an example. Make sure to copy all of the code after this text:

positions are done row-column from the bottom left and are both numbers.
This corresponds to the alpha-number system in traditional chess while being computationally useful.
They are specified as tuples
import itertools
import copy
import inspect
WHITE = "white"
BLACK = "black"
gameboard = None

def canSeeKing(kingpos,piecelist, overridegameboard = None):
global gameboard
overridegameboard = overridegameboard or gameboard
for piece,position in piecelist:
if piece.isValid(position,kingpos,piece.Color,overridegameboard):
return True

def isCheck(overridegameboard = None):
global gameboard
#ascertain where the kings are, check all pieces of opposing color against those kings,
# then if either get hit, check if its checkmate
overridegameboard = overridegameboard or gameboard
king = King
kingDict = {}
pieceDict = {BLACK : [], WHITE : []}
for position,piece in overridegameboard.items():
if type(piece) == king:
kingDict[piece.Color] = position
if canSeeKing(kingDict[WHITE],pieceDict[BLACK], overridegameboard):
return WHITE
if canSeeKing(kingDict[BLACK],pieceDict[WHITE], overridegameboard):
return BLACK
return False

class Game:
def init(self):
global gameboard
self.playersturn = WHITE
self.message = "Input Your Move"
gameboard = self.gameboard = {}
print("Chess program. Enter moves in algebraic notation separated by space. Example: a2-a4")

def placePieces(self):

    for i in range(0,8):
        self.gameboard[(i,1)] = Pawn(WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][Pawn],1)
        self.gameboard[(i,6)] = Pawn(BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][Pawn],-1)
    placers = [Rook, Knight, Bishop, Queen, King, Bishop, Knight, Rook]
    for i in range(0,8):
        self.gameboard[(i,0)] = placers[i](WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][placers[i]])
        self.gameboard[((7-i),7)] = placers[i](BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][placers[i]])

def main(self):
    while True:
        self.message = ""
        startpos,endpos = self.parseInput()
            target = self.gameboard[startpos]
            self.message = "could not find piece; index probably out of range"
            target = None
        if target:
            print("found "+str(target))
            if target.Color != self.playersturn:
                self.message = "This is Not Your Turn"
            if target.isValid(startpos,endpos,target.Color,self.gameboard):
                hasLegalMoves = False
                for position in self.gameboard:
                    piece = self.gameboard[position]
                    if (piece.Color == self.playersturn):
                        for move in piece.availableMoves(position[0], position[1], self.gameboard):
                            overridegameboard = copy.deepcopy(self.gameboard)
                            overridegameboard[move] = self.gameboard[position]
                            del overridegameboard[position]
                            if (isCheck(overridegameboard) != self.playersturn):
                                hasLegalMoves = True
                if (not hasLegalMoves):
                    if (isCheck() == self.playersturn) : print("You are in checkmate. " + ({WHITE: BLACK, BLACK: WHITE})[self.playersturn] + " wins!")
                    else : print("Stalemate. Nobody wins!")
                overridegameboard = copy.deepcopy(self.gameboard)
                overridegameboard[endpos] = self.gameboard[startpos]
                del overridegameboard[startpos]
                if (isCheck(overridegameboard) == self.playersturn) : self.message = "You are not allowed to put yourself in check!"
                    self.message = "That Move is Allowed"
                    self.gameboard[endpos] = self.gameboard[startpos]
                    del self.gameboard[startpos]
                    Check = isCheck()
                    if (Check):
                        self.message = "Player is in check"
                    if self.playersturn == BLACK:
                        self.playersturn = WHITE
                    else : self.playersturn = BLACK
            else : 
                self.message = "invalid move" + str(target.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],self.gameboard))
        else : self.message = "There is no Piece in That Space"
def parseInput(self):
        a,b = input().split('-')
        a = ((ord(a[0])-97), int(a[1])-1)
        b = (ord(b[0])-97, int(b[1])-1)
        return (a,b)
        print("error decoding input. please try again")

"""def validateInput(self, *kargs):
    for arg in kargs:
        if type(arg[0]) is not type(1) or type(arg[1]) is not type(1):
            return False
    return True"""
def printBoard(self):
    print("  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |")
    for i in range(0,8):
        for j in range(0,8):
            item = self.gameboard.get((i,j)," ")
            print(str(item)+' |', end = " ")
"""game class. contains the following members and methods:
two arrays of pieces for each player
8x8 piece array with references to these pieces
a parse function, which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points
a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate
a checkExists function which checks if either players are in check
a main loop, which takes input, runs it through the parser, asks the piece if the move is valid, 
and moves the piece if it is.
If the move conflicts with another piece, that piece is removed. is check(mate) is run,
and if there is a checkmate, the game prints a message as to who wins.

class Piece:

def __init__(self,color,name): = name
    self.position = None
    self.Color = color
def isValid(self,startpos,endpos,Color,gameboard):
    if endpos in self.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],gameboard,Color):
        return True
    return False
def __repr__(self):

def __str__(self):

def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard,Color=None):
    print("ERROR: no movement for base class")
def AdNauseum(self,x,y,gameboard, Color, intervals):
    """Repeats the given interval until another piece is run into. 
    if that piece is not of the same color, that square is added and
     then the list is returned"""
    answers = []
    for xint,yint in intervals:
        xtemp,ytemp = x+xint,y+yint
        while self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xtemp, ytemp):
            #print(str((xtemp,ytemp))+"is in bounds")
            target = gameboard.get((xtemp,ytemp),None)
            if target is None: answers.append((xtemp,ytemp))
            elif target.Color != Color: 
            xtemp,ytemp = xtemp + xint,ytemp + yint
    return answers
def isInBounds(self,x,y):
    "Checks if a position is on the board"
    if x >= 0 and x < 8 and y >= 0 and y < 8:
        return True
    return False

def noConflict(self,gameboard,initialColor,x,y):
    "Checks if a single position poses no conflict to the rules of chess"
    if self.isInBounds(x,y) and (((x,y) not in gameboard) or gameboard[(x,y)].Color != initialColor) : return True
    return False

chessCardinals = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
chessDiagonals = [(1,1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(-1,-1)]

def knightList(x,y,int1,int2):
"""Sepcifically for the rook, permutes the values needed around a position for noConflict tests"""
return [(x+int1,y+int2),(x-int1,y+int2),(x+int1,y-int2),(x-int1,y-int2),(x+int2,y+int1),(x-int2,y+int1),(x+int2,y-int1),(x-int2,y-int1)]
def kingList(x,y):
return [(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x,y+1),(x,y-1),(x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x-1,y-1)]

class Knight(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in knightList(x,y,2,1) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]

class Rook(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard ,Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals)

class Bishop(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessDiagonals)

class Queen(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals+chessDiagonals)

class King(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in kingList(x,y) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]

class Pawn(Piece):
def init(self,color,name,direction): = name
self.Color = color
self.direction = direction
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
answers = []
if (x+1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x+1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x+1,y+self.direction))
if (x-1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x-1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x-1,y+self.direction))
if (x,y+self.direction) not in gameboard and Color == self.Color and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x,y+self.direction))# the condition after the and is to make sure the non-0capturing movement is not used in the calculation of checkmate
if (x,y+self.direction2) not in gameboard and Color == self.Color and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x, y+self.direction2) : answers.append((x,y+self.direction*2))# the condition after the and is to make sure the non-0capturing movement is not used in the calculation of checkmate
return answers

uniDict = {WHITE : {Pawn : "♙", Rook : "♖", Knight : "♘", Bishop : "♗", King : "♔", Queen : "♕" }, BLACK : {Pawn : "♟", Rook : "♜", Knight : "♞", Bishop : "♝", King : "♚", Queen : "♛" }}

if (name == "main"):
input("Press the Enter Key to Exit")


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that doesnt work

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Seems to always return error with input for me
You should probably make clearer instructions

use instructions like "a1 a3"
for moving from a1 to a3

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I need a professional to program this game

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hmmmmm you can't castle you can't move pawn two squares front (the first time each pawn is moved you can move it 2sq. front)

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R3DHULK commented Jul 18, 2022

positions are done row-column from the bottom left and are both numbers. This corresponds to the alpha-number system in traditional chess while being computationally useful. they are specified as tuples
import itertools as it
WHITE = "white"
BLACK = "black"

logo = '''

  by R3DHULK © Sumalya Chatterjee



class Game:
#ive decided since the number of pieces is capped but the type of pieces is not (pawn transformations), I've already coded much of the modularity to support just using a dictionary of pieces
def init(self):
self.playersturn = BLACK
self.message = "this is where prompts will go"
self.gameboard = {}
print("chess program. enter moves in algebraic notation separated by space")

def placePieces(self):

    for i in range(0,8):
        self.gameboard[(i,1)] = Pawn(WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][Pawn],1)
        self.gameboard[(i,6)] = Pawn(BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][Pawn],-1)
    placers = [Rook,Knight,Bishop,Queen,King,Bishop,Knight,Rook]
    for i in range(0,8):
        self.gameboard[(i,0)] = placers[i](WHITE,uniDict[WHITE][placers[i]])
        self.gameboard[((7-i),7)] = placers[i](BLACK,uniDict[BLACK][placers[i]])

def main(self):
    while True:
        self.message = ""
        startpos,endpos = self.parseInput()
            target = self.gameboard[startpos]
            self.message = "could not find piece; index probably out of range"
            target = None
        if target:
            print("found "+str(target))
            if target.Color != self.playersturn:
                self.message = "you aren't allowed to move that piece this turn"
            if target.isValid(startpos,endpos,target.Color,self.gameboard):
                self.message = "that is a valid move"
                self.gameboard[endpos] = self.gameboard[startpos]
                del self.gameboard[startpos]
                if self.playersturn == BLACK:
                    self.playersturn = WHITE
                else : self.playersturn = BLACK
            else : 
                self.message = "invalid move" + str(target.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],self.gameboard))
        else : self.message = "there is no piece in that space"
def isCheck(self):
    #ascertain where the kings are, check all pieces of opposing color against those kings, then if either get hit, check if its checkmate
    king = King
    kingDict = {}
    pieceDict = {BLACK : [], WHITE : []}
    for position,piece in self.gameboard.items():
        if type(piece) == King:
            kingDict[piece.Color] = position
    if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[WHITE],pieceDict[BLACK]):
        self.message = "White player is in check"
    if self.canSeeKing(kingDict[BLACK],pieceDict[WHITE]):
        self.message = "Black player is in check"
def canSeeKing(self,kingpos,piecelist):
    #checks if any pieces in piece list (which is an array of (piece,position) tuples) can see the king in kingpos
    for piece,position in piecelist:
        if piece.isValid(position,kingpos,piece.Color,self.gameboard):
            return True
def parseInput(self):
        a,b = input().split()
        a = ((ord(a[0])-97), int(a[1])-1)
        b = (ord(b[0])-97, int(b[1])-1)
        return (a,b)
        print("error decoding input. please try again")

"""def validateInput(self, *kargs):
    for arg in kargs:
        if type(arg[0]) is not type(1) or type(arg[1]) is not type(1):
            return False
    return True"""
def printBoard(self):
    print("  1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 |")
    for i in range(0,8):
        for j in range(0,8):
            item = self.gameboard.get((i,j)," ")
            print(str(item)+' |', end = " ")
"""game class. contains the following members and methods:
two arrays of pieces for each player
8x8 piece array with references to these pieces
a parse function, which turns the input from the user into a list of two tuples denoting start and end points
a checkmateExists function which checks if either players are in checkmate
a checkExists function which checks if either players are in check (woah, I just got that nonsequitur)
a main loop, which takes input, runs it through the parser, asks the piece if the move is valid, and moves the piece if it is. if the move conflicts with another piece, that piece is removed. ischeck(mate) is run, and if there is a checkmate, the game prints a message as to who wins

class Piece:

def __init__(self,color,name): = name
    self.position = None
    self.Color = color
def isValid(self,startpos,endpos,Color,gameboard):
    if endpos in self.availableMoves(startpos[0],startpos[1],gameboard, Color = Color):
        return True
    return False
def __repr__(self):

def __str__(self):

def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard):
    print("ERROR: no movement for base class")
def AdNauseum(self,x,y,gameboard, Color, intervals):
    """repeats the given interval until another piece is run into. 
    if that piece is not of the same color, that square is added and
     then the list is returned"""
    answers = []
    for xint,yint in intervals:
        xtemp,ytemp = x+xint,y+yint
        while self.isInBounds(xtemp,ytemp):
            #print(str((xtemp,ytemp))+"is in bounds")
            target = gameboard.get((xtemp,ytemp),None)
            if target is None: answers.append((xtemp,ytemp))
            elif target.Color != Color: 
            xtemp,ytemp = xtemp + xint,ytemp + yint
    return answers
def isInBounds(self,x,y):
    "checks if a position is on the board"
    if x >= 0 and x < 8 and y >= 0 and y < 8:
        return True
    return False

def noConflict(self,gameboard,initialColor,x,y):
    "checks if a single position poses no conflict to the rules of chess"
    if self.isInBounds(x,y) and (((x,y) not in gameboard) or gameboard[(x,y)].Color != initialColor) : return True
    return False

chessCardinals = [(1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1)]
chessDiagonals = [(1,1),(-1,1),(1,-1),(-1,-1)]

def knightList(x,y,int1,int2):
"""sepcifically for the rook, permutes the values needed around a position for noConflict tests"""
return [(x+int1,y+int2),(x-int1,y+int2),(x+int1,y-int2),(x-int1,y-int2),(x+int2,y+int1),(x-int2,y+int1),(x+int2,y-int1),(x-int2,y-int1)]
def kingList(x,y):
return [(x+1,y),(x+1,y+1),(x+1,y-1),(x,y+1),(x,y-1),(x-1,y),(x-1,y+1),(x-1,y-1)]

class Knight(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in knightList(x,y,2,1) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]

class Rook(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard ,Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals)

class Bishop(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessDiagonals)

class Queen(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return self.AdNauseum(x, y, gameboard, Color, chessCardinals+chessDiagonals)

class King(Piece):
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
return [(xx,yy) for xx,yy in kingList(x,y) if self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, xx, yy)]

class Pawn(Piece):
def init(self,color,name,direction): = name
self.Color = color
#of course, the smallest piece is the hardest to code. direction should be either 1 or -1, should be -1 if the pawn is traveling "backwards"
self.direction = direction
def availableMoves(self,x,y,gameboard, Color = None):
if Color is None : Color = self.Color
answers = []
if (x+1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x+1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x+1,y+self.direction))
if (x-1,y+self.direction) in gameboard and self.noConflict(gameboard, Color, x-1, y+self.direction) : answers.append((x-1,y+self.direction))
if (x,y+self.direction) not in gameboard and Color == self.Color : answers.append((x,y+self.direction))# the condition after the and is to make sure the non-capturing movement (the only fucking one in the game) is not used in the calculation of checkmate
return answers

uniDict = {WHITE : {Pawn : "♙", Rook : "♖", Knight : "♘", Bishop : "♗", King : "♔", Queen : "♕" }, BLACK : {Pawn : "♟", Rook : "♜", Knight : "♞", Bishop : "♝", King : "♚", Queen : "♛" }}



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R3DHULK commented Jul 18, 2022

I modified something extra but it worked from terminal
direct run from vs code throw some errors but from terminal of linux and cmd from windows do support this output
I also attach a picture as proof

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R3DHULK commented Jul 18, 2022

for moving use g2 g3 to g2->g3

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it's not letting me run it, it works and shows up, but how do i move the pieces, i tried e2 e3, i tried e2 -> e3, so idk

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Menocha commented Jan 26, 2023

it's not letting me run it, it works and shows up, but how do i move the pieces, i tried e2 e3, i tried e2 -> e3, so idk

Hi! I'm about to get into a meeting. I'll check it out after.

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visual studio code

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